Weekend of February 10+11

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Serve + connection = spiritual growth

OK -- this maybe is not an equation you learned in third grade, but it’s one that Jesus taught all of his students.  Serving is one of the main ways you can ramp up connecting with others at Five Oaks while also giving your spiritual growth a shot in the arm!  We have a process to get you started serving in the best way that fits you. It starts with filing out the SERVE card you were handed today.  We’ll give you a personal follow-up call to help you find your best serving match. We know that serving doesn’t start or end here at church. Thinking bigger picture? Stop by the Impact Ministry Cart in the Commons after the service to get detailed information on serving with our local, global and glocal Impact teams.

Join us this weekend to pray for our missionaries
Please gather with us to pray for the 14 Five Oaks-supported missionaries, their families and their ministries.  February 11, 10:15-11 am, room 105. We will have treats! We’d love to have your prayer support for these global partners!



We’d love to help you answer questions about baptism and salvation
Not sure how to answer your kids’ questions about salvation and baptism? Or maybe you have some questions of your own?  Kids and parents, join us February 25, 9 am, as we help guide family conversations on these big questions. Students and adults, join us at 11 am to explore baptism and following Jesus. Both groups will meet in room 101. To register, please email Rhiannon at rrutledge@fiveoakschurch.org.



We want to journey with your family
Stop by the Family Resource Center this weekend  to peruse all of the resources available to equip you to succeed with your family.  The Family Resource Center is a place for every family at every age, stage, and phase to find resources, tools and caring conversation for their family. It will be staffed each weekend by our awesome Family and Discipleship Team. It’s a place to have a conversation with our caring staff, and a place to find tools and resources to help you navigate the phase you’re in. We are here to help you gain confidence in leading your family well! 



Did you get on Realm yet? (...iPad, anyone?)
Realm is our app-based tool that will simplify how we communicate as a church. If you haven’t yet created your account, look for your email invite from Five Oaks Church dated  January 26 and get started! Stuck? Find the Realm Geniuses in the Commons this weekend, or go to www.5oaks.info. Remember, if you create your account before February 23, you’re eligible to win the iPad Mini 4 in our drawing!


High school retreats: let’s play in the snow!
High school students...don’t miss our guys’ and girls’ cabin retreats this month! Enjoy a winter weekend in the north woods of Minong, WI with friends and your favorite youth leaders! Guys: February 16-18; Girls:  February 23-25. Come for amazing games, food, fun, and time to connect with each other!  Cost: $10.  Please email Justin Talk, jtalk@fiveoakschurch.org, to register.



Get on the Bible bandwagon!
If the Bible has ever moved you, now you can help move the Bible! Oh yes you can! It’s a new year, and we’ve got brand new seat rack Bibles, just shipped in, to replace the aged and well-loved seat rack Bibles in the Worship Center. We need as many of you as we can get to help us restock our Worship Center! Grab your small group friends and your family, and join us for just a half hour after the last service on Sunday, February 18.  Click here to register. Yummy snacks will be available at the end for all helpers!



Dorothy Day: be the hands and feet of Jesus
For many of us, our days are comfortable, with no worries for when we’ll eat again or where we’ll sleep at night.  This is an opportunity to step outside that comfort zone and serve those whose basic needs for food and shelter aren’t guaranteed from day to day. If you are 13 or older, consider joining us to prepare and serve a meal at the Dorothy Day Center. March 3, 8:30-1:15. Email dorothyday@fiveoakschurch.org to register. You must sign up and get a confirmation for this event.



Would you like some snuggle time?
We love babies! And babies love to be comforted! We’re looking for volunteers with good cuddling skills who will snuggle and play with our babies in the nursery so the parents of those sweet babies might enjoy worship with peace of mind. Interested in blessing these parents? Please email Rhiannon Rutledge, rrutledge@fiveoakschurch.org for more info.



Podcaster needed — and we’ll provide training
Help us make Pastor Henry's sermons available to those who miss a week or cannot make it to church. Take raw sermon video, add the sermon slides, and upload to our video website.  We have all the tools to do this; we just need you!  Time commitment is about one Sunday a month, 10 am ‘til 12:15 pm. Please contact Harold Ennulat at HEnnulat@fiveoakschurch.org or call or text at 651.442.5691 to discuss, ask questions, or to let us know of your interest level.



These daily devotions link to our sermons
DailyLife devotions, written by our volunteer team of writers, correlate directly to the Gospel Project and to the sermon from the previous week. These devotions will give you extra insight for your small group discussions, if you are involved with one. If you don’t currently receive DailyLife in your email inbox, sign up at fiveoaks.church/dailylife or write “DailyLife” and your email on your Communication Card.