Three ways you can navigate the transitions you’re facing this fall

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As we stood in our driveway sipping warm coffee, our next door neighbors pulled into their driveway having returned from the airport after dropping their daughter off for her first day in the military. They walked straight over to our driveway and joined us. Their emotion was raw, full of the same questions, concern, and excitement that we all had, but on a very different level. 

For the second year we invited our neighbors and their kids to meet in our driveway for doughnuts, juice boxes, and coffee before walking up the street to school. The neighbor kids span the full spectrum of transition, from kindergarten to post-high school enlistment in the military.

New phases with new challenges, new classrooms, and new routines. Regardless of the age of our kids, our feelings and concerns were similar:

Where does the time go? We remember setting up obstacle courses in the basement for the kids to run through; now life sets up its own obstacles for them. What if they struggle? It’s hard to get to the other side of the worry to look on with anticipation and say, “Yes, they will struggle, and there will be setbacks, but what if they fly?”

Transitions are hard. We all need a good neighbor, a good friend, and a good plan.

Our connection to each other is an integral part of our connection to God. Whatever transition you find yourself in the midst of, here are three ways you can embrace the transition:  

  • Good Neighbors
    Plan a bonfire with s’mores, doughnuts before school, or simply walk across the street and introduce yourself to your neighbors. You need them as much as they need you. This past year, we explored The Art of Neighboring, an insightful book underscoring the power of being a good neighbor. Read it, and let it lead you.
  • Good Friends
    Get connected to a small group here at Five Oaks. Walk together and grow together.
  • Good Plan
    Attend one of our milestone classes this fall: Family Dedication, Baptism, Navigating Middle School & High School. Each of these is designed to partner with you and equip you for a life of deep relationship with your kids that leads to bringing the story of God to life.


-John Eiselt
Family and Discipleship Pastor

Spirit of Unity

May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
— Romans 15:5

Keep this as a reminder with you all week.
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