Weekend of April 1+2

Team World Vision: Run a marathon for clean water in Africa

Join Team World Vision by running a marathon to bring clean water to communities in Africa. In the past three years, our team at Five Oaks has raised funds to supply clean water for over 1000 people in Africa. Most of our team members are first-time runners. You can do it! If you are curious, slightly interested, or even just looking for a good cause for your running efforts, come to the info session after each service this weekend in the Worship Center. Click here for more info.

Easter services: RSVP now
Easter is just a couple of weeks away. As you prepare your heart for Easter, please also consider how worship at Five Oaks fits into you family’s plans. Service times are:
Good Friday: Friday, April 14 5:30, 7:00 pm
Easter Services:  Saturday, April 15 4:30 pm  
                Sunday, April 16  8:00, 9:30, 11:00 am
Please RSVP for the Easter service your family plans to attend by clicking here. This helps us plan for seating, parking lot needs, and volunteer coverage. This is also a great opportunity to invite neighbors and friends! Children’s programing is available at all Good Friday services for nursery through kindergarten.  Programing is available at all Easter services for nursery through grade 5.


Easter serve: be blessed by your blessing
We know that taking that first step to find a serving niche can feel like a big step. To that end, we have several simple, ONE-TIME serve opportunities this Easter.  This is a great chance to “test drive” a serving role to find a solid match.  We have opportunities in many areas around our church — both visible and behind-the-scenes roles over the Easter weekend. Look for the Easter Serve brochure with the Worship Guide this weekend, or find one at the Ministry Cart in the Commons.  You can fill that out and drop it in an offering box. We’ll then contact you. Questions? Contact our Connections Director, Jennifer Clemens, at jclemens@fiveoakschurch.org.


Haiti Info Meeting
Is God calling you to love the orphans of Haiti?  Impact Ministries is sending a team to serve and teach at the All God’s Children Orphanage, outside of Mirebalais, Haiti, from June 24 – July 1, 2017.  Please plan to attend our Haiti Mission Informational Meeting on April 9, 12:15 pm, Room 105, directly after services.  Discover how you too can be part of the Great Commission.  For further information email haiti@fiveoakschurch.org.


Family dedication class this weekend!
Family dedications are right around the corner -- April 22 & 23. If you are interested in having a child dedicated, join us in room 101 on April 2, 9:15-10:15, for our Family Dedication Milestone class.


Registration for Maker Fun Factory Vacation Bible School now open
Hey kids! Join us and become hands-on inventors to discover that we were created by God and built for a purpose.  Each day we will have fun exploring Bible truths, worship with catchy tunes, use our imagination, eat yummy snacks, and make new friends. 
June 19-23, 9:15 am — 12 pm. VBS is open to children 3 years old by 9/1/2016 and potty trained, thru 4th grade completed.
Cost: One child = $45;  two children = $90; family max (3 or more) = $100 (Family max is for your "family unit" only and does not include friends or relatives you invite.)
Parents and other fun adults, we also need you! It takes 125 volunteers to make VBS fantastic!  Children and volunteers can register at www.fiveoaks.church.  For questions, contact Cindy Yarrington, cyarrington@fiveoakschurch.org.


Our Concierge Team needs you!
Do you give directions to someone that is lost? Do you love to know you made someone’s day easier? Do you like to treat someone to a free coffee?  If you answered “yes” to EVEN ONE of these questions, we have a fun opportunity for you! We need to talk to YOU about joining the Concierge Team for the weekend services. All you need is your friendly face; we will equip you to make a difference for newcomers at Five Oaks. Don’t overthink it; you can do this! Just write “Connections” on your Communication Card and we will have a a chat to give you more information. 

Lent Prayer Services on Thursday mornings
The Lent season naturally invites us to reflect on our relationship with Jesus as we prepare our hearts for Easter. Our Lent Prayer Services, Thursdays from 6:30-7:10 am, through April 6, provide you the chance to look at the 7 final statements of Jesus and at 7 prophecies from Isaiah fulfilled in Jesus. Too early, you say? The coffee is free, and the worship is meaningful. Join us.


Five Oaks book club
When:  Second Tuesday of every month
Time:  6:45 pm - discussion at 7 pm
Where:  Five Oaks Church, Fireside Commons
New members are welcome throughout the year.
Join anytime. Call or email Dawn Goenner, go.dmge@gmail.com, or (651) 238-1605, to find out what our upcoming titles will be.


Students: Last call to register for District Blitz!
Students: sign up now for District Blitz. You’ll hear great speakers, breakout sessions, a serving opportunity, and the fun of Duluth! April 21-23. Cost: $140 before April 7; $155 after. Register online at https://fiveoaks.wufoo.com/forms/districtblitz-2017/ or cash or check at youth group. Questions? Email students@fiveoakschurch.org.


Story of God class offerings expanded
From this class, you will learn how the Bible fits together, read it with greater understanding, and take your faith deeper. Great for beginning and experienced Bible readers. We have a new group starting April 6, 7 pm. Each class is 6 weeks long. Groups are limited in size. Click here to register.


Collecting items for Haitian children
Two Five Oakers are traveling to Haiti over spring break with their grandmother. They are collecting donated items for the children of the orphanage at which they will serve. If you have any of these items available to donate, please drop them off at the Info Center labeled for the Fairbairn Haiti trip. Items need to be dropped off at church the weekend of April 1+2. Below are the items they are collecting.  Where appropriate, new or gently used items are welcomed. Thank you!

Hygiene items – bar soap, toothpaste, tooth brushes, deodorants, shampoo
Materials to make a basket (or something to hold Easter eggs)
Plastic Easter eggs
Craft materials/items
Gifts for Easter egg hunt (extra items for kids who find special eggs)
T-shirts for boys
Boys’ clothing – boys size 10 - men’s small and medium
Wash cloths

Students: Join us on Wednesdays
Five Oaks Student Ministry meets on Wednesdays from 6 – 8 pm for both middle and high school students. Our youth café is open selling dinner, snacks, and drinks. Students will have time to hang out, worship, hear a message, then spend time in discussion groups. Come check out what Wednesday night is all about! Questions? Please email students@fiveoakschurch.org.

Overeaters Anonymous/H.O.W. 
Our church hosts an ongoing OA/H.O.W. group on Tuesdays from 6:30 - 8:30 pm. This meeting is always open to new members looking to free themselves from the burden of compulsive overeating.


New member candidates
Scott Halverson
Elizabeth Halverson
Timothy Ayoade


Community News

Alzheimer’s and dementia caregivers’ support group
Are you living with or caring for someone with Alzheimer’s or another type of memory loss?  You are not alone. Over 5 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s disease. All types of dementias take a devastating toll on both patients and their caregivers.

This support group is for those who are in need of emotional, educational, and social support for their role as caregiver. We also feature learning opportunities for developing methods and skill to solve problems that surround caregiving.  This is a safe and confidential environment.  When: second Tuesday of every month, 3:30-4:30 pm. Where: Red Rock Senior Living of WoodburyMore info or to RSVP: email Therese Buckley, tbuckle2@fairview.org.