Weekend of February 20 + 21

Kingdom work awaits

Two weeks ago, Pastor Henry challenged us in his sermon to frame everything we do as ‘kingdom work.’ He challenged students to remember that when they study for an exam or take notes in class, they are doing it for the Lord. And when adults must hire (or fire) someone at work, or fold the family’s laundry at home, or coach a little league team, to remember that it’s all kingdom work. Everything we do is an act of service in the name of Jesus. 

Similarly, the areas where we serve at church are part of God’s kingdom work. When you get a cup of coffee at the Acorn Café on the weekends, for example, the Acorn volunteers serve you because they love the Lord.  We have several ministry areas here at Five Oaks that need your heart and your kingdom work. 

It may appear in a church of this size that everything runs smoothly and that our ministry areas are well established. But know that our ministry leaders, many of whom are volunteers, would gladly welcome your talents and gifts on their team, both Saturday and Sunday: ushers, greeters, Tree House, nursery, Acorn Café, white glove, to name a few. 

Where might you share your gifts? When could you do your kingdom work at Five Oaks? Please write ‘kingdom work — (fill in the blank ministry)’ on your Communication card, or email office@fiveoakschurch.org with the ministry area in which you’d like to serve. Our church will be a better place with your help. And your heart will be stretched in new ways simply by sharing your gifts, the gifts God gave you to use for his kingdom.



Membership class this Sunday
Membership is important at Five Oaks. It’s a way of saying, “I want to be part of the mission of this local church.” If you have a personal relationship with Christ and have completed the Story of Godclass (the class or in your small group), come to the membership class on Sunday, February 21, 11 am -- 12:15, in room 105. 


Shine: ‘A Beautiful Legacy’
Women, invite your friends and teen daughters to join you for an evening of worship, fellowship, coffee, food and shopping. Keynote speakers Rhiannon Rutledge and her mother Terri Hopman will share what it means to define your beauty from the inside out, according to God’s word. February 26, 6-9:30 pm.  Tickets ($25) available at shinewomen.org or at the Ministry Cart in the Commons. 


“Fill the MINI” school supply drive
Let’s help Woodbury Elementary School provide basic school supplies for students not able to provide their own. Our Kids Hope USA team plans to fill Jerry Meras’ MINI Cooper to the gills with school supplies for these kids. Pick up a supply list flyer at Guest Services, or look for one sent home with your children from Tree House this weekend. Please return all donations and help pack the MINI by next weekend, February 27/28.


Rush Hour Lock Out promises big fun without the burden of sleeping
Hey 6-8th graders, grab your friends and join us for the Lock Out on February 26-27, 9pm - 7am. We will partner with other area churches and hit several different stops that include swimming, gym time, bowling, ice skating, a movie and more! Cost: $40. For more info or to register, go to: fiveoaks.church/calendar/2016/rush-hour-winter-lock-out. 



Team World Vision: your orange can make a difference
Are you a marathoner? Or maybe someone who’s always toyed with running a marathon? Join Five Oaks’ Team World Vision and run a marathon with us in the name of clean water for Africa. For more info, write TWV on your communication card or go to www.teamworldvision.org/team/fiveoakschurch.


Lent Prayer Services: Join us on your journey to Easter
Easter is best celebrated when we take time to prepare our hearts for it through prayer and reflection. Lent is the journey, the story along the journey, that takes us to Easter. Our Lent prayer services take place every Thursday morning during Lent, 6:30-7:10 am. Take this opportunity to add something meaningful into your Lent preparation by joining us for these prayer services. Here you will sweeten that journey to Easter by enriching your prayer life and weaving a richer understanding of how the story of Easter unfolds.


Dorothy Day serving opportunity March 5
Be the hands and feet of Jesus by signing up to help prepare and serve a meal at the Dorothy Day Center in St. Paul. Must be at least 13 years old. Time: 9:30-1:15. Write “Dorothy Day” on your Communication Card or contact Tim and Cindy Wiant at wiynts4@sbcglobal.net, 715-426-7972. You must sign up and get a confirmation for this event.


Women: The mystery dinner awaits you
Join us for a night of fun, intrigue and a 4-course meal!  We are hosting a Mystery Dinner on Saturday, March 5 at 6pm.  This is NOT a Murder Mystery Dinner, but does involve clues!   Tickets ($15) are on sale now, but hurry: they must be purchased by March 1.  Tickets available at the Ministry Cart in the Commons or by emailing women@fiveoakschuch.org.


Game Café: get your pawn on
Cribbage, Catan, Bingo, Twister...treats...inflatables...remember all the fun we had at Game Café last year? Save the date for more FREE fun, brought to you by none other than the FUN Team, on March 18. Stay tuned for more details, but for now, warm up your pawn-moving skills. And start inviting your neighbors and friends to join us! For more info, email Jennifer Clemens at jclemens@fiveoakschurch.org.


Calling all FUN-makers
You might not be on the FUN Team, butmaybe you’d still like to help at Game Café?  Yes, you!  We need folks to serve food, greet, setup, tear down and run the games.  Please e-mail Pam Hawley at phawley@fiveoakschurch.org if you would like to help at Game Café.


Bucharest team beckons
We need you to make our Bucharest mission a success! We will be working with the Roma (Gypsy) children at the Project-Ruth School, teaching classes and organizing VBS activities. The Roma are among the poorest people group in Romania and throughout Europe. We will travel from April 16 through April 25, 2016. Cost is $2,200 per person. To sign up or for further info, email Jerry Meras, jmeras@fiveoakschurch.org.


Five Oaks Family Support

Caleb Maaske Spaghetti Dinner Benefit

Five year-old Caleb Maaske, a regular face at Five Oaks Church, is partnering with 4 Paws for Ability to help further his fight against Chiari Malformation, an incurable brain disorder. 4 Paws trains and places service dogs to give veterans and children like Caleb the assistance and independence they need. Caleb’s service dog will give him an additional life line by assisting him with issues such as pain, seizures and countless doctor visits. Join Caleb’s family at their spaghetti dinner benefit February 21, 12-4 pm, at the Red Barn VFW, 9260 E. Point Douglas Road, Cottage Grove. The proceeds will help defray the $15,000 that the Maaske family must raise to secure this new friend for Caleb. Questions? Please contact Rachael Maaske, rmaaske@hotmail.com.