Weekend of June 16+17


Celebrating VBS “Shipwrecked”

Last week at Vacation Bible School, 200+ kids experienced the love of Jesus through storytelling, games, crafts and skits. At “Shipwrecked” VBS, kids ventured onto an uncharted island where they not only survived, but also thrived  in the truth that Jesus carries them through life’s storms. Kids also responded enthusiastically to our mission call to donate to Food For Friends, providing lunches to kids in need both at Woodbury Elementary and in Belize. This weekend we celebrate all of these wins during services. The kids will sing one of their favorite songs from the week, and we thank the 120+ volunteers who helped kids see Jesus in action at VBS!

Questions about salvation or baptism?
Not sure how to answer your kids’ questions about salvation and/or baptism? Or perhaps you have some questions of your own? Kids and parents are welcome to join us on June 24 at 9:00 in room 101 as we help guide family conversations on these big questions. Please write “baptism class” and your email on your communication card. Questions? Email Kelly Bauman, kbauman@fiveoakschurch.org, with questions.


Middle & high schoolers: game night this week!
Bring your favorite board game or group game to youth group this week. We’ll hang together and play all types of games. The gym will be open for gaga ball and nine-high tournaments as well. Bring some friends!


Treat Dad to a brownie (or four) this weekend
What says, “I love you, Dad!” better than a chocolatey brownie treat?  The Original Hockey Mom’s Brownie dessert truck is onsite at Five Oaks on Sunday, June 17 in honor of all the dads in our lives. (Yes, Wild fans -- you’ve maybe indulged in these brownies at a Wild game!) Save your chocolate allowance for an “all-in” dessert-before-lunch kind of day. Happy Father’s Day!


Please pray for our Haiti team
Please pray for our team of 8, ranging in age from 14 to 61, who travel June 22-29 to share God’s word with the kids and villagers at All God’s Children’s Orphanage in Mirebalais, Haiti. The team would appreciate prayers for safe travel and seamless customs, for God to prepare the hearts of all they will meet, especially the older kids and staff, in hopes of starting meaningful Christ-centered conversations. Thank you!


Your help will bless our volunteers!
When you aren’t at the lake or on a road trip. your willingness to volunteer in Five Oaks Kids will bless our regular volunteers immensely! Our teachers and classroom helpers volunteer all school year long, and when they take vacations in the summer, we’d love for you to step in and share your smile and energy with one classroom per weekend.  This is a great opportunity for small groups to take over for a whole weekend and serve together. Please email Kelly Bauman, kbauman@fiveoakschurch.org, with your availability. We’ll take your help for 1, 2, or several weekends!


Small groups: summer makes room for fun
Many of our small groups dial back their pace a bit in the summer, taking a break from planned study to focus on fellowship and community building. If you’re looking to join a small group, summer is a great time to meet others in a more relaxed setting to find a good fit for your schedule and life stage? Interested in more info? Write “small group summer” and your email on your communication card for more info.


Let Pastor Henry answer all your questions over pizza
If you’re new here, you may wonder how best to get connected. We have a simple first step, called Pizza with the Pastor. This one-hour, sit-down lunch with Pastor Henry will allow you to ask any questions about Five Oaks and get you started connecting with others at our church. FREE childcare and a FREE pizza and salad lunch. June 24 after the second service. To RSVP, please email Martha Young at myoung@fiveoakschurch.org.


More ways to plug in this summer...

  • If you’ve ever been told you are friendly or hospitable, we could use your personality as a Greeter or Information Desk volunteer this summer.  Openings especially for the Saturday and 11:00 Sunday services.
  • Are you in tune with social media trends? Always crafting the perfect caption for your pictures? We’re looking for a volunteer interested in an at-home serving opportunity helping us with our social media presence. Join our team that manages our Five Oaks Instagram and Facebook pages.
    Interested in any of these? Please write “Connections volunteer” and your email on your communication card.


Five Oaks book club
Do you love to read? Join us at our book club to discuss our monthly reading choice and meet others from church who also love a good book.
When:  Second Tuesday of every month
Time:  6:45 pm - discussion at 7 pm
Where:  Five Oaks Church, Fireside Commons
New members are welcome throughout the year. Join anytime. Call or email Dawn Goenner, go.dmge@gmail.com, or (651) 238-1605, to find out what our upcoming titles will be.


Want to see and understand your city better?
Did you know that over 100 languages are spoken in the Phillips neighborhood of Minneapolis? There is so much diversity right here in the Twin Cities and the City Vision bus tour wants to show you how the cities have changed and how the Church is responding. Sign up for the Discover Your City Tour on July 28 to get a better understanding of our city. For more details and to sign up, find the event on Realm or write “Bus Tour” and your email on your communication card. 


In sympathy
Please join us as we pray for Tom and Pam Hawley and family, as they mourn the passing of Tom’s father, Bernie.