Weekend of October 17 + 18

Fall Fun Fest this week!

Next Friday -- Oct. 23, 6:30-9 pm will be a no-cost evening packed full of family fun. This carnival-style event (geared for grades K-5) will feature “booths” such as Minute-to-Win-it, Cake Walk, Ring Toss, face painting, crazy hair and more...plus FREE treats and drinks. For more info,  contact Pam Hawley, phawley@fiveoakscurch.org.

Woodbury delivered: 4 million meals!

Thank you to all who gave their time and resources to help pack meals for Feed My Starving Children as part of the Woodbury Mobile MegaPack last weekend. The great news: we reached our goal! Our total meals packed was 4,066,200. These meals will feed 11,140 kids for an entire year. This is a new record for FMSC!

Five Oaks original music release coming soon

Our Five Oaks musicians compiled a CD of original music, titled Songs & Prayers, to be released on October 24/25. Because these songs are a picture of our heart to God, we hope you’ll take one for yourself and one to give away. The cost: FREE. We’ll also have a free download of the music available starting the same weekend.

Women’s Ministry hosts mystery dinner

Women, you’re invited to a mystery dinne on Friday, November 6 at 6:30pm. Here are some clues: This is NOT a murder mystery event, you do not have to act, participate, be the suspect or guilty party. You will have to have fun, interact with other women and solve some clues. The menu is a surprise, but don’t be scared! You will leave full and happy! This is a great opportunity to invite that friend, neighbor or co-worker. Email women@fiveoakschurch.org with any questions.

Connections has a few spots left...for you!

We still need to fill several spots on all Connections ministry teams. This is your chance to jump in and share your gifts: serve coffee, greet folks, usher fervently, finishing touch cleaning, etc. Below are the number of openings on each team:

Acorn Café: 4
Greeters: 4
Guest Services: 2
Ushers: 10
White Glove: 4

Subs also needed on all teams. For more info, please write the team name in the Info box or email Carol Jorgensen at cjorgensen@fiveoakschurch.org.

Serve at Dorothy Day November 7

Looking for a way to serve with your family? Be the hands and feet of Jesus by preparing and serving a meal at the Dorothy Day Center in St. Paul. Join others from Five Oaks on November 7, 9:30 - 1:15. Must be at least 13 years old.  Contact Tim and Cindy Wiant at wiynts4@sbcglobal.net715-426-7972. You must sign up and get a confirmation for this event.

Child Dedication classes upcoming

Parents, if you are considering having your infant or child dedicated at Five Oaks on November 14 & 15, make plans to attend our mandatory child dedication class on October 25, 11 am, room 105, OR October 27, 6:30 pm, room 105. To register, please email Rhiannon Rutledge, rrutledge@fiveoakschurch.org.

Connections Teams: directory nearly finished!

Our latest team member directory will be published HERE later this week. Please email the office with any changes at office@fiveoakschurch.org.

Book Club to meet at church

Do you love a good book? Reading for the sake of...reading? A new monthly book club is launching at church. First meeting: Tuesday, November 10, 6:45 pm. Our first book: “Kisses from Katie: A Story of Relentless Love and Redemption” by Katie J. Davis and Beth Clark. For more info, please contact Dawn Goenner, go.dmge@gmail.com.

Congregational Meeting

Save the date: November 22, 4 pm. Details to follow.

New member candidate

Elizabeth Andretta

Got an announcement?

If you need to have something announced for your ministry, we will gladly print it in the announcements (such as what you’re reading now) and on our website. Our weekly copy deadline is Tuesday at 9 am. Please submit copy to Peg Benson, pbenson@fiveoakschurch.org.

Community Events

Oakdale - Lake Elmo Area Prayer Breakfast features several speakers

Mark your calendar for November 5, 6:45 am at the Prom Center, Oakdale. This year’s keynote speaker is Mark Whitacre, the highest-ranking executive of any Fortune 500 company to become a whistleblower in US history. You’ll hear from a variety of speakers on the importance of prayer in our communities.