Weekend of August 8 + 9

  • Children’s Ministry Fair -- This weekend, in the Treehouse wing, we are showcasing our brand new children’s curriculum and offering opportunities for families to sign up to teach and volunteer in other ways. 
  • Discovery for Newcomers -- Are you new to Five Oaks? You may have questions about who we are and what we’re about. We have answers and would love to meet you! Sign up for Discovery on Sunday, August 16, 11-1 pm. A free lunch is included for you and your family. To sign up, contact Pam Hawley, phawley@fiveoakschurch.org.
  • Karen Backpack Thank You! -- Thank you to all who took time to donate backpacks and school supplies for the Karen Backpack Drive. The Bryant small group will return to the Brittany Apartments on August 9 to deliver a one-day VBS in conjunction with delivering these much-needed backpacks. The Karen families and children who receive them will be very grateful for your generosity. Thank you!
  • It’s Coming: First Place 4 Health Daytime Class -- First Place 4 Health will meet on Mondays beginning September 14. Daytime class is 10 - 11:30 am and evening class is 7 - 8:30 pm. All prospective new members should attend the free orientation meeting Saturday, August 29, 9 - 10 am in room 102 to help determine if this is right for you. To register for the orientation meeting, email health@fiveoakschurch.org or call coordinator Arla Frigstad at 612-594-6951.
  • Hearts and Hammers Event in September -- Grab your tool belts and join us for a volunteer event sponsored by Five Oaks and Journeymen. During this one-day home transformation, we will do everything from painting to restoration to landscaping. Saturday, Sept. 19, starting at 7:45 am. For more info, email Scott Halverson at scotthalverson@yahoo.com. You also may register online HERE.
  • Haiti Team Prayers -- On Saturday, August 8, 12 Five Oaks team members left for a week in Haiti, serving at All God’s Children’s Orphanage. While there they plan to teach spiritual gifts to the older children, explore spiritual qualities of different Biblical men and women to the younger children, and buy rice and beans at the market and distribute in the remote villages. Please pray for travel safety, health of their team (including coping with the heat), and God’s will while there.
  • France Team Update -- In July, a team from Five Oaks served the Youth English Camp at Camp des Cimes, France. It was a blessing to once again partner with our long-time supported missionaries, the Lindquist family. Our team cleaned, served meals and kept the camp running, but most importantly we had opportunities to demonstrate God’s love to the French youth. The time spent at CdC was time growing closer to Christ in a loving, meaningful setting. God challenged each of us to climb out of our comfort zones in service and to share our faith walk with those just beginning theirs. Please pray that the bonds forged at camp strengthen and that those planted seeds will take root.
  • Singles Serving // Ministry News -- Singles Serving is a ministry for single and divorced adults ages 30 and up, who want to connect for Christian fellowship and service. We meet twice monthly and the fall/winter schedule is being formed. If you are interested in receiving info on this ministry, please email singles@fiveoakschurch.org.

Community Announcements

  • Women’s Group Focuses on Fellowship in Healing, Crisis Recovery -- Moving Up - Moving On, a group for women ages 16+ dealing with abuse and crisis recovery, meets weekly on Thursdays, 6-8 pm, Aug. 6-Sept. 10 at the Park Grove Library. Jump in anytime throughout series. Contact Rev. JoAnne Crosby to register, joannecrosby40@yahoo.com, or call 763-242-9181. Series sponsored by Light the Way Church.
  • Parenting Conference for Adoptive & Foster Families -- Empowered to Connect is a two-day conference for adoptive and foster parents, ministry leaders and professionals designed to help them better understand how to connect with children from hard places in order to help them heal. Sept. 18-19, 9 am - 5 pm; Grace Church, Eden Prairie. Offered through Focus on the Family. Register online HERE.