Weekend of February 24+25


Can I impact the decision to choose life?

Yes! One of our partners, New Life Family Services, serves over 5000 women and men each year who find themselves in crisis. By contributing baby items, such as diapers, wipes, and gently used clothing, you are helping ensure that those who choose life have the resources they need for their children.  Knowing that these basic needs will be met will equip those in crisis to make clear decisions about choosing life.

This weekend at Five Oaks, please visit the Ministry Cart in the Commons after the service to learn more about this and other opportunities to come alongside men, women, and youth in crisis. Baby items will be collected in the Commons through March 11.

Dedication Milestone Class will answer your questions
Are you curious about what Dedication means at Five Oaks? Or perhaps you are ready to dedicate one of your children during our weekend services. Join us for our Dedication Milestone Class on March 4, 9 am in room 101, as we explore what the Bible says about dedication. To register, please email Cindy Yarrington at cyarrington@fiveoakschurch.org.



No ‘boreds’ allowed at Game Café
Friday, March 9, is zooming up on us, so start inviting friends and neighbors to join us at Game Cafe from 6-9 pm. This evening of FREE fun includes dinner, snacks, inflatables in the gym, board games, card games, puzzles, dice games, giant Jenga, and madcap fun for every age, 1 to 100.  Our trivia contest is also making a comeback! If you’d like to volunteer, either before the event by providing supplies, treats, or games, or perhaps help out on the day of and at the event, please click here. We have many opportunities for your help!




Realm is sweeping the land
Realm is our app-based tool that will simplify how we communicate as a church. If you haven’t yet created your account, look for your email invite from Five Oaks Church dated  January 26 and get started! Stuck? Find the Realm Geniuses in the Commons this weekend, or go to www.5oaks.info. You’ll find it easy to use, and we’ve already seen how it simplifies our communication efforts.



Answer God’s call and stretch your trust in him
Perhaps God is calling you to love the orphans of Haiti.  Impact Ministries is sending a team to serve and teach at the All God’s Children Orphanage, outside of Mirebalais, Haiti, in June 2018.  If you are interested in joining our Five Oaks team this year, please plan to attend our Haiti Mission Informational Meeting on March 4, 12:15 pm, Room 101. Discover how you too can be part of the Great Commission.  For further information, please email Kevin Johnson, kjohnson@fiveoakschurch.org.



New serving role = new connections
If you’ve ever been told you’re a natural host, we need you on the Info Center team! This is a great way to get to know new faces at Five Oaks while serving. We have both Saturday and Sunday openings for a once monthly serve. We’re also looking for White Glove team members. This involves light cleaning and organizing prior to services. Please email Jennifer Clemens, jclemens@fiveoakschurch.org, for more info on either position.



Local serve opportunity: Dorothy Day
Most of us have no worries for when we’ll eat again or where we’ll sleep at night.  Take this opportunity to step outside that comfort zone and serve those whose basic needs aren’t guaranteed each day. If you are 13 or older, consider joining us to prepare and serve a meal at the Dorothy Day Center. March 3, 8:30-1:15. Please email dorothyday@fiveoakschurch.org to register. You must get a confirmation for this event.



Podcaster needed — and we’ll provide training
Help us make our weekend sermons available to those who miss a week or cannot make it to church.  Take raw sermon video, add the sermon slides, and upload to our video website.  We have all the tools to do this; we just need you!  Time commitment is about one Sunday a month from 10 am ‘till around 12:15 pm. Please contact Harold Ennulat at HEnnulat@fiveoakschurch.org or call or text at 651.442.5691 to discuss, ask questions, or to let us know of your interest level.



Please pray
We extend our sympathy to Barry and Melanie Anderson as they mourn the loss of Barry’s mother. Please join us in praying for them during this difficult time.



New member candidates
Adam & Kari Enberg
Joe O’Kane
Mena Khanphongphane
Sean Scanlon