Weekend of August 13 + 14

The gospel Project 101: Small Groups

The Gospel Project is designed as its own workbook-style study. But at Five Oaks we have formed a process that will utilize the best parts of The Gospel Project and maximize its impact for small groups, personal reading/reflection, and family discussion.  

The preaching team will take the Gospel Project Leader’s Guide and use it as a primary resource for their preaching preparation. 

Additionally, some new items will be added to the Sermon Notes/Small Group Discussion Guide that you won't want to miss (even if you are not yet in a small group):

•     Christ Connection: This will keep our focus on Jesus and how all of scripture is telling one story, the story of God.

•     Big Picture Question: This section will connect everyone, of all ages, through a question that reminds us that we're all looking at the same scripture passages together at every level!

•     Family Discussion: This section will include the best questions from children, youth, and adults that will help connect families. We encourage you to engage your family in these questions throughout the week! 

Lastly, our incredibly gifted DailyLife team will take The Gospel Project and bring deeper into scripture with a time of daily reading and reflection. We know that there is no greater catalyst for spiritual growth than daily reading and reflection on scripture. Consider signing up for DailyLife at www.fiveoaks.church/dailylife.

Like last week, you'll find our team at the Ministry Wall this weekend.  Please come find us to ask questions and become informed and ready for the launch of The Gospel Project!

Remember Rick and Karla?
They were featured in an article about serving needs in our Connections Ministry (if you can’t find the email anymore, look for it on our Facebook page). We have several needs in Connections as we head into fall, so if you are a people person, a coffee person, a welcoming person, we would love for you to share these gifts for as little as one hour per month.  (Did you catch that? One hour per month. One!) Here are our needs currently...please email Carol Jorgensen, cjorgensen@fiveoakschurch.org, if you have questions or are interested: 

Greeting Team - 8
Guest Services - 2
Tour Guides - 4
Ushers - 5
White Glove - 3
Subs - 10+


Meet and pray for a family in China
In China, the institution of family is under great stress. A group of House Churches in China will be having a family retreat August 26-28 with about 50 families attending. Each family attending would like a family here to pray for them, up to and during the retreat – and they would like to pray for you! If you would like to pray for one of these families, please email Kevin Johnson at kevindawn@comcast.net. You will receive detailed instructions on how to participate. Once families have been paired up, you will receive a picture of your family in China.


Twin Cities 6K for Water
Join Team World Vision and WALK or RUN the Twin Cities 6K for Water in solidarity with millions of people who walk that distance every day. This event will bring clean water to thousands of children in Africa because everyone who walks or runs will provide clean water to one child. August 27, 9 am, White Bear Lake. To sign up, go to: www.teamworldvision.org/msp6K. Be sure to register for our team, the FIVE OAKS FINISHERS. Email Daniel Lukas, dlukas@fiveoakschurch.org, with questions.


Women’s Ministry: let’s connect this summer
Want to spend time with other women this summer?  We have a variety of activities all summer long... ladies’ nights out, playdates, dinners, and more.    Questions? Email women@fiveoakschurch.org.  You may also follow Five Oaks Rooted Women on Facebook and Rooted Women on Instagram.


Hearts & Hammers event: save the date!
Grab your tool belts and join us for a volunteer event sponsored by Five Oaks and Journeymen. During this one-day home transformation, we will do everything from painting to restoration to landscaping. Saturday, Sept. 17, starting at 7:45 am. If you’d like to learn more, or register now for this event, go to jm5oaks.com and click on upcoming events.  


Hearts & Hammers now taking applications for projects
Do you know of a senior in your family orin your neighborhood whose house could use a new exterior coat of paint? If so, please contact Scott Halverson at 612-414-0946, or scotthalverson@yahoo.com to learn how to bless that person by helping them apply to have their home painted for free through the Hearts & Hammers program.  


Women’s Ministry seeking teachers for mid-week children’s programming
Adults, parents, students!  If you are available Wednesday mornings from Sept-May, consider teaching or assisting teachers of young kids (birth to age 5) in the Sprouts program.  Teachers and assistants facilitate activities, curriculum, and crafts about Jesus during Women’s Ministry programming from 9 -11:45 am.  Not available every Wednesday?  Consider volunteering a few times a month or being a substitute teacher!  For more information on paid and volunteer positions, please contact Theresa Gulsvig, theresa.gulsvig@gmail.com.


Serving opportunity at Dorothy Day September 3
Be the hands and feet of Jesus; sign up to help prepare and serve a meal at the Dorothy Day Center in St. Paul. Must be at least 13 years old. Time: 9:30-1:15. Write “Dorothy Day” in the info box or contact Tim and Cindy Wiant at wiynts4@sbcglobal.net, 715-426-7972. You must sign up and get a confirmation for this event.


Do you have a heart for special needs children?
Our Retreat Ministry in need of loving hearts and helping hands during our 9:15 service. If you are interested please contact Laura at retreat@fiveoakschurch.org.


Children’s Ministry serving opportunities
Would you consider joining us this coming year (Sept 2016 - May 2017) in the Tree House Children’s Ministry, either as a nursery caregiver, a teacher or assistant in our 2s - 5th grade classrooms or the Retreat? For more information, please contact us at children@fiveoakschurch.org.