
As parents, we often times have dreams for our kids that will help propel them towards success in life and we only have a very few, short, 18 years to do so. As I have one who just graduated, the hope that I have done this whole parenting gig well is on a continuous roll in my head. I have dreamt of great things for her, big dreams that only God could accomplish through her.  We need to help our kids dream. We need to teach them to dream big and give them opportunity to let them watch God show up in their life. 

Questions that I try to keep in the forefront of my mind, as a children's ministry director, are;  do we, as a church, dream big for our young people? Are we intentionally paying attention to the young people of our church? Are we prioritizing their faith journey inside the walls of our church so they can take the gospel outside to the world around them? Are we allowing God to use us to accomplish His work in their lives?

As we have been studying the life of David through the Gospel Project, I have been taking as many quick moments as I can to take in the activity of our classrooms down in the children's wing. A few weekends ago, I stood outside the lively 2's and 3's classroom and listened as our amazing teachers shared the story of David with the kids. They had a large picture of David and and even larger picture of Goliath hanging on the wall as they told the story with such life that  held these precious little ones attention and excitement. The dreams that I have had for this ministry were coming to life through these volunteers, as it does with many others, and the power of the word of God was alive in the eyes of these young ones. This couple was allowing God to use them to accomplish His work in their young lives.  

I am so thankful for our volunteers that show up week after week for the kids of Five Oaks. They bring the story of God to life in the eyes and hearts of these young ones that will help them create God sized dreams. They intentionally pay attention to these young lives and I couldn't be more grateful. 

As the world around our kids becomes a bigger space, let's, as a church, pray bigger prayers for them, show up in bigger ways for them and help them dream God-sized dreams so that they can watch God show up for them.  Let's continue to be intentional in their lives just as God is in ours.