Join Us this winter
Saturday Mornings
Starting January 4
7:00 - 8:15 am
at Five oaks
WEdnesday evenings
Starting January 8
6:15 - 7:45 Pm
at East Ridge High School
Upcoming Events
There’s no roadmap to manhood…
or at least it feels that way sometimes. We deal with so many messages that tell us who we are as men and we don’t have time to stop and figure it out. We’ve been helping men of all ages and all walks of life take time to ask the bigger questions, live a life intentionally and look at how we were uniquely designed to live.

The roadmap starts simple
Here’s our promise to you
We’ll make you feel welcome and you'll have someone you know and can talk to the entire time you try us out.
When you share about your life, it is kept confidential. We take authenticity seriously.
We aren't going to make you pray out loud... unless you want to of course.
You won't feel out of place. We have men from 20-70 and blue collar to white collar. We’ll connect you with the right guys.
We will help you follow the roadmap of becoming the man you are designed to be.
We won't make you feel guilty for not coming. But, of course you will be missed!

Learn about our Men’s mentoring program
New groups begin each fall