Weekend of October 24 + 25

Fall Outreach Opportunities

As we look ahead to Thanksgiving and Christmas, we have several opportunities to give of our time and resources in ways to help others.

Dorothy Day: Be the hands and feet of Jesus and help prepare and serve a meal at the Dorothy Day Center in St. Paul. November 7, 9:30 - 1:15. Must be at least 13 years old to serve. Please register at wiynts4@sbcglobal.net.

Union Gospel Mission Thanksgiving bags: Grab a shopping list and a bag or two and take your family shopping to buy the ingredients for a complete Thanksgiving meal. These bags help make Thanksgiving warm and special for those who receive meals through UGM. Bags and lists available Oct. 31/Nov. 1

UGM Bags of Hope:  These are bags filled with items to bring comfort to the homeless in our communities: a Bible, toiletries, cold weather gear, first aid kit, etc. Please take a bag and carry it in your car. When you feel led to give it to a homeless person, please ask them how you can pray for them and let them know that Jesus loves them. Bags of Hope will be available Oct. 31/Nov. 1.

Get your FREE Songs & Prayers CD this weekend

Because the songs on this Five Oaks original CD are a picture of our heart to God, we hope you’ll take one for your family and one to give away as an opportunity to invite someone to our community. The cost: FREE. We will also have a free download of the music available later this month.

Hey middle schoolers! Lock-in next Friday!

Grab your friends for PumpkinFest 2015 on Friday, October 30, 8 pm - 8 am. Games, activities, food, surprises, sleep(?) and tons of fun. Cost $25. RSVP to Justin Talk, jtalk@fiveoakschurch.org, or fill out the form at fiveoaks.wufoo.com/forms/pumpkin-fest/.

Women’s Ministry hosts mystery dinner

Women, you’re invited to a mystery dinner on Friday, November 6 at 6:30pm. Here are some clues: This is NOT a murder mystery event, you do not have to act, participate, be the suspect or guilty party. You will have to have fun, interact with other women and solve some clues. The menu is a surprise, but don’t be scared! You will leave full and happy! This is a great opportunity to invite that friend, neighbor or co-worker. Email women@fiveoakschurch.org with any questions.

Serve at Dorothy Day - November 7

Looking for a way to serve with your family? Help prepare and serve a meal at the Dorothy Day Center in St. Paul. Join others from Five Oaks on November 7, 9:30 - 1:15. Must be at least 13 years old.  Contact Tim and Cindy Wiant at wiynts4@sbcglobal.net715-426-7972. You must sign up and get a confirmation for this event.

Connections Teams directory!

The new directory for all Connections Teams is finished and available for pickup at the Ministry Wall this weekend! If you’re a Connections team member, you already received this as an email attachment, and it is also available HERE. If you want a paper copy, pick one up over the weekend.

If you aren’t a Connections Team member but are curious about the hoopla, stop by the Connections cart at the Ministry Wall and find out how you can get involved!

Book Club to meet at church

Do you love a good book? Reading for the sake of...reading? A new monthly book club is launching at church. First meeting: Tuesday, November 10, 6:45 pm. Our first book: “Kisses from Katie: A Story of Relentless Love and Redemption” by Katie J. Davis and Beth Clark. For more info, please contact Dawn Goenner, go.dmge@gmail.com.

Treehouse volunteer appreciation! And training!

On November 14, we in Tree House Children’s Ministry would like to take the opportunity to appreciate the wonderful volunteers in our 1st - 4th grade classes. Join us at 10 am, room 105. We also will cover essential training updates and will spend time connecting and getting teacher feedback. To sign up, contact Cindy Yarrington, cyarrington@fiveoakschurch.org

Upcoming events

Save the date: Annual congregational meeting for members and regular attenders, November 22, 4 pm. Details to follow.

Save the date: Parenting workshop entitled “A Holiday Legacy,” November 22, 9:15 or 11 am. Details to follow.

New member candidates

Elizabeth Andretta
Lance Messer