Weekend of April 23+24 — Five Oaks Church

Weekend of April 23+24


Vacation Bible School now open for registration

Take it to the limit at Cave Quest Vacation Bible School, June 13-17, 2016. Kids will embark on an over-the-top underground adventure exploring how Jesus gives us hope, courage, direction, love and power. At Cave Quest, kids will experience God’s word in surprising and unforgettable ways. Each day focuses on one simple Bible truth -- which makes it easy for them to remember it and apply it at home.

VBS is open to children ages 3 (as of 9/1/15) through 4th grade completed. (Must be potty trained.) Cost: $45/child or family max of $100 (3 or more). Registration info is at the Ministry Wall or on the website.

Volunteers are needed also. If you can give some time to helping with or at VBS, please register. Contact Cindy Yarrington, cyarrington@fiveoakschurch.org with any questions.

Global Leadership Summit
GLS is returning to Five Oaks again this year, but this year as a private site. This change will allow all of us to experience the great leadership teaching, just with fewer formalities. Five Oaks staff will cover the basic volunteer stations so that everyone can attend the entire conference. GLS will look much the same inside our building as it always has, but we are not an advertised site for people outside our church family. Thurs. & Fri., August 11/12, 8:30 am-4:30 pm. Cost: $89. Register at www.fiveoaks.church/GLS. Registration password: PV2016. Please email Deb Johnson, djohnson@fiveoakschurch.org, with registration questions. If you have questions about the private site, please email Cindy Yarrington, cyarrington@fiveoakschurch.org


Please pray for our Bucharest Team
Our Bucharest team left on April 15 for Romania to work with the Project-Ruth School for Roma children. Our team has been teaching classes, leading VBS activities, developing relationships, and helping kids learn about Jesus. Please continue to pray for the Roma children as they hear the gospel, and pray for our team as they pour into these kids.


Live online prayer with China partners
Do you have a heart for the 1.4 billion people who live in China? Join us for a live prayer meeting with our Chinese partners in Chengdu. Saturday, April 30, 9-10:30 am, Five Oaks Church, room 105. You will also hear about what God has been doing and the future vision for the work in Chengdu. Questions? Contact Kevin Johnson, 651-738-7133.


Project Serve mission trip for middle school students
Rush Hour students will head to Green Bay, WI, with YouthWorks for Project Serve July 31 - August 5. Students will serve in many different settings during the week and will experience biblical programming in the evenings. A great chance for students to serve others and create new friendships. Cost: $315. Register at https://fiveoaks.wufoo.com/forms/project-serve-2016/.


Still seeking Silent Auction items
A key part of fundraising for our Student Ministries trip to the Challenge Conference in Louisville, KY, is our annual Silent Auction held on May 14/15 and May 21/22. If you have any items to donate, please contact Tyler Sotebeer, tosotebeer@fiveoakschurch.org, by May 1. Great donation ideas include: gift cards, gift basket items, a weekend at your cabin, professional services you can offer, etc. This also is a great project for small groups to pool their resources on. Thank you for helping our students get to Challenge!


Serving is growing.  Are you serving?
Our current sermon series speaks of contributing to the needs of others. One of those current needs in our church is for help during Saturday services. Our Usher Team is loyal, dedicated, and ... few. Our communion preparation for Saturdays is also in need of help. Help is needed on any Saturday of the month. Please prayerfully ask God how he may be nudging you to serve, and contact office@fiveoakschurch.org with any questions or to help in these areas.


Are you new to Five Oaks?
You may have some question about who we are and about our mission. We have answers, and we’d love to meet you! Please sign up for Discovery Class, held on May 1 from 11-1 pm. A free catered lunch is included for your family. To sign up, please check the Discovery box on the Communication Card or email Pam Hawley, phawley@fiveoakschurch.org.


The Lost and Found...
...runneth over. If you or your family members are missing items such as keys, kids’ clothes, toys, water bottles, etc. please stop by Guest Services during the month of April to see if your items have indeed been living there. Any unclaimed items will be donated May 2.


Spring Tea for women,  daughters, grandmothers, & more|
Rooted Women invites you to the Spring Tea on May 21 at 11 am. The theme is “He Calls Me Daughter.” Enjoy a five-course meal, sip lovely tea, be encouraged and enjoy some amazing fellowship. Tickets are $25, on sale through May 8. A great outreach for all the women in your life: ages 3+ are welcome. Purchase tickets at church, online, or by emailing women@fiveoakschurch.org. Please also email us if you have a tea service you can loan us for the event.


Join our mission (membership)
Membership is important at Five Oaks. It’s a way of saying, “I want to be part of the mission of this local church.” If you have a personal relationship with Christ and have completed Story of God (either in your small group or in the class), make plans to come to the next membership class on May 15, 9:15-noon. RSVP by writing ‘membership class’ on your Communication Card, or email Pam Hawley, phawley@fiveoakschurch.org.


Attention Students! 
Are you musical? Would you like to be? Student Ministries is putting on a Worship Workshopon May 7, 10am-12pm. This mini-seminar will be aimed at teaching students practical ways to begin or improve on their skills. We’ll talk about what it means to lead worship with music in specific groups for the drums, singing, and the guitar. Hope to see you there! 

Baby news
Congratulations to Dan and Kaylen Meehan on the birth of their son, Erik Joshua, born on April 7. Baby Erik weighed 8 lbs, 3 oz, and was 20.5 inches long. Mom and baby are doing well.


New member candidates
Misa Lawrence
David Lee
Melissa Lee
Andrea Schwankl
Darren Schwankl


Community Events

Woodbury Area Prayer Breakfast
This year’s theme is “Extravagant Generosity: Hearts Ready to Share” and our keynote speaker is Brad Hewitt, President & CEO of Thrivent Financial, and co-author of Your New Money Mindset. Tuesday May 3, 7 am, at the Prom Center (I-94 at Radio Drive/Inwood). Doors open at 6:30 am. Tickets: $25 advance/$30 door; business sponsorships are available. For tickets or sponsorships, please visit www.woodburyAPB.org.