Our online giving has moved to Realm
If you have been making automatic recurring gifts to Five Oaks, there is one more step to take now that you have joined the Realm community and set up your giving there.
If you have been making one-time rather than automatic recurring gifts this step is not necessary.
CLICK HERE to go to the log in page for your old giving profile, sign in, and delete the recurring gifts. You might also want to delete the account you have been using to make your gifts.
If you have difficulty logging in or would like help in deleting those gifts please email our Business Administrator, Dave Casmer, at dcasmer@fiveoakschurch.org for assistance.
Please note that our secure giving platform has not changed. We are simply using a different access link under your Realm profile. We will be closing the old link once users have had time to move to the Realm link.
Step 2:
Setting up your Giving on Realm
If you already have an account on Realm, you can always access your giving by logging into your profile and clicking on your Giving tab. This is available both online and on your Connect Realm App! All of your giving will be at your fingertips.
Set up a one-time or recurring gift at any time. Through your Realm account you can also go back to review your giving history, print a statement or adjust your giving!
Curious about what Realm is and want to join? Visit HERE to learn more!