Weekend of March 5+6

Invite your friends to Game Café (but maybe let them win?)
Remember all the fun we had at Game Café last year? Rest up now for more FREE fun of the same caliber, brought to you by none other than the FUN Team, on March 18, 6-9:30 pm. You’ll find extra invite cards in the Commons. Take a few to give to neighbors and friends.


Help with the FUN for Game Café
You might not be on the FUN Team, but maybe you’d still like to help at Game Café?  Yes, you!  We need folks to make cookies or bars to donate for this event, lend board games and/or puzzles, serve food, greet, setup, tear down and run the games.  If interested, email Pam Hawley at phawley@fiveoakschurch.org.


Kids Hope USA: Making a difference in our community
Five Oaks is committed to changing lives by partnering with Woodbury Elementary to assist in meeting emotional, social and academic needs of students. We are always looking for volunteers. Your commitment as a volunteer? One child - one hour a week.  For more information write KHUSA on your communication card, or email KHUSA@fiveoakschurch.org.


Kingdom work opportunities
It may appear in a church of this size that everything runs smoothly and that our ministry areas are fully staffed. In truth, our ministry leaders, many of whom are volunteers, would gladly welcome your talents on their team, bothon Saturdays and Sundays. Help is needed in all areas. Please email office@fiveoakschurch.org with the ministry of interest, or write ‘kingdom work’ on your communication card.


Read now for March book club
If you love to read and you love a fireplace, the Five Oaks book club invites you to join them for their March 8 discussion of Heaven, by Randy Alcorn, Parts 2 & 3. 6:45 - 9 pm in the Fireside Commons. Questions? Contact Dawn Goenner at go.dmge@gmail.com.


Join us for Thursdays Lent prayer services
Easter is best celebrated when we take time to prepare our hearts through prayer and reflection. Lent is the journey that takes us to Easter. Take this opportunity to add something meaningful into your Lent preparation by joining us for our Lentprayer services, Thursdays, 6:30-7:10 am. Here you will sweeten your prayer life and weave a richer understanding of how the story of Easter unfolds.


Women’s ministry: join us for games and chat time
Come check out a preview of the new study, have coffee and goodies,  enjoy some fellowship and play a few games. Wednesday, March 9.   Childcare available for 0-5 for $5/child.  Please register at women@fiveoakschurch.org.


First Place 4 Health spring session starting soon
FP4H is a non-denominational weight loss support group. The spring session of FP4H will meet on Mondays beginning April 11. Daytime class is 10-11:30 am and evening class is 7-8:30 pm. All prospective members should attend the free orientation meeting on Saturday, March 19, 9 am. Cost for session: $150 for couples; $125 for singles; $22 for returning members. For more info, email health@fiveoakschurch.org or call coordinator Arla Frigstad at 612-594- 6951.


Register now for women’s ministry spring study
Our spring study, What Love Is, by Kelly Minter, is a 7-week study on 1-3 John.  Session runs March 16 - May 19, on Wednesdays, 9:15-11:30am, and Thursdays, 6:30-8:30pm.  Childcare available on Wednesday, for cost.  Register today at the Ministry Cart in the Commons, or email women@fiveoakschurch.org.


Parents & students! 
Registration is officially open for Challenge 2016 in Louisville, KY on July 3-8. Students, this is the one event that you do NOT want to miss! Parents, make sure that your teen is signed up online with a non-refundable $100 deposit by Tuesday, March 22, and that you attend our first Challenge parent meeting, including lunch, on Sunday, March 20, 12:30-2 pm in the gym. To RSVP for this lunch meeting and find out details about this conference go to:  http://www.fiveoaks.church/news-and-updates/2016/challenge-2016-registration.


Serve in the poorest country in the western hemisphere
Please consider traveling with us and serving the orphans of Haiti. Impact Ministries is sending a team to serve and teach at the All God’s Children Orphanage, outside of Mirebalais, Haiti, from July 30 – August 6, 2016.  Please stop by the Haiti table on the weekend of March 12/13 and find out how you can help. Also, plan to attend a Haiti informational meeting, on Sunday, March 20, 12:15 pm.  For further info, email haiti@fiveoakschurch.org.


Journeymen starting new study in April
This volume Authentic Manhood 33 The Series, called A Man and his Work, focuses on helping men recognize the obstacles and tensions they encounter at work, and reframe them within a bigger, Biblical vision for their career. This 6-week series runs Thursdays, starting April 7, or Saturdays, starting April 9. Cost: $15. Register at jmfiveoaks.com or email journeymen@fiveoakschurch.org.


DivorceCare Support Group
This weekly support group provides a warm, caring environment, led by people who have been through divorce. Support offered through video, study, and small group discussion. Meets at Rockpoint Church, Tuesdays, March 29 - June 21; 6:30 - 8:30 pm. Each week is stand-alone, so come when you can. Cost; $20. For more info, contact Bev Holm, 651-770-3172, or bholm@rockpoint.church


Got an announcement?
If you need to have something announced for your ministry, we will gladly print it in the announcements (such as what you’re reading now) and on our website. Our weekly copy deadline is Tuesday at 9 am. Please submit copy to Peg Benson, pbenson@fiveoakschurch.org.