Weekend of March 19+20

An open gallery for Good Friday.

In addition to our two Good Friday services and five Easter services next week, we also are featuring a gallery entitled: Beaten. Abandoned. Murdered. It was borne of the question we all have asked at some point: How could God allow his only son to be brutally killed? Our God, the God of love, forgiveness, and endless grace? The crucifixion story is one of unparalleled brutality.  Did God show up in that story? Join us as we unfurl these questions with a gallery experience depicting several stations of the cross. Gallery open hours will be March 24, 9 am -- 3 pm and before and after Good Friday services.

Student Ministry offers many options ahead
Families with students in grades 6-12…the calendar is action-packed ahead! This is a great time to either get involved if you haven’t been around much yet this year, or perhaps invite a friend to come to Rush Hour or Fusion with you.  Some upcoming highlights:

District Blitz Conference (grades 6-8): a weekend filled with guest speakers, games, and workshops to help students deepen their walk with Christ. April 15-17 in Duluth. Cost: $140. Register at: https://fiveoaks.wufoo.com/forms/x1gq75nh1y2s0s2/

Project Serve (grades 6-7 upcoming) Rush Hour will be heading to Green Bay, WI with YouthWorks for Project Serve. We will be serving in many different settings during the week, along with Biblical evening programming for the students. Students will get a chance to serve others and create new friendships. July 31-Aug. 5. Cost: $315. Register at: https://fiveoaks.wufoo.com/forms/x71nj8t1gl2zy1/

Challenge Conference (finishing 7th grade and up): A week-long conference in Louisville, KY, during which students will connect with others, learn more about Jesus, and serve others. If there is one event that Tyler and Justin want your student to attend while in youth group, Challenge is it. This conference is offered every other year. July 3-8. Cost: $650. See announcements for info on parent meeting THIS WEEKEND and fundraising options. Register at: http://www.fiveoaks.church/news-and-updates/2016/challenge-2016-registration.

For more info, please email Tyler at tsotebeer@fiveoakschurch.org, or Justin at jtalk@fiveoakschurch.org.


Easter services

Lent services: 

    Thursdays 6:30 - 7:10 am

Art gallery viewing: 

    March 24: 9 am-3 pm; 6-9 pm;  before & after Good Friday services

Good Friday: 

    March 25: 6& 8 pm 

Easter services:

    March 26: 4:30 pm

    March 27: 6:30, 8, 9:15, 11am

Children’s programming schedule for Easter weekend services is available at www.fiveoaks.church/lent.


Serve in Haiti or sponsor a child: Haiti info meeting this Sunday
Is God calling you to love the orphans of Haiti?  Impact Ministries is sending a team to serve and teach at the All God’s Children Orphanage, outside of Mirebalais, Haiti, from July 30 – August 6, 2016. Join our team or sponsor an orphan!  Sponsorship allows you the ability to share the love of God without leaving your home. Please plan to attend our Haiti Mission Information Meeting on March 20, 12:15 pm, directly after services. Discover how you too can be part of the Great Commission. For further information email Haiti@fiveoakschurch.org.

Tree House needs your help Easter weekend
We have a few extra services next weekend, which means we need a few more willing volunteers. Our needs are as follows:

Good Friday

    6 pm: Nursery, 2’s & 3’s, Pre-k/K

Easter Sunday 

    8 am: Nursery, 2’s & 3’s, Pre-k/K;

    9:15: 2’s & 3’s

    11am: Nursery, 2’s & 3’s

If you are available to help at this busy time, please email Cindy Yarrington at cyarrington@fiveoakschurch.org.

Help needed Easter weekend (no previous experience required)
If you are attending our Good Friday and weekend services this Easter, could you plan to serve at one as well? With more services and more people attending, a friendly face is very important, whether it’s greeting at the door or handing out worship guides. Please help us to create a worshipful and memorable Holy Week and weekend, for all the right reasons. To volunteer, please email the church at office@fiveoakschurch.org or write “Easter Help” in the information / sign up box on the communication card.

Only one Lent Prayer Service remains
Easter is best celebrated when we take time to prepare our hearts through prayer and reflection. Take this opportunity to add something meaningful into your Lent preparation by joining us for our final Lent prayer service, Thursday, 6:30-7:10 am. Here you will sweeten your prayer life and weave a richer understanding of how the story of Easter unfolds.

First Place 4 Health spring session starting soon
FP4H is a non-denominational weight loss support group. The spring session of FP4H will meet on Mondays beginning April 11. Daytime class is 10-11:30 am; evening class is 7-8:30 pm. Cost: $150 for couples; $125 for singles; $22 for returning members. For more info, email health@fiveoakschurch.org or call coordinator Arla Frigstad at 612-594-6951. 

Team World Vision still needs you
Not too late to join TWV and help supply clean water for Africa. If you’ve never run a marathon before, or if you’ve run 14 marathons or more, your training efforts will go a long way to help. Base training starts in April!  Email Daniel Lukas if you are interested: dlukas@fiveoakschurch.org.

Journeymen starting new study in April
This volume of Authentic Manhood: 33 The Series, called A Man and his Work, focuses on helping men recognize the obstacles and tensions they encounter at work, and reframe them within a bigger, Biblical vision for their career. This 6-week series runs Thursdays, starting April 7, or Saturdays, starting April 9. Cost: $15. Register at jm5oaks.com or www.journeymenfiveoaks.com.



Community News

DivorceCare support group
This weekly support group provides a warm, caring environment, led by people who have been through divorce. Support offered through video, study, and small group discussion. Meets at Rockpoint Church, Tuesdays, March 29 - June 21; 6:15 - 8:30 pm. Cost; $20. For more info, contact Bev Holm, 651-770-3172, or bholm@rockpoint.church.


Will you host an orphan?
Some call it a mission trip in reverse. Orphan hosting is a 5-week ministry in which you invite an orphaned child to live with your family in your home during the summer. The love of family… something many orphans have never experienced. Change a child’s life forever – GIVE HOPE! Visit www.p143.org for more info, or email Tony Collette, whose family has hosted five sets of orphans: tony.collette@comcast.net.