Weekend of August 22+23

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The Family Discipleship Journey resumes this fall

We're excited for ministry to restart this fall! In the midst of this evolving season, one constant is our commitment to partnering with you as you take steps on your family discipleship journey. Join us as we preview what lies ahead for Five Oaks Kids and Five Oaks Students and your family this school year. We'll share vision and encouragement for you and your family. This is a virtual event this year, available on demand starting at 1 pm on August 30. More details to come on accessing this on-demand event, so stay tuned!

Five Oaks expanding to two in-person worship services in September

On September 13, Five Oaks will be expanding to two in-person worship services going forward. We'll worship together in-person at 9 am and 11 am.

Live stream is our newest worship option

Our live stream experience promises to be a viable way to connect with your Five Oaks community while we’re apart. If you watch the live stream at 9 am on Sundays from home, you’ll be able to interact with staff and volunteers through our live chat feature, ask for real-time prayer, submit your communication card, and chat with others who are also watching the service live. If you’re traveling some weekend, or not attending our in-person services, the live stream will help you feel connected from a distance! Check it out through our website (www.fiveoaks.church) any Sunday at 9 am! The live stream will be available to watch on demand after the service ends each week as well. 

Spread the word about the Five Oaks Kids Family Experience!

Each Sunday at 9 am in the gym, we’re having the Five Oaks Kids Family Experience. This is meant to help families with children ages pre-K through 5th grade feel connected back at church. We are socially distant, so we are asking at least one parent or grandparent to attend. All families with young children are welcome, so please let your friends and family know! Please RSVP in advance at www.fiveoaks.church. Questions? Please email Kelly Bauman, kbauman@fiveoakschurch.org.

Looking for a new sweet spot?

Since we have plans to add the 11 am in-person worship service back starting September 13, we need more volunteers on the weekends to continue to make FIve Oaks the welcoming place of worship we all know it to be.

We challenge you to think of serving roles at Five Oaks you’ve never tried out before, or something you already know is a great fit. Or maybe think back on a role you’ve filled in the past and might like to revisit. Now is the perfect time to sign up to volunteer — even just once — to see if it clicks for you, or continue serving in that sweet spot you already know and love!

To learn more about available serving areas, please put “Volunteer” on your your online communication card, or email Pam Hawley, phawley@fiveoakschurch.org.

Ladies: Join us for September’s TABLE event

Ladies, join us for an evening of guided conversation and connection as we gather for our virtual TABLE. This is a chance to connect with other women from Five Oaks about how God is moving in our lives during this particular season. September 1, 7 pm, hosted by Kathleen Miller. To RSVP, please email Kathleen at skmiller90@gmail.com. She will send you the Zoom link and some questions to think on prior to the TABLE. All are welcome, so please invite friends and neighbors!

How can I grow spiritually?

For all of us, this season of life has made clear our need for connecting with others, and technology has provided many new options. We want to help you get connected with others. We have in-person, online, and hybrid small groups meeting every day of the week. Please go to fiveoaks.church/small-groups to register for a group starting this fall!

Want to serve at home on your own schedule?

If you have a strong grasp of the written word, we’d love to talk to you about becoming a writer on our DailyLife team, the volunteer team who creates our daily Five Oaks devotionals. This is an opportunity to write on your own time (after the kids are in bed, maybe?) and use your gifts to help shepherd our congregation in their daily time with God. Your commitment: write one lesson about every 6-8 weeks. We’d love to have you join the team. Please email Jonathan Haage, jhaage@fiveoakschurch.org, for more info.

Growing your faith in college

As a college student do you feel intimidated by the challenges to your faith that may confront you when you step onto campus?  These next few years will determine not only who you want to be, but also who you are in Christ. At Five Oaks we want to help you deepen your walk of faith in college. Two of the largest college ministries across the US are the Salt Company and Cru. Their mission is to help people know, love and follow Jesus. To connect with students from Five Oaks with personal experience with these organizations email impact@fiveoakschurch.org. To learn more about the Salt Company and Cru visit https://thesaltnetwork.com or https://www.cru.org/.