Weekend of December 23+24


Are you ready for your kids’ next phase?

Kids change quickly: one day it’s LEGOs, the next it seems it’s a cell phone. As our kids grow and mature, their interests, challenges and needs evolve, too. Be ready for what’s ahead!

Join us for our FREE Parenting Journey Classes in January, where we’ll explore the social, emotional, physical, and developmental needs of your kids so you can stop feeling behind and start having meaningful connection as a family. This is also a great chance for you to invite neighbors and friends to explore their children’s phases as well. Click on the links, below, that correspond with your child’s current phase to get more info and to reserve your spot(s)! These classes are free, but space is limited!

January 6 (preschool)
January 13 (elementary)
January 16 (middle school)
January 23 (high school)

Worship with us this Christmas
Our Christmas Eve services offer you and your family a place to pause, be still, and know the true meaning of Christmas.  Join us for services December 23, 4 pm, or December 24 at 1 pm, 2:30 pm, or 4 pm. We know people will more likely try a new church when they’ve been invited by someone familiar, so consider inviting a new neighbor or recent transplant to worship with you. Children’s programing, birth through Kindergarten, is available at all services, and The Retreat is available at the December 23 4 pm service for our differently-abled children. Please note we will not have our regular weekend services December 22+23.



I know it's Christmas, but I'm distracted by our finances
Sometimes simply having a plan for your future can help us enjoy today. Financial Peace University can help you rediscover that confidence. FPU has a proven track record of helping families get a clear vision of how God sees finances and practical tools to help you get back to a less stressful tomorrow. Class starts February 4 and run 10 weeks. For more info, please email jhaage@fiveoakschurch.org and we’ll answer questions and help you get registered.


Juniors and seniors – it’s not too late to join the party!
Eleventh and twelfth graders, don’t miss the after-Christmas party! We’re playing broomball, sledding, exchanging white elephant gifts ($5 limit), eating food, and playing games! This is the final kick-off event for the junior/senior home group starting in January, so make sure you show up to learn what it's all about! Join us Sunday, December 30 from 3:30-8 pm, at Henry and Holly's house. For questions or directions, contact Henry Michael henrymw@fiveoakschurch.org.




I love missions, but my skills don’t fit …
You may feel that you lack the proper training to be a “missionary,” but there are endless ways that you can use your skills to get engaged with unreached peoples – close to home or far away. The Perspectives Class will show you how – and will also amaze you with first-hand stories of God's working! The class will be at Woodbury Lutheran Church on Tuesday evenings from January 15 through April 30. Please click here to get more information or to register:  Perspectives Class




Four life-or-death decisions for men
As men, we make a lot of decisions. But what are the most important ones we make? Come to the Journeymen Summit Weekend on January 25-27 as we look at the life of David. We will be joined by Vince Miller, as he walks us through these four decisions. Take some time to be refreshed, challenged, and encouraged in the new year. For more info, visit the ministry cart in the Commons and/or click here: https://fiveoaks.church/mens-summit




How do I rely on God’s wisdom?
Sometimes it’s hard to know how to do the things God calls us to. The IF: Gathering, a two-day event for women, will help you find greater freedom, peace, and reliance on our amazing God. Come join other women as they look to some of the best Bible teachers and speakers to help you on your journey. The event will be hosted in local homes on February 8-9. For more info, stop by the ministry cart in the Commons this weekend, or email women@fiveoakschurch.org.



New member candidates

Dan & Alissa Ellingson
Ben & Theresa Gulsvig
Brian & Jennifer Bartle