Weekend of January 23 + 24

Story of God session starts February 9 - Think of the Story of God as a spiritual bootcamp. It’s foundational. With a framework for the whole Bible, you’ll get more out of reading it and studying it for the rest of your life. The Story of God also offers a practical, relational-based framework for spiritual formation. Grow deeper as a follower of Christ. Connect with others on the same journey.

New Life Family Services - Diaper Drive

It's Sanctity of Human Life Month, and we are celebrating by supporting New Life Family Services with our annual Diaper Drive! During the weekends of Jan. 16/17 and 23/24, bring in diapers of any size to the NLFS table located by the Impact wall. Also, enter to win a pair of tickets to NLFS's upcoming event: Laugh for Life, Sat. Jan. 30, 7:00 PM at Grace Church Eden Prairie. Drawing will be held after services on Jan. 24, and winners will be notified by email.

About New Life Family Services:

New Life Family Services compassionately opens their doors and hearts to women and men who believe abortion is the “only” solution to an unplanned pregnancy. Through practical and spiritual counsel, they provide education and support with the hope each client will make a life-affirming decision for their unborn child.

NLFS offers three distinct services that affirm life:

Pregnancy Counseling:

New Life operates four pregnancy center locations, known as First Care Pregnancy Center, throughout the Twin Cities and Rochester communities. Each center is equipped with social workers, nurses, and trained staff who provide free pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, pregnancy-related counseling, referrals, resources and more. Three of their pregnancy centers also offer Parenting Plus, a parenting education program which allows families to earn practical items such as clothing, car seats, diapers, and more.

Licensed Adoption Services:

New Life Family Services has been licensed to provide adoption services since 1980. New Life facilitates full adoption services and partial services to allow for complete customization based on each individuals needs.

Post-abortion Counseling and Recovery

Through Conquerors, New Life restores hope after abortion to men and women ready to seek healing from the damage a past abortion has caused in their lives. Conquerors offers both group sessions and individual mentoring.

Weekend of January 16 + 17

Small Group sign-ups this weekend - God wants us to know him. God wants us to hear from him through scripture, prayer and his community, the church. One of the most natural ways we “do community” at Five Oaks is through small groups. Most Five Oakers who participate in a small group find that their small group becomes their church family. If you haven’t already done so, now is a great time to join a small group.

Tea With The Talks

Last month my wife Katie and I hosted our first Christmas Tea with the Talks, with the six grade girls. At first, I was very nervous because what do people do at tea parties anyway? I had nightmares of girls spilling scalding hot tea on themselves and Christmas cookies flying all over the place. The idea of a tea party sounded very boring and scary to me. I am so glad I didn't let my doubts and fears stop me from having this event. We had a lot of fun with drinking tea and hot chocolate and eating elegant finger foods. One highlight was when we played a game in which the girls picked Christmas Carols and genres of music out of a hat. They then had five minutes to rehearse and perform their version of the carol. Heavy Metal Jingle Bells was pretty amazing! It was an awesome time of fellowship and growing closer as a group. God taught me to trust in him and not be afraid of my doubts. It was an amazing time and I'm looking forward to the next Christmas Tea with the Talks!


This weekend in the Tree House! January 9th & 10th

The Christmas season has ended and the new year has begun. School is back in session and life is getting back to routine. The same is true of us here in the Tree House.

We are excited to introduce a new book to our 1st-4th graders. We began the year with a curriculum written by Kay Arthur and Jana Arndt called, "How to study your Bible, for kids!" Learning the method of inductive study and asking the 5 W's and an H questions to understand what the scripture says.  In keeping with the same study style, "Boy, have I got problems!" will help kids learn what the Word of God says to help them through problems such as; when bad things happen, when they are tempted to do wrong, when they are not nice and even when they don't know how to pray. 

Through this new book they will become advice columnists digging in to the Word of God, focusing on the book of James, for the answers. They begin this week with, 'Sometimes bad things happen to me!'  Please pray for our children as they maneuver through some of these tough questions and pray that God will open their hearts to see the truth in His Word!

Weekend of January 9 + 10

Are you fun? Share your fun! - Did you have a good time at last year’s Game Café, Fireworks at Five Oaks, or the Fall Fun Fest?  Here’s your chance to keep the fun rolling by joining our Five Oaks Fun Team. Maybe you’ve never served at Five Oaks before, or maybe you made a resolution to give back to your church by serving in the New Year. ...

God has Given us the Victory through Jesus Christ

God has given us the victory through Jesus Christ. Stand your ground. Be strong and don’t hold back. Throw yourselves into the work of the Lord. Nothing you do for him is a waste of time or effort
— 1 Cor. 15

Keep this as a reminder with you all week. Click the button below to download a lock screen for your phone.

And the winner is...

The 1st-4th graders have been working extra hard to learn the books of the New Testament, in order, to win Sam, the Detective Beagle! Once they learned the books, they would recite them to thier teacher and if they got them correct, thier name would be added in to a drawing for Sam. And now we have a winner!  *drumroll please* ....Abigail Rundquist... Congratulations and great job learning the books of the New Testament!  :) 

Don't worry though kids, there will be another chance to win your own Sam, the Detective Beagle, again soon. Be listening and watching in your classroom on the weekends for details.


Weekend of January 2 + 3

Financial Peace University to start in January - More than 70 percent of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, and financial issues are one of the leading causes of marital and relational strain. Having a plan for your money — not only how much to save but also how to save creatively — can help you get from financially stretched to, well, financially peaceful. 

Weekend of December 27

Perspectives Class - God calls us to further his gospel around the world. The Perspectives class will shed light on our being part of a global movement, one that started with Abraham, to reach all people to bring God glory. The 15 lessons on God’s plan for the nations will rock your world and leave you changed forever.  Five Oaks is hosting the class starting January 7.  It’s a discipleship class as well as a credit course for students, and a $200 mission trip credit is offered for anyone from Five Oaks who completes the course

What you can expect at our Christmas Eve services

Our Christmas Eve services at Five Oaks will be a chance to gather as a church family and celebrate the birth of our Savior. Our services will include Christmas carols, prayer and the Christmas story, aimed at the whole family. Better yet, invite someone you know who doesn’t have a church home to join you at Five Oaks.

We are offering six services between December 23 and 24. The 11 pm service on Christmas Eve will be slightly different from the first five services. It will more closely resemble the Advent prayer services: quieter, more contemplative, more acoustic. We will focus on the angels’ song in the Christmas story, making more space for prayer and reflection. It will be different enough that yes, you can easily come to one of the other services AND our 11 pm service and glean different things from each.

In order to make this a better experience for you, please RSVP for our Christmas Eve services. We want to make sure we have room for you, yours, and your friends. We want to save you a seat. You can RSVP here.

December 23

5:00 pm

6:30 pm

December 24

2:00 pm

3:30 pm

5:00 pm

11:00 pm

Kids up through kindergarten will have child care available at all services except the 11 pm. The Retreat will be available for our special abilities kids during the 2 pm service on December 24.

-Daniel Lukas




Weekend of December 19 + 20

Christmas Services at Five Oaks - You may have a co-worker, a neighbor, or even a family member who doesn’t have a church home but would welcome an invite from you. Childcare up through kindergarten will be available at all services except the 11 pm. The Retreat will be available for our special abilities children during the 2 pm service.

Serve in Bucharest, Romania

April 16 - 24, 2016

Serve the 'Least of These' in Bucharest, Romania this coming year. Impact Ministries is partnering with the Ruth-Project School in Romania to offer an exciting Global Missions opportunity. We will take a team of 6 - 12 mission-minded individuals to serve and work with the 400+ Roma (Gypsy) children at the school and in the Ferentari district of Bucharest. The Roma are among the poorest people group in Romania and throughout Europe.

The Romanian government has identified Monday, April 18 - Friday, April 22 as Field Trip Week. In addition to other activities, during the school week we will help guide the children through museums and other cultural activities.

The Ruth School is committed to giving education to the marginalized and disadvantaged, particularly for those coming from Roma (Gypsy) families in order to help them reach their highest potential. Through education, the Ruth School seeks to assist in the inclusion of Roma in society as well as their future educational endeavors (high school, vocational schools, etc.)
In addition to the educational opportunities offered by the Ruth School, there was more that attracted students to Project Ruth. Due to poverty, many children started to attend the school simply because of the hot meal offered by the foundation. Noticing all these things, The Ruth School organized the following services for their target group: an educational program based on the MECT curriculum, programs of education, a hot meal at the school and basic medical care as well as hygiene program. For more information on the Project-Ruth School click here: http://www.projectruth.ro/

Cost is $2,200 per person. We will help you gather support to serve. You were made for mission. Pray about this opportunity. To sign up or for further information email Jerry Meras, jmeras@fiveoakschurch.org.