
Current Opportunities


Questions? Email

Monthly TABLE

An opportunity to connect with other women by sharing a meal and enjoying guided conversation

  • Meets at Five Oaks Church

  • Wednesday Mornings once a month

  • No Cost and Childcare is provided (must register your child by the Sunday prior)

  • Next TABLE: Wednesday, February 5, at 9:30-11:30 am

  • Upcoming Dates: March 5, April 2, & May 7



Connect 4

Whether you have been at Five Oaks for two weeks or 20 years, this is an opportunity to connect with other Five Oaks Women. Participants will be placed in groups of four and the “host” will contact the group to schedule the date and time to share a meal together at a restaurant or host home. This will be a time to get to know each other as the host guides the group through intentional conversation to help connect and encourage one another. All ages and stages of life are welcome!

Groups meet twice over two months

For more information, email


Upcoming Studies

Thursday Evening Studies

  • Thursdays, 6:30-8:00 pm 

  • Meets at Five Oaks

  • Cost: $10

Seven Week study

When You Pray by Kelly Minter, Jackie Hill Perry, Jen Wilkin, Jennifer Rothschild, Jada Edwards and Krista McLelland

Leader: Christina Noble
Meets: January 16 - February 27

Prayer is nothing short of an invitation to communicate directly with the God of the universe. What an incredible gift! And yet, so many of us struggle to build meaningful prayer lives. We have trouble thinking of what to say or how to say it; we fear that our prayers are somehow "too much," or, conversely, "not enough." 

In this 7-week video-based study we will take an in-depth look at six Biblical prayers and discover how we can use these models to integrate prayer into our own lives. This study is for anyone who wants to pray and does not know how, as well as for those with active prayer lives who want to dig deeper. 

Homework will be approximately 3-4 hours per week (roughly 30-45 minutes per day, 5 days a week)

Wednesday Morning Studies

  • Coffee & Connection 9:20-9:30 am, Study 9:30-11:30 am

  • Meets at Five Oaks

  • Cost: $10-20

  • Childcare Provided* - must register your child

  • Study: Choose from one of the options (see below)

Winter/Spring Semester studies

Liturgy of the Ordinary by Tish Harrison Warren

Leaders: Rachel Montgomery and Lois Williams
Begins: January 15

Most of our life is made up of mundane routine. We want to cut out the boring parts of our lives and focus on the mountain top and valley encounters with God. We fail to see how God can meet us consistently in the in between. But most of our life is ordinary. In this study, we will focus on finding meaningful connection with God in the ordinary. We will practice being with God in many ways and reflecting on how those spiritual practices shape our lives.

Our hope is for everyone to read the assigned chapter each week and be open to practicing a spiritual discipline (of choice) and take time to reflect and journal on the discussion questions. Time commitment will vary but plan to give 15-20 minutes per day.

Sermon on the Mount by Jen Wilkin

Leaders: Kaylen Meehan and Elaine Stores
Begins: January 15

Have you ever studied the Sermon on the Mount as one cohesive message? You are invited to learn directly from Jesus, just as His disciples did. While you may have encountered these passages in isolated lessons—whether on blessings, prayer, relationships, or handling money and ambition—this study invites you to experience Matthew chapters 5-7 as a unified, engaging message that transforms how we follow Jesus.

Expect to dedicate 20-30 minutes daily, five days a week, to personal study. Our Wednesday morning gatherings will include time to share and reflect on what we've learned. We will also watch a 35-45-minute teaching video with Jen Wilkin, who will help us uncover the depth of the Sermon on the Mount in its original context. Join us as we grow in faith and understanding together!

Six-week study

Women of the New Testament

Leaders: Kathleen Miller and Arielle Roadman
Meets: January 15 - February 26

If you were asked to name five important women of the New Testament, could you do it? Aside from Mary, the mother of Jesus, most of us would struggle to provide names, let alone details. Yet, women played an active and important role throughout the New Testament. In this six-week study, we will look at the lives and faith of five New Testament women and examine how their examples can guide us today. Whether you are new to studying scripture or a seasoned Bible reader, this study has something for everyone!

Homework for this study is minimal. Plan on about one hour per week before we meet.

Behold & Believe: I AM Statements of Jesus

Leaders: Sue Ellen Dalton and Ruth Madden
Meets: March 19 & 26 and April 9 & 16

Who is Jesus? You can ask that question to many people and get many different answers:  a prophet, a good man, a wise teacher, the Son of God, and a Savior, to name a few. But what did Jesus have to say about who he was? In this study we will dig into what Jesus said about himself by reading and reflecting on scripture, discussion questions, and discussing together as a group what we see.

If you don't know much at all about Jesus or you have been following Jesus for a long time, this study will help you know more about him, why he is important for our lives, and help you grow deeper in your understanding, love, and trust in him.

This study meets for four weeks. Plan to invest about 1.5 hours per week on your own at home before meetings.

Join us as we behold Jesus and his words for us today!



We would love to care for your preschool and younger children Wednesday mornings during Women’s Ministry at Sprouts Childcare. We will have trained staff and helpers caring for your children while they participate in an enriching curriculum. 


Women’s Retreat

February 21-23, 2025

Questions? Email us at