Weekend of August 11+12


3 easy steps to start serving

Growing spiritually is exciting, but how do we stay engaged regularly in challenging ourselves and growing for God? Good news -- serving is one of the best ways to grow spiritually!

A well-matched serving role is one that doesn’t feel like work to you, and we have an easy process to help you find a great serve fit. Please review the SERVE brochure that you'll receive this weekend with your worship guide, looking for a couple of roles that sound interesting to you.  From there, it's 3 simple steps:

1. Fill out the SERVE brochure that you'll receive this weekend.
2. Drop it off in the offering box on your way out the door.
3. You can expect a phone call or Realm message as a follow-up to help you get started serving and on that path to spiritual growth.

Five Oaks Kids volunteers:  join us for kick-off this week!
In order to best equip our Five Oaks Kids volunteers, please join us for our Volunteer Kick-off, August 15, 6 pm. We’ll start with supper (walking tacos -- oh yes!), and then do some vision casting and Q+A for the school year. Our kick-off will help you feel connected to other volunteers and ready to shepherd Five Oaks’ youngest people! Please email Kelly Bauman, kbauman@fiveoakschurch.org, to RSVP.



Five Oaks Students volunteers:  join us for kick-off this week!
Students love youth group in part because they love our volunteers. In order to best equip our Five Oaks Students volunteers, please join us for the Volunteer Kick-off, August 15, 6 pm.  Supper is included -- (walking tacos indeed!), followed by vision casting and Q+A. This event will help you feel equipped and connected, ready to impact our teens! Please email Cindy Yarrington, cyarrington@fiveoakschurch.org,  to RSVP.



Now hiring: weekday Sprouts Director role open
We have a part-time position that will bless the moms of our community manifold by helping provide them a needed break on Wednesday mornings while they study God’s word and fellowship with other women. Our Sprouts Director will help recruit and provide leadership to teachers and caretakers, as well as plan and oversee programing for the Sprouts ministry. Please email Jonathan Haage,  jhaage@fiveoakschurch.org,  for more info. 



Interested in membership?
Membership is important at Five Oaks. It’s a way of saying, “I want to be part of the mission of this local church.”  If you have a personal relationship with Christ and have completed Story of God (the class or in your small group), make plans to come to the next membership class on  August 19, 9:15-10:30 am, in room 105. Please RSVP by  either registering on Realm or by emailing Pam Hawley at phawley@fiveoakschurch.org.



Got questions? Pastor Henry has answers
If you’re new here, you may wonder how best to get connected. We have a simple first step, called Pizza with the Pastor. This one-hour lunch with Pastor Henry will allow you to ask any questions about Five Oaks and get you started connecting with others. FREE childcare and a FREE pizza and salad lunch.  Sunday, August 26, after the second service. Please email Martha Young, myoung@fiveoakschurch.org, to register. 



One way to care for others in St. Paul
St. Paul is only a short drive from here, and many there face daily needs that you and I take for granted each day. This is a chance for you and your family or small group to share your time and help others enjoy a hot meal. Join us September 1, 8:30-1:15 pm, to prepare and serve a meal at the Dorothy Day Center. Interested? Please message Tim and Cindy Wiant on Realm, or email them at wiynts4@sbcglobal.net. Participants need to be at least 13 years old. You must sign up and get a confirmation to participate.



Let us help you raise your game at the FMSC Community Pack-out!
We know that you don’t want to be a spectator – that’s why you volunteer either here at church or in your community.  If you have ever helped pack meals for Feed my Starving Children in the past, you may be ready to find a way to do more.

Here’s how we can help you do just that: Sign up to be a “Super Volunteer” (actually called a Certified Volunteer) for  the Woodbury Five Million Meals Mobile Pack event at Health East Sports Center, October 4-7, 2018. Certified volunteers need to be at least 16.

All you need to do is:
·         Be available for two consecutive shifts ( six hours)
·         Attend a two hour training session (times shown in the attached link)
·         Make sure the volunteers have what they need and put their finished boxes on pallets
·         Answer simple questions

You will experience the joy of helping others have a great experience while they pack meals for the most needy people in the world. You'll also get a t-shirt, great food ... and a special hairnet!

Ready to take the plunge?  Use the attached Sign Up Genius Link. The full description of benefits and responsibilities is in this link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0e4dafaa2da6fe3-five 



Five Oaks book club
Do you love to read? Join us at our book club to discuss our monthly reading choice and meet others from church who also love a good book.
When:  Second Tuesday of every month
Time:  6:45 pm - discussion at 7 pm
Where:  Five Oaks Church, Fireside Commons
New members are welcome throughout the year. Join anytime. Call or email Dawn Goenner, go.dmge@gmail.com, or (651) 238-1605, to find out what our upcoming titles will be.



Community News

Free School District summer meal programs available
Summer is a time of uncertainty in some families in our community. If you or your neighbors are in need of meal help this summer, our community has many resources.
-Free summer meals: free snacks and meals to all children and teens 18 years and old and younger. Text “food” to 877-877 to find the nearest outlet.
-Food shelves: The Christian Cupboard and Friends in Need are both right here in South Washington County. Visit their websites to learn what you’ll need to bring with you to get assistance with food.
-Market Bucks: Market Bucks match SNAP-EBT spending dollar for dollar (up to $10) 
-Skoolie Bus: District 833’s Community Ed Skokie Bus will be out offering fee activities and food for kids. 5-7 pm on August 6 & 20, Shawnee Park, 6615 Scheel Drive, Woodbury; and August 13, Royal Oaks Elementary, 7335 Steepleview Rd., Woodbury.