Weekend of August 24+25

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You asked for it, and we listened

Every year we ask for your input through the Five Oaks all-church survey. This year, you asked us for a master calendar available through our website that you could download to your smart device. Not only did we listen, but also, we’ve created six different calendars (by ministry) so that you can download ONLY the information you want.  Go to www.fiveoaks.church/events to download today.  You will see step-by-step directions on how to subscribe and customize each calendar once they’re subscribed to your device.  You also may visit www.fiveoaks.church/events at any time to view the master calendar.

Story of God classes start in September
One person said of our Story of God course: “It gives me a better understanding of what my purpose here on earth is.” The Story of God helps us see the one story the Bible is telling and gives us a framework which helps us understand more of the Bible as we read it. Come join this rich experience, which is only six weeks long. Click here for more info and to register.



Students: we’re changing it up this fall!
Exciting changes in Five Oaks Students this fall! Middle school will stay at 6-8 pm and high school will move to 7-9 pm on Wednesdays to make it more impactful for each group. (We’ll have a room for students who are waiting for siblings to play games, do homework, etc.) We’re excited about these changes and look forward to our kickoff on September 4! Questions? Click here to email Henry Michael.




Ask Pastor Henry all your questions
If you’re new here, you may wonder how best to get connected. We have a simple first step, called Pizza with the Pastor. This one-hour lunch with Pastor Henry will allow you to ask any questions about Five Oaks and get you started connecting with others. FREE childcare and a FREE pizza and salad lunch. Sunday, September 8, after the second service. Please click here  to RSVP.




We’re happy to work around your schedule
Not many realize that we have more than 40 different ways to serve at Five Oaks during the week. With so many options, we likely have a role for you that fits your time and schedule. Getting started in this process is simple: text fiveoaks to 555-888. From there, you’ll answer four simple questions, and then our serve coordinator will text you back. She will work with you via text or phone call to help find your best serve match. A simple text can help you start down a path of getting connected at Five Oaks and building meaningful relationships.



Stop and look around
There’s someone who needs you to see them. This September we are launching Orange curriculum in Five Oaks Kids, and with that some great strategies to help volunteers connect with kids. We want you to have fun bringing the Story of God to life while impacting a child who needs to know you. Each weekend during the school year, we need at least 45 people in Five Oaks Kids, so we have a lot of places for you to serve. We can help you find the right fit if you have a heart for children. If you have questions you’d like answered first, please click here to email Kelly Bauman.




Women: join our fall retreat at Camp Shamineau!
How does a relaxing fall retreat with other women sound? Even better, how about a fall retreat surrounded by the wooded beauty of Camp Shamineau? This fall we’re joining with other local Christian women for a fall retreat, September 20-22. Stop by the ministry cart in the Commons between services to get more info on this retreat and other opportunities in Rooted Women that start this fall, or click here to email Rooted Women.



Got a hammer? Love to paint? You can bless a family in our community
Join us as we come alongside the Barnes family with a fresh coat of exterior paint and a low-maintenance landscape transformation. Kenneth is an 86 year-old veteran and his wife, Ursula, is 81 years old. They have lived in their current home since it was built in 1973. Saturday, September 21, 7:45 am – mid-afternoon, when we finish. Interested? Anyone ages 12-100, male or female, is eligible to register. Click here for more details and to register.



Use your gifts of editing and writing
Sometimes a creative word or a keen eye for detail can be powerfully used to engage our church in Scripture. Our DailyLife team writes, edits, and produces a daily devotional, all from gifted volunteers. Please consider using your gifts to help contribute to hundreds of people engaging in Scripture daily. Please click here to email Jonathan Haage for more information.



2 ready -- 2 set -- 1 go: Finished your Passport yet?
Our Impact team challenged our church body to complete several Impact projects --  2 Ready, 2 Set, and 1 Go opportunity – by the end of 2019. Your engagement in these activities impacts the people you serve and grows you as a believer. Finished your Passport yet? If so, please email impact@fiveoakschurch.org. To celebrate your finishing the Passport, we will donate $50 to the charity of your choice!



In sympathy
Please join us in praying for Brian and Karen Burquest, and their kids, Lauren, Annika and Carson, as they mourn the loss of Karen’s mother.


Support for the Nourse Family
Sarena Nourse, a Five Oaks member, was diagnosed with stage 4 Ewing's Sarcoma, a rare bone cancer. Their small group has made prayer bracelets as a fundraiser to support Sarena's medical expenses and the living expenses for her, her husband Nathan, and their three children. If you would like to have a physical reminder to pray for Sarena and financially support them by purchasing a prayer bracelet, please click on this link and follow the directions.




Helping teens in Inver Grove Heights
How would you like to help students in a nearby community who don’t have enough essentials to feel comfortable this summer? The Inver Grove Heights School District is collecting items for their clothing closet. They are most in need of gently used clothing, feminine products, nonperishable food items, and reusable bags that are not see-through. If you have some of these kinds of items, please contact Five Oaker Abby McHenry at 651-724-3907, or email her at mchenrya@isd199.org. She would be happy to arrange to pick up your donations at Five Oaks.