VBS Reunion

Everest Reunion Party Last Sunday

This last weekend our Tree House kids were able to "relive" some of games, songs and stories from last years Everest themed VBS. They also were given a glimpse of this years Cave Quest theme. What a fun time of celebration the kids had!  Last year we had 125 volunteers helping and leading the 203 kids that attended VBS, with 36 of those kids crossing the line of faith and accepting Jesus in their hearts!  

Registration has begun for this years VBS which will be June 13th- June 17th, 2016.  If you would like to register or help with VBS this year, follow this link to do so... http://www.fiveoaks.church/vbs-2016 

As we were  reminded of the wonderful  time we had last year, we look forward to what this year holds for us and the kids as well.