Weekend of March 3 +4


5 easy ways you can help with Game Café

If you've never been to Game Café at Five Oaks, you'll want to change that on March 9.  Join us from 6 'til 9 for some unplugged action: board games, dice games, BINGO, our trivia contest, inflatables in the gym, and of course FREE dinner and snacks.

We still have a few needs for Game Café -- it's a week from today! Here are 5 easy ways you can help us make it happen:

5.  Lend us some of your games. Label them with your name and place them on the games table by the Ministry Cart in the Commons. You'll get them back after the event!

4. Sign up for a shift to help facilitate the fun during the second half of the evening: help serve food, staff the BINGO room, serve treats, etc.  Click here to see all of the options.

3.  Sign up to be on the clean-up crew.  Well-kept secret: cleaning up after Game Café is simpler than you think. The clean-up crew believes they are the coolest Game Café crew. That's a bold statement. Are you fun? Bring it.  Click here to sign up for clean-up.

2.  Take a few Game Café Invite Cards to recruit neighbors, co-workers, friends from teams and school to come to Game Café with you. A great chance for new folks to see fellowship at its finest. Our team trivia contest opens that door easily!

1.  Show up with your game on. Maybe you want to take on Pastor Henry at Catan?  Or learn a new game from our resident Games Master, Pastor Jonathan Haage?  Or maybe just school your small group leader at Tenzi? The sky's the limit.

Can I impact the decision to choose life?
Yes! One of our partners, New Life Family Services, serves over 5,000 women and men each year who find themselves in crisis. By contributing baby items, such as diapers, wipes, and gently used clothing, you are helping ensure that those who choose life have the resources they need for their children. Visit the Ministry Cart in the Commons after the service to learn more about this and other opportunities to come alongside men, women, and youth in crisis. Baby items will be collected in the Commons through March 11.



Dedication Milestone Class will answer your questions — this weekend!
Are you curious about what Dedication means at Five Oaks? Or perhaps you are ready to dedicate one of your children during our weekend services. Join us for our Dedication Milestone Class on March 4, 9 am in room 101, as we explore what the Bible says about dedication. 



Let Pastor Henry answer all your questions
If you’re new here, you may wonder how best to get connected.  We have a simple first step, called Explore Five Oaks. This one-hour, sit-down lunch with Pastor Henry will allow you to ask any questions about Five Oaks and get you started connecting with others at our church.  FREE childcare and a FREE pizza and salad lunch.  Sunday, March 11, after the second service.  Please email Martha Young, myoung@fiveoakschurch.org, for more info.



Got a question about Realm?
Realm is our app-based tool that will simplify how we communicate as a church. If you haven’t yet created your account, look for your email invite from Five Oaks Church dated  January 26 and get started! Stuck? Go to www.5oaks.info. for more info or email office@fiveoakschurch.org with your questions. You’ll find it easy to use, and we’ve already seen how it simplifies our communication efforts.



Interested in serving in Haiti? Info meeting this weekend
Perhaps God is calling you to love the orphans of Haiti.  Impact Ministries is sending a team to serve and teach at the All God’s Children Orphanage, outside of Mirebalais, Haiti, in June 2018.  If you are interested in joining our Five Oaks team this year, please plan to attend our Haiti Mission informational meeting on March 4, 12:15 pm, Room 101. Discover how you too can be part of the Great Commission.  For further information, please email Kevin Johnson, kjohnson@fiveoakschurch.org.



New serving role = new connections
If you’ve ever been told you’re a natural host, we need you on the Info Center team! This is a great way to get to know new faces at Five Oaks while serving. We have both Saturday and Sunday openings for a once monthly serve. We’re also looking for White Glove team members. This involves light cleaning and organizing prior to services. Please email Jennifer Clemens, jclemens@fiveoakschurch.org, for more info on either position.



Hang out with some of our favorite friends!
Our special abilities class, the Retreat, is looking for volunteers to come hang out with us during the 9am service. No extra training is necessary, just your love for Jesus and for kids. For more info, please email Cindy Yarrington, cyarrington@fiveoakschurch.org.



You can help with the sermon
Help us make Pastor Henry's sermons available to those who miss a week or cannot make it to church. Take raw sermon video, add the sermon slides, and upload to our video website.  We have all the tools to do this; we just need you!  Time commitment is about one Sunday a month from 10 am ‘till around 12:15 pm. Please contact Harold Ennulat at HEnnulat@fiveoakschurch.org or call or text at 651.442.5691 to discuss, ask questions, or to let us know of your interest level.



These daily devotions link to our sermons
DailyLife devotions, written by our volunteer team of writers, correlate directly to the Gospel Project and to the sermon from the previous week. These devotions will give you extra insight for your small group discussions, if you are involved with one. If you don’t currently receive DailyLife in your email inbox, click here to sign up.


Baby news
Congratulations to Tom and Kelsey Vang on the birth of their son, Tobias Vang, on February 28. Baby Obi weighed 5 lbs, 10 oz and was 18 inches long. Mom and Obi are both doing well!



New member candidates
Adam & Kari Enberg
Joe O’Kane
Mena Khanphongphane
Sean Scanlon