Weekend of December 5 + 6

Christmas services at Five Oaks

December 23 -  5:00 & 6:30 pm & December 24 - 2:00, 3:30, 5:00 pm, 11:00 pm 

Advent Prayer Services & Advent DailyLife

Join us on Thursday mornings, December 3, 10, and 17, from 6:30-7:10 am, for our Advent Prayer Services.  These prayer services will provide a reflective experience, encouraging us to center our hearts in anticipation of Christ’s birth.

Second, look for a special edition of the DailyLife email during Advent. These daily reflections will offer some additional opportunities to prepare our hearts for what matters most on Christmas morning.


Coffeehouse Jr: calling all 1st through 5th graders!

Tree House Children’s Ministry invites all 1st-5th graders to join us at Five Oaks for a night of Christmas Celebration on December 11, 6:30-8 pm. Live Christmas music by Legend Rutledge & Alex Hovda, as well as games, crafts and coloring areas, a hot cocoa bar andcookie decorating. 1st-5th Grade Tree House volunteers, you are invited to come enjoy the evening with the kids, making connections with them outside of the classroom.  Please RSVP to rrutledge@fiveaokschurch.org.

Books of the Bible contest for 1st through 4th graders ends soon!

Hey Tree House kids, reminder that you only have a few weeks left for yourchance to win your own Sam the Detective Beagle, from Build-a-Bear Workshop, for learning the books of the New Testament.  Ask your teacher for all the details and bookmarks. Contest ends December 20.


Want to serve your church family this Christmas?

Please consider stepping forward to create a welcoming experience for our extra Christmas services. Help is needed in all serviceson the 23rd and 24th in these areas: Greeters, Ushers, Nursery and Preschool/Kindergarten. Please contact Cindy or Carol for the area you’d like to serve in:


Christmas Tea with the Talks

Hey sixth grade girls! Please join Justin and Katie Talk for a Christmas tea/hot chocolate party. Saturday, December 12, noon - 3 pm. We’ll decorate Christmas cookies, enjoy some tea and/or hot chocolate, and play fun games. Please bring a wrapped gift under $5 for our gift exchange game plus a small donation to help cover the food and cost. RSVP to Justin Talk, jtalk@fiveoakschurch.org.


Last chance to register for Manger Build

Dads and father figures, join the Journeymen to build a life-sized manger with your kids. Saturday, December 12, 9 am. $20 fee covers manger kit, devo guide, and snacks. Last day to register is December 7. To register, visit www.jm5oaks.com.


Journeymen now registering for “A Man and His Story”

Men, join us for this six-week series focusing on the story of every man’s life. Both experts and regular guys will help men learn from their past, come alive in their present and enjoy God’s best for their future. Sessions start Thursday, January 7 and Saturday, January 9. Cost: $15. Registerat jm5oaks.com or email journeymen@fiveoakschurch.org, or sign up at the Mens’ Ministry Cart at the Ministry Wall this weekend.


Congregational meeting this weekend

Don’t miss the annual congregational meeting on December 6 at 4 pm. Members, your presence is important to vote in new Board & Elder members, vote on a proposed bylaw change, and to approve the budget at the short business meeting. Candidate profiles and 2014 minutes are available at Guest Services for those who wish to review them ahead of time. Childcare is available for children birth through 4th grade.


  • Opening Prayer
  • Call to Order 
  • Introductions
  • Approve Minutes 
  • Treasurer Report
  • Elections
  • Bylaw change 
  • Budget Proposal
  • Introduction of New Members
  • Year in Review
  • Adjourn
  • Closing Prayer

Candidates for election

  • Meleah Miller -- Governing Board
  • Bruce Paulson -- Governing Board
  • Jeff Jorgensen -- Elder 


Extra coats? Hats? Mittens? Wintery whatnot?

Coats of Kindness is an organization focused on helping facilitate coat drives to gather new and gently used winter clothing to be donated to those in need within our community. A simple act, such as donating a coat, can change someone’s life. Our goal is to collect as many new or gently used winter wear items:  coats, hats, mittens, gloves and scarves, to donate to local shelters. These items are given at no cost to those in need. Five Oaks Church will collect your donated items now through December 20. Look for the Coats of Kindess box in the Commons. For further information contact Jerry Meras, jmeras@fiveoakschurch.org.


December Book Club: did you finish the book yet?

Our new book club had a successful first book discussion in November. We are gearing upfor our next meeting on December 8, 6:45 pm in the Fireside Commons at church. We’ll be dicussing A Higher Call by Adam Makos with Larry Alexander. Questions? Email Dawn Goenner, go.dmge@gmail.comWe’d love to have you join us.


Overeaters Anonymous/H.O.W. at Five Oaks

Our church hosts an ongoing OA/H.O.W. group on Tuesdays from 6:30 - 8 :30 pm. This meeting is always open to new members looking to free themselves from the burden of compulsive overeating.

Community Events


New Life Academy hosts blood drive

The American Red Cross will be onsite atNew Life Academy (6758 Bailey Rd., Woodbury) on Monday, December 7, 2:45 - 7:45 pm.   Donating blood is simple, and it may save someone else’s life. Appointments are encouraged, but walk-ups are welcome. Contact Anna Lehn, annahlehn@gmail.com with questions.