
Unique Resources to help families thrive

We understand you want the best for your family which is why for over 30 years we've been helping families win.


Raising our families well is one of our most important assignments as parents, and it’s also one that can be the most confusing. Join us for a Parenting Event that will include three different topics and speakers to choose from: College Path Guidance; Smart Money, Smart Kids; and Parenting with Intention.

October 7 | 6:30-8:00 pm
Childcare available: $5/child
Snacks included

Questions? Email Kelly, kbauman@fiveoakschurch.org

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Family Resource Center

The Five Oaks Family Resource Center is a place to find the best resources customized for you and your family to help you journey together. 


Every Family is on a Journey

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Our Milestone Classes are designed to coach and prepare you for the key events in your child’s/student’s spiritual journey.

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Parenting Events

Our Parenting events are an incredible experience that equip parents to embrace the significance of each phase of their child’s life from birth to adulthood. 

** Watch previous online classes and events on YouTube **

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Family Impact Experiences

Our Family Impact Experiences will help you introduce your kids to loving and serving the people, community, and world around them.