A donated backpack + your time = a huge gift


We are wrapping up our Karen backpack drive this weekend! Please return all backpacks filled with school supplies to Five Oaks by Sunday, July 30. (Yes, you may bring them to our baptism service on Sunday!) Attached are the lists for supplies needed in both the elementary and the high school aged backpacks. Thank you for your generosity for these Karen children. Many of these kids have only recently arrived in the US and cannot afford to purchase school supplies for their kids in the midst of all the other new expenses they've incurred.

What's even better than knowing you helped some "new kids" feel welcomed with a filled backpack?  Seeing the joy on their faces as they receive these backpacks. You can share this experience by volunteering, alongside the Bryant small group, to help with Karen VBS on August 6-8, 6:30-8 pm each night. This is a low-key, relationship-focused serving opportunity, one that requires no VBS-leading experience.  We'd love your help with things as simple as talking to community members while their kids are participating, helping distribute treats, kicking a soccer ball with youth, or helping kids with crafts and games. The Karen community loves this event and looks forward to our return every year. All ages and families are welcome to help! Interested? Please contact Kristen Bryant, bryantkristen@hotmail.com