Join us in bringing the story of God to life in Cottage Grove!

Cottage Grove is one of the fastest growing areas in the Twin cities and there is a need for more gospel-centered churches. By “slow planting” a church, we can expand our reach and impact more lives with the Gospel.


Henry Michael grew up in the area and is excited about the growth of both Five Oaks and Cottage Grove. With a passion for making disciples and fostering meaningful relationships, Henry is excited to lead this unique “slow plant” journey, transitioning from a multisite campus into an autonomous church in the coming years. He is joined by his wife, Holly, and their four children—Navy, Hank, Mack, and Bonnie—who are equally eager to embrace this new season of ministry. Outside of church-related activities, you’ll likely find Henry spending time with his family, reading a good book, fly fishing, cheering on the Vikings, or playing pickleball. The Williams family looks forward to building connections and growing together with the people of Cottage Grove.

 Slow Plant: Frequently Asked Questions

  • Many churches throughout the US have started campuses that eventually become autonomous churches because of size, tension, or practicality. We are starting a campus that is moving toward autonomy as our primary strategy. The Cottage Grove campus will have live worship, in-person teaching, small groups, and kids’ ministry—focusing on ministry while partnering with Five Oaks to move toward autonomy functionally and financially.

  • As Five Oaks grows, we need to make space for more people and families to join our community. We know that healthy churches plant healthy churches. By starting a church rather than expanding our current space, we are participating in God’s work in Cottage Grove because new churches reach more people better, faster, and cheaper than existing churches. In the kingdom of God, multiplication is more powerful than addition.

  • The Cottage Grove campus will meet at Oltman Middle School, a state-of-the-art facility built in 2018 off 65th Street S. and Goodview Ave in Cottage Grove. Our campus will have access to the main doors in the front of the building, we will meet in the theater room for worship and use various classrooms and the media center for kids’ ministry.

  • Henry Michael Williams, who has been serving as our student and family pastor since 2018, will lead the Cottage Grove campus. We will utilize the teaching team model, with preachers from Five Oaks occasionally preaching in Cottage Grove. Other staff, including worship and kids directors, will be added to the team in the coming months, so stay tuned!

  • The Cottage Grove Campus will start with one worship service at 10:15 am on Sundays. 

  • The goal of the campus will be to replicate the DNA of Five Oaks for the city of Cottage Grove. The Cottage Grove Campus will have live teaching, worship, kids’ ministry on Sunday mornings. We also will have our own small groups that follow the same model as Five Oaks small groups, meeting on various evenings throughout the week in people’s homes.

    Five Oaks and the Cottage Grove campus will initially share Impact (missions), men’s, women’s, and student ministries. 

    • Together Campaign (January – March)

    • Information and vision gatherings (TBD March) 

    • Preparation Services (Aug. 17, 24, 31, Sept. 7, 14)

    • Commissioning of Launch Team (Sept. 15)

    • Soft Launch in Cottage Grove (Sept. 21, 28, Oct. 5, 12)

    • Grand Opening (Date coming soon)

    *Dates may change during this process; look for updates and communication for upcoming date changes!

  • Everyone can get involved, whether you are going to the new campus or staying at Five Oaks.

    • Pray – We ask everyone who calls Five Oaks their home to seek God for wisdom, unity, and high impact as we reach people who don’t know him and have no church home.

    • Promote—We are asking everyone, regardless of which campus you attend, to spread the word about God's exciting movement in Cottage Grove.

    • Participate—If you feel called to be part of the Cottage Grove campus or are interested in learning more, complete the online commitment card. This commitment card will allow you to list where you want to serve or indicate that you are interested and have more questions.

Do you have more questions? Email Henry Michael Williams at