Weekend of July 14+15


Realm can do that too

Did you know that Realm -- a simple app on your phone -- can be the glue that keeps you connected to Five Oaks? Aside from its other cool features -- such as the option to catch last weekend’s sermon that you missed while up north -- or to stay up-to-date on church events and news while on that road trip -- Realm can help you and your groups stay in touch while everyone is scattered. Join us this weekend as we share some of the ways Realm has kept Five Oakers dialed in with each other since we started implementing it in January.

Not yet registered with Realm? Stop by the ministry cart in the Commons this weekend or email office@fiveoakschurch.org to get started.

Do you love kids but your time is limited?
Each weekend almost 200 kids learn about God in the classrooms of  Five Oaks Kids. Your willing spirit can make a big difference: helping out at the welcome desk, or substitute teaching in a classroom are 2 easy ways. Please email Kelly Bauman, kbauman@fiveoakschurch.org or write “Five Oaks Kids summer” and your email on your communication card. She’ll help you find a fit for your schedule and gifts.



Want to see & understand your city better?
Did you know that over 100 languages are spoken in the Phillips neighborhood of Minneapolis? The City Vision bus tour wants to show you how the cities have changed and how the church is responding. Sign up for the Discover Your City Tour on July 28 to get a better understanding of our city. For more details and to sign up, find the event on Realm or write “Bus Tour” and your email on your communication card. 



Join us for our backyard baptism July 29
At our Backyard Baptism service, we’ll worship and celebrate those taking the step of baptism. Sunday, July 29, 10 am, in the Five Oaks backyard. Bring lawn chairs and/or a picnic blanket, and umbrella for shade, as well as a picnic for your family. Five Oaks will provide drinks, and the MikMart ice cream truck will stop by with treats for sale! Please note that this baptism service will be our ONLY service that weekend.  If you or your child are interested in being baptized, please email Cindy Yarrington, cyarringon@fiveoakschurch.org.



Are you a sound guy? A lighting gal? We need you this summer
If you have interest in the tech side of worship, summer is a great time to dabble in our weekend tech ministry.  Roles such as: live sound production & stage setups, media prep and presentations, video podcasting and/or  production, lighting setups, programming and operations are all available.  Even better — we’ll train you on the specifics!  Interested? Have more questions? Please email Harold Ennulat at hennulat@fiveoakschurch.org or call/text him at 651-442-5691.



Try a small group this summer
Many small groups dial back their pace a bit in the summer, taking a break from planned study to focus on fellowship. If you’re looking to join a small group, summer is a great time to meet others in a more relaxed setting to find a good fit for your schedule and life stage. Interested in more info? Email Jonathan Haage, jhaage@fiveoakschurch.org.



Five Oaks book club
Do you love to read? Join us at our book club to discuss our monthly reading choice and meet others from church who also love a good book.
When:  Second Tuesday of every month
Time:  6:45 pm - discussion at 7 pm
Where:  Five Oaks Church, Fireside Commons
New members are welcome anytime! Call or email Dawn Goenner, go.dmge@gmail.com, or (651) 238-1605, to find out what our upcoming titles will be.



New member candidates
James & Jeanine Pierce