Weekend of August 29+30


TWO big changes coming September 13!

Things seems to change quickly in the world around us these days, but we’re excited to share with you news of two big changes coming our way at Five Oaks!

  1. Starting September 13, we will move to offering TWO in-person worship services, at 9 am and 11 am.  (This may feel very familiar to many of you, as we used to have two worship services before the pandemic hit.) We will still require you to RSVP ahead of time for the service you plan to attend. More details to follow, but for now, mark your calendar for TWO in-person worship service times coming September 13!

  2. Also starting September 13, our Five Oaks Kids ministry will offer programming for our littlest Five Oakers at both our 9 am and our 11 am worship services. We’ll open the nursery for kids from birth up to age 2, and we’ll also offer a pre-K class, aimed at kids ages 3 through pre-kindergarten. We will ask you to please RSVP ahead of time for these classes. More RSVP details to come! If you’d like to volunteer in one of these classrooms, even once a month, please email Kelly Bauman, kbauman@fiveoakschurch.org.

Other details: We will continue to offer our Five Oaks Kids Family Experience in the gym, both at 9 and 11 am, at least through the end of September. (Again, we’ll ask you to RSVP ahead of time for this!) And, of course, Five Oaks Kids online children's resources will continue to be available for all ages. New content will be available on Sundays at 9:00.

Five Oaks Family Ministry Launch Event
Hey Five Oaks families! Don't forget! Our Family Ministry Launch Event is coming to you VIRTUALLY this year. It will be available anytime after 1 pm on August 30. You can access it on our website on demand to learn more about what Five Oaks Kids and Five Oaks Students will look like for your family this year.

Looking for a new sweet spot?
As we add the 11 am in-person worship service starting September 13, we need more volunteers on the weekends to continue to make Five Oaks the welcoming place of worship we all know it to be. Got a serve role in mind you’ve never tried? Or something you tried in the past and may want to revisit? We’d love to share vision with you for our current openings on the serve front.

Click here to check out volunteer options within the Connections ministry.

Click here to check out volunteer options within Five Oaks Kids.

Check out our NEW Five Oaks Church podcast!
We know you want to be connected to Five Oaks, whether you’re on the go or at home. We have a NEW way for you to connect to our weekend sermons. The Five Oaks Church podcast makes for great listening while walking the dog or driving to the cabin. Click here to read a short blog post from Pastor Henry that will provide you with all the ways to access it.

Hey, students! We’re going to meet together again!
Middle and high schoolers, join us for our in-person kick off on
September 9! 
We’ll connect with friends and growing deeper in our relationship with Jesus. We’re adding some measures to stay as safe as possible. Middle school will meet from 6-7:30 pm, and high school from 7:30-9 pm. We’ll practice social distancing and disinfect surfaces often! Questions? Email Henry Michael henrymw@fiveoakschurch.org or Kyler at kalbert@fiveoakschurch.org.

A season of new rhythms is starting!
Sometimes we need to evaluate our rhythms and have the best ones in place. We know one of the best ways to stay healthy is having a rhythm of meeting together with others in a small group. We want to help you get connected with others. We have in-person, online, and hybrid groups meeting every day of the week. Please click here to to sign-up for a group starting this fall!

Ladies: Join us for September’s TABLE event
Ladies, join us for an evening of guided conversation and connection as we gather for our virtual TABLE. This is a chance to connect with other women from Five Oaks about how God is moving in our lives during this particular season. September 1, 7 pm, hosted by Kathleen Miller. To RSVP, please email Kathleen at skmiller90@gmail.com. She will send you the Zoom link and some questions to think on prior to the TABLE. All are welcome, so please invite friends and neighbors!

Want to serve at home on your own schedule?
If you have a strong grasp of the written word, we’d love to talk to you about becoming a writer on our DailyLife team, the volunteer team who creates our daily Five Oaks devotionals. This is an opportunity to write on your own time (after the kids are in bed, maybe?) and use your gifts to help shepherd our congregation in their daily time with God. Your commitment: write one lesson about every 6-8 weeks. We’d love to have you join the team. Please email Jonathan Haage, jhaage@fiveoakschurch.org, for more info.

Growing your faith in college
As a college student, do you feel intimidated by the challenges to your faith that may confront you when you step onto campus?  Your college years will determine not only who you want to be, but also who you are in Christ. At Five Oaks we want to help you deepen your walk of faith in college. Two of the largest college ministries across the US are the Salt Company and Cru. Their mission is to help people know, love and follow Jesus. To connect with students from Five Oaks with personal experience with these organizations email impact@fiveoakschurch.org. To learn more about the Salt Company and Cru visit https://thesaltnetwork.com or https://www.cru.org/.