Weekend of November 16+17


Five Oaks turns 30!

Recognize that "going-for-the-headlock" look on Pastor Henry's face? You’ve seen that glimmer before. This picture dates back to the days when Five Oaks held worship services at Lake Junior High. (Note that Henry’s son Aaron, to his right, doesn’t seem fazed.)

Join us this weekend and next as we look back over the last 30 years. (Did you know that our first worship service took place in the roller rink that is now the Wooddale Fun Zone?) We’ll have pictures from days gone by, treats, a slide show, and stories with friends, old and new.

Let those kids lead worship!
Does your child love to sing? He or she should join with their friends as our kids sing and lead worship at the first Advent service (December 1 at 4:30 pm). We’ll rehearse with all the kids on Sunday afternoon, November 17, 2 pm. No preregistration is necessary, but we are asking parents to stay for the duration of the rehearsal. Questions? Please click here to email Kelly Bauman, or message her on Realm.


Please pray for our high schoolers this weekend
Our high schoolers and their leaders are all at Camp Getaway this weekend. Please join us in praying for their safety, fellowship, and for the Holy Spirit to continue sowing seeds in their lives while they’re gone. They also have the privilege of learning from (Lead) Pastor Henry this weekend, as he teaches them the Story of God class at camp. God is at work!


Would you like more peace about your finances?
Each year we offer Financial Peace University, a class taking you through the financial principles that align with the Bible and can help bring freedom and peace to your finances. Our next class starts in 2020, but a one-night live stream event on November 20, hosted in homes, can give you a jump start to Dave Ramsey’s approach. Interested? Click here to email Jonathan Haage.


Thanksgiving hosting: (Impact “set” opportunity)
Ever wondered how you could impact China? It’s so far away and so closed to the gospel -- or is it? We can put China within your reach. We are again partnering with the Hospitality Center for Chinese to host Chinese students and their families for Thanksgiving. Interested? Email impact@fiveoakschurch.org, or visit www.hcchinese.org


Help us deck these halls
Does it bring you joy to turn on the Christmas music on and pull the Christmas decorations out of storage? If so, then join us as we decorate our church for Christmas on November 23, 10 am-3 pm (lunch will be served).  You can join for an hour or the entire time. Click here to email Jennifer Clemens with questions, or to sign up to help out!




Annual congregational meeting: Join us!
Join us November 24, 4 pm,
for our annual congregational meeting. We’ll start with worship, a short business agenda, vision casting for ministries, and heavy appetizers to follow. We’ll also celebrate the 30th Anniversary of Five Oaks with a video and some “birthday” cake. Child care is available for infants through grade 5. Proposed by-law changes and candidate bios are available for reading at the Welcome Center.




Back again: Women’s Christmas Crafturday!
Need a few more Christmas decorations? Or handmade gifts? Or just a fun morning out in your yoga pants?  Women of all ages, who are comfortable wielding a glue gun and scissors, are welcome to attend! It's a good event to invite your friends to or attend as a small group! Saturday, December 12, 9:30 am – 12 pm. Click here to register!




Calling all adoptive and foster moms!
Welcome to Embrace-Woodbury South! At Embrace, you’ll meet other moms who are on a similar adoption/foster journey.  You’ll experience spiritual, emotional, and practical support for adoptive, foster, and ‘waiting’ moms. We will also make time to learn more about caring for our vulnerable children, along with learning to better care for ourselves and our families. We meet in room 105 on the second Thursday of each month, 6:30-8 pm. Questions? Please email Tammy Placzek at the_plaz@comcast.net.



An easy way to get involved
Ever dropped your kids off in Five Oaks Kids and thought, I don’t know how those volunteers do it? Maybe you have a heart for kids but a classroom full of children feels overwhelming? We have many opportunities to serve on Saturday nights where numbers are lower and connecting with kids feels easier. Interested, even once a month or as a sub? Click here to email Kelly Bauman, or message her on Realm.




Save the date: Cuba 2020 (Impact Passport “GO” opportunity)
Would you like to help create real change in a chaotic world? We are making plans for multiple service trips to Cuba in 2020. We have experienced partners, but they need your help. As you make plans for 2020, please prayerfully consider an Impact trip to Cuba. For details on specific opportunities, contact Dave Baar via Realm or email (davebaar@comcast.net).




Welcome new members
Kathleen Lambrides
Roger & Judy Punt
Philip & Becky Vierling