Missions Weekend + cookies 'n cream = loitering allowed
Everything tastes better with ice cream, yes? This weekend at Five Oaks, we will get more than a peek at our global missions teams and their ministries, plus we'll get the chance to visit with several missions opportunities available through the Evangelical Free Church.
Our speaker this weekend is Pastor Hsu, a Reach Global Field Worker in China. In the Commons, at our Ministry Carts, you may:
•Speak to Rachel Bliss from Global Fingerprints about Reach Global’s Child Sponsorship Program
•Speak to Parker Raabe from APEX about missions opportunities for young people in middle school, high school, and college – and for college graduates as well.
•Speak to Russ Zimmerman of Bridges International.
•Watch a more detailed version of the video of our Global Field Workers
•Listen to a short presentation by Pastor Hsu in Room 101 about his work in China (Saturday night only)
...all while enjoying a treat or two from the Mik Mart ice cream truck! Kids, this is your chance to treat Dad to your favorite double dipper Drumstick or that awesome Ninja Turtle bomb pop! His life may never be the same after he realizes what all the neighbor kids come running for! The Mik Mark ice cream truck will be available before and after all services this weekend.
Join us this weekend. We invite you to loiter in our Commons afterward with your ice cream. Maybe even buy Dad TWO treats this weekend. It is Father's Day, after all!
Haiti team mobilizes June 22
Please pray for the 16 Haiti team members who travel to Haiti June 22-29 to spread the Gospel at All God’s Children’s Orphanage. This team requests prayer for travel safety, health of their team while in Haiti, and that they will glorify God in all areas of their service, especially their teaching with the kids and villagers. They also will distribute rice and beans in the village. Thank you for your prayers!
Got summer? Got Jesus? Got time?
We are still keenly interested in your help with children’s ministry this summer. As our regular volunteers take a break, this is an opportunity for you to step in and serve for a weekend or three this summer — and try out a new serving area. A great chance to build relationships and engage with kids! Lessons and activities are provided. Interested? Please email Cindy Yarrington, cyarrington@fiveoakschurch.org.
Student Ministry offers high-impact events in June
All events take place at church. Bring your friends for big fun!
June 21 — BYOS (Bring Your Own S’mores) Night — campfire outside
June 29 — Gaga Ball/2v2 Basketball tournament/Board games in Commons
Questions? Please email students@fiveoakschurch.org.
Awaken East update
Join Pastor Daniel Lukas for Awaken East preview services at their new location in the Maplewood Community Center this summer! June 24, July 30, & August 27, 10 am. This is a mission field right in our own backyard. Please continue to pray for Daniel and this plant as they near their September 24 official launch.
Dorothy Day serving opportunity July 1
If you are in town for the holiday weekend, Saturday, July 1, is a great chance for you and/or your family to be the hands of Jesus by signing up to help prepare and serve a meal at the Dorothy Day Center in St. Paul. Must be at least 13 years old. Time: 9:30-1:15. Write “Dorothy Day” and your email address on your Communication Card, or email dorothyday@fiveoakschurch.org. You must sign up and get a confirmation for this event.
Rooted Women’s summer study — join us if you can!
We are studying Beth’s Moore’s The Law of Love this summer. Can’t make it every week? Join us when you’re able! It is a 6-week lecture series. Our last meeting of the summer is July 19/20. $15.00. Wednesdays, 9:30 -11:30 am (childcare available for fee) Thursdays 7-9 pm. Email women@fiveoakschurch.org if you have more questions and to register.
Journeymen will complete a summer study by Andy Stanley
None of us sets out to be like everybody else, but it happens. Life begins to squeeze us into a mold until one day we wake up feeling trapped. Unfortunately many people think the answer is to run away, but they only end up making the same bad decisions over and over again. How do you break the cycle and break out of the crowd? Andy Stanley will renovate your thinking by exposing you to four core beliefs that have the power to change the trajectory of your life.
In this six-part study, called Breakaway, Stanley illustrates how our core beliefs influence our decisions, which dictate the outcomes of our lives. Join us July 15-August 19. Doors open at 6:30 am for pastries, coffee, and maybe even fruit. Study starts at 7 am. For more info and to register, please email journeymen@fiveoakschurch.org.
Global Leadership Summit August 10-11
This year Five Oaks will partner with Eagle Brook Church, Woodbury Campus, for GLS. We are not hosting, but instead we will attend at Eagle Brook. As partners and attenders of Five Oaks Church, we receive the special rate of $99 until June 26, when it increases to $129. Register now at fiveoaks.church/gls. You’ll need a promo code at registration to secure our special group rate. You can find that code at the Ministry Cart this weekend, or you may email Deb Johnson, djohnson@fiveoakschurch.org.
Mark your calendar for outdoor baptisms
Make plans now to join us at Five Oaks this summer for our outdoor baptism service. Bring lawn chairs and/or a picnic blanket and some sunscreen. Get ready to worship and celebrate those in our church family who are taking the step of baptism. Sunday, July 30, 10 am, in the Five Oaks backyard. More details to follow, but you can also look forward to an all-church picnic and lawn games following the service. Bring a picnic for your family, and Five Oaks will provide dessert.
Fourth of July update
Because we are focusing our energy and resources for our summer baptism service and all-church picnic, we will not be hosting a Fireworks at Five Oaks event this year. The building will be locked and the parking lot lights will be on during the Bielenberg/Healtheast Sports Center fireworks show. Can’t wait to see you at the all-church picnic on July 30!
Students: Still time to register for our YouthWorks mission trip
Hey students —- join us July 9-14 for a mission trip to Minneapolis (high schoolers) and St. Paul (middle schoolers = current 6h-8th graders). You’ll grow through service projects, evening fun activities, worship and time with God. Opportunities to work with kids, serve the homeless and elderly, and see some great breakdancing! $375 covers meals, lodging, and entertainment. Register online or email Justin Talk, jtalk@fiveoakschurch.org, with questions.
Five Oaks book club
When: Second Tuesday of every month
Time: 6:45 pm - discussion at 7 pm
Where: Five Oaks Church, Fireside Commons. New members are welcome throughout the year.Join anytime. Call or email Dawn Goenner, go.dmge@gmail.com, or (651) 238-1605, to find out what our upcoming titles will be.
Overeaters Anonymous/H.O.W.
Our church hosts an ongoing OA/H.O.W. group on Tuesdays from 6:30 - 8:30 pm. This meeting is always open to new members looking to free themselves from the burden of compulsive overeating.
New member candidates
Joe Bloodgood
Kelly Bloodgood
Scott Miller
Kathleen Miller
Brandi Bierbrauer
Community News
Share your life by opening your home short-term to a Japanese university student
Be a seed planter & experience something amazingly powerful! Loving hosts needed for Japanese students studying at Bethel University August 1-22. Transportation help & stipend provided. Hosts can be singles, couples, or families! Interested? Please contact Deb Anderson, 763-522-5051 djamwa@aol.com.
FamilyMeans Caregiver Support Program looking for volunteer help
Do you have 4-8 hours a month to offer relief to a caregiver? Those who provide continual care for a loved one occasionally need a break but cannot leave their loved one home alone. Volunteers are needed to step in for companionship and supervision — not for medical cares of any kind. This role involves talking with the patient, watching TV with them, playing cards or doing a puzzle with them, looking at photos with them, tinkering in the garage with them, going for a ride with them, etc. Help is needed in the following cities at this time: Cottage Grove, Woodbury, Oakdale, Stillwater, Oak Park Heights, Marine on St. Croix, and Forest Lake. Day, evening, weekend hours needed for children, adults and seniors. For more info, please contact Dianne Vierling, dvierling@familymeans.org, or call 651-789-4055.