Weekend Announcements June 18+19

Join us as we celebrate VBS this weekend.

It was a huge week around Five Oaks this week, as 200+ kids and 120 volunteers made the walls shake with all the trappings of VBS.  Kids explored how Jesus gives us hope, courage, direction, love and power. In addition, kids donated their money to help Five Oaks sponsor an orphan in Haiti. Their donations will also go to Group Cares, a foundation that helps refurbish homes to make them safe for families to live in again. 
This weekend we'll get a glimpse of their Cave Quest adventures during our worship services.  You might even ask some of these VBS kids what they learned about cave snot. Odds are, they'll have all the details.

Food trucks at Five Oaks on Sunday!
Our FUN Team is honoring dads this Father’s Day with visits from two of the Twin Cities’ top food trucks: raMacSammy’s and Tot Boss.  Be sure to stop by and treat Dad to a splurge on Sunday after either service. 


Tree House STILL needs you this summer!
We still need your help -- whatever you can spare. It takes many hands and hearts to make a nurturing and fun learning environment for our kids in the Tree House each weekend. Please sign up to help out this summer while our regular teachers take a well-deserved break. Please email Rhiannon at rrutledge@fiveoakschurch.org with your availability. Thank you!


Journeymen to study Andy Stanley’s “Destinations”
Men, join us on Saturday mornings in June for a study of “Destinations.” In this 4-part series, Andy Stanley examines the disconnect between our dreams and the paths we take to reach them. We learn that our direction, not our intention, determines our destination. No need to pre-register; donations accepted for coffee, fruit & donuts. Doors open at 6:30 am; study begins at 7 am. Missed last week? Come next week.


Save the date: Karen Backpack Drive coming in July
Each summer we work together as a church to gather school supplies and backpacks for the Karen refugee children in St. Paul. Save the date: we will collect these items July 23-31. Supply lists will be available in early July.


Middle school boys: don’t miss Brofest 2k16 Game Night
Dudes, bring your friends and be ready to stay up all night! We’ll have games in the gym, food, cards, board games, and more. June 20, 9 pm -- June 21, 7 am. $10. Incoming 6th grade boys through outgoing 8th grade boys are invited. Register by emailing Justin Talk, jtalk@fiveoakschurch.org.


Fusion F.N.H. 
High school students, join us on Friday, June 24, from 6:00-9:30 pm at church for our Friday Night Hangout. It will be an evening of volleyball, competitions, prizes, food, and a slip n’ slide. So bring your friends, a suit/towel, and most importantly, yourselves. For those who are able to join us after, we will be heading to Applebee’s for apps. This event is absolutely free.


Dorothy Day serving opportunity July 2
If you are in town for the holiday weekend, Saturday, July 2, is a great chance for you and/or your family to be the hands of Jesus by signing up to help prepare and serve a meal at the Dorothy Day Center in St. Paul.  Must be at least 13 years old. Time: 9:30-1:15. Write “Dorothy Day” and your email address on your Communication Card, or contact Tim and Cindy Wiant at wiynts4@sbcglobal.net, 715-426-7972.  You must sign up and get a confirmation for this event.


Women’s Ministry seeking teachers for mid-week children’s programming
Adults, parents, students!  If you are available Wednesday mornings from Sept-May, consider teaching or assisting teachers of young kids (birth to age 5) in the Sprouts program.  Teachers and assistants facilitate activities, curriculum, and crafts about Jesus during Women’s Ministry programming from 9 -11:45 am.  Not available every Wednesday?  Consider volunteering a few times a month or being a substitute teacher!  For more information on paid and volunteer positions, please contact Theresa Gulsvig, theresa.gulsvig@gmail.com.


Women’s Ministry: let’s connect this summer
Want to spend time with other women this summer?  We have a variety of activities all summer long... ladies’ nights out, playdates, dinners, and more.  Check out the Ministry Cart or Facebook for the June calendar!    Questions? Email women@fiveoakschurch.org.  You may also follow Five Oaks Rooted Women on Facebook and Rooted Women on Instagram!


Save the date
Looking for a great place to view the Bielenberg 4th of July fireworks (without all the crowds)?? It’s right here in the Five Oaks parking lot!  The FUN Team is planning Fireworks at Five Oaks again this year, so mark your calendar.  Monday, July 4, 9 pm-until the fireworks end.  We will have snacks, ice cream, drinks and games --  all FREE of charge.  Questions? Please email Jennifer Clemens,  jclemens@fiveoakschurch.org.


Want to break free from emotional eating?
Based on 2 Cor. 10:3-5, this new 8-week Bible study will help you: 1) break free from the stronghold of emotional eatingand 2) let go of those negative emotions that rob your joy. Cost: $12 per person. Offered Mondays beginning July 11 from 10:-11:30 am, or 7-8:30 pm. Sponsored by Five Oaks FP4H and open to all. Deadline to register is July 5.  Go to fiveoaks.wufoo.com/forms/first-place-for-health/ to register.  Questions? Please email health@fiveoakschurch.org, or call Arla at 612-594-6951 or Rachelle at 651-246-7453.


Global Leadership Summit
GLS is returning to Five Oaks again this August, but this year as a private site, a change that will allow all of us to experience the great leadership teaching. Five Oaks staff will cover the basic volunteer stations. GLS will look much the same inside our building as always, but we are not an advertised site for people outside our church family. Thurs. & Fri., August 11/12, 8:30 am-4:30 pm. Cost: $89. Register at www.fiveoaks.church/gls. Registration password: PV2016. Please email Deb Johnson, djohnson@fiveoakschurch.org, with registration questions. Please direct questions about the private site to Cindy Yarrington, cyarrington@fiveoakschurch.org


Welcome new members
Jon and Connie Eide
Nick and Vicki Novak


New Member Candidates
Tim and Rachel Montgomery
Arthur Cofield, Jr.
Phaedra Cofield
Nick & Amy Holmes
Melinda Montgomery