Weekend of August 29 + 30

Financial Peace University

This is a great opportunity to learn Dave Ramsey’s method of ridding yourself of debt and spending and saving wisely. Classes will be held Saturdays, September 12 – November 14.

Serving Opportunity at Dorothy Day Center

Saturday, September 5 (Labor Day weekend) is the next opportunity for you and your family to give back. Be the hands of Jesus; sign up to help prepare and serve a meal at the Dorothy Day Center in St. Paul. Must be at least 13 years old. Event runs 9:30-1:15. Contact Tim and Cindy Wiant at wiynts4@sbcglobal.netor at 715-426-7972.

Final Invite Team Walk in Prayer Event Approaching

Please join us at the last Walk in Prayer on Sunday, September 20. Families and friends welcome! We will have a catered Jimmy John’s lunch in the Commons at 12:30 pm and then head to the new Savona subdivision near the entrance to the Lake Elmo Park Reserve. We plan to return to church by 2:30. To sign up, email Ginger Bollinger, gingerb@grahamoffices.com to ensure we have enough food. God has great plans for all those moving into this area. Come join us as we cover the Savona neighborhood with prayers of blessing.

Haiti Trip Update

A Five Oaks team just returned from another successful trip to All God’s Children Orphanage in Haiti. Time was spent mentoring the children on godly traits and helping them learn their spiritual gifts. The team also worked on small projects at the orphanage and handed out rice and beans while preaching the Gospel to remote areas of the country. A videographer followed the team to capture all the activities. For more info about this trip, or to join a future one, please contact haiti@fiveoakschurch.org.

Children’s Ministry Needs You

This fall, our kids will learn from a new curriculum for pre-K-4th grade called “How to Study the Bible for Kids” by Kay Arthur and Janna Arndt. Each weekend, we need 55 volunteers to make an extraordinary experience for kids! Please visit the table in the Children’s wing hallway to look at the curriculum and/or sign up to help teach. Find out how you can get involved! For more info, please contact Rhiannon Rutledge at rrutledge@fiveoakschurch.org or Cindy Yarrington at cyarrington@fiveoakschurch.org.

Singles Serving Ministry News

Singles Serving is a ministry for single and divorced adults ages 30 and up, who want to connect for Christian fellowship and service. We meet twice monthly and the fall/winter schedule is being formed. If you are interested in receiving info on this minstry,  please email singles@fiveoakschurch.org.

Citywide FMSC Packing Event

Five Oaks is partnering with Feed My Starving Children and other Woodbury churches and organizations to pack 4 million meals. This citywide eventruns Thursday-Sunday, October 8-11 at Bielenberg Sports Center. We will come together as a church to pack meals on October 10 from 6-8 pm. Join our 1000-person team at woodburyfeeds.org. Click on “Join a Group” and search for “Five Oaks Church” to register with us. You also can help by donating toward the costs of the meals. We will have a Special Giving at Five Oaks on the weekend of September 12 & 13 for this.

Welcome New Member

Cheryl Reed

DivorceCare Support Group

This weekly support group provides a warm, caring environment, led by people who have been through divorce. Support offered through video, study, and small group discussion. Meets at Rockpoint Church, Mondays, Sept. 14 – Dec. 14; 6:15 – 8:30 pm. Cost; $20. For more info, contact Bev Holm, 651-770-3172, or bholm@rockpoint.church