Weekend of December 19+20


Watch your Biblical understanding grow this winter

Jesus is the culmination of God’s rescue mission. But how does all of the Old Testament point to that rescue mission? And what does that mean for the story of my life? The Story of God class will help bring the Bible to life for you. People ranging from zero biblical knowledge to seminary trained students have gained a greater understanding of Scripture in the Story of God class. And that training impacts every time they come to Scripture. Join this six-week journey and learn the story of God. This winter is a great time to see how Scripture can overcome the darkness of a long season. To register or for more info, go to fiveoaks.church/story-of-god. Our next class starts January 10. We have both in-person and online classes available this winter.

The Giving Tree: Please return gifts and tags this Sunday!
You can still contribute to the Kids Hope USA Giving Tree! This year, in addition to providing gifts and gift cards for families in need at Woodbury Elementary School, you can do the same for the families in our Kids Hope program, get encouraging packages for the teachers, and contribute to the school’s gift fund. You may click here to access some giving options if you’re worshiping at home or haven’t yet grabbed a tag from the tree. Return contributions or gifts with their tags to church by December 20.

New here? You can ask Pastor Henry ALL your questions — this Sunday!
If you’re new-ish to Five Oaks, you likely have questions about what we do or why. Join us for Pizza with the Pastor, December 20, 10 am in front of the fireplace near the Acorn Café. There you can ask those questions and meet several of our pastors. Sadly, we cannot serve pizza at this time due to the most recent mandate from Governor Walz, but we’ll provide you a gift card you can use to buy pizza whenever you want. We’ll have activities to keep your kids busy while you attend. This is also a great opportunity to meet others who are also new! To register, please click here.

Our final Family Advent Service: Sunday at 4:30!
The Advent season always seems to move at lightning speed, even during a pandemic. Join us for our fourth Advent service on Sunday, December 20 at 4:30 pm, both in-person and on the livestream. We’ll focus on the joy that Jesus gives us in every circumstance, and how his light shining inside of us can be shared with the world. We’ll have activities and crafts for your family following the service, with all Covid precautions in place. RSVP at www.fiveoaks.church/advent to join us in-person and to find the livestream link.

Worshiping at Five Oaks for Christmas?

The best news of 2020: Celebrating the birth of our Savior cannot be paused! As you make plans for Christmas, here is our schedule for Christmas worship:

  • December 23, 5 & 6:30 pm

  • December 24, 2, 3:30 & 5 pm

Nursery & pre-K programing will be available at all services. The Retreat, for our differently-abled students, available at the 5 pm service on December 23.

All services will be available in-person and live streamed. Please register in advance at www.fiveoaks.church/christmas.

We still have room for you to bless visitors at Christmas 
If you call Five Oaks your church home, your willingness to jump in and serve at Christmas will help visitors feel even more comfortable during our Christmas Eve services. Please consider at which service(s) you could also share your talents and gifts by serving as an usher, greeter, or serving with our youngest, cutest Five Oakers in our nursery or pre-K areas. If you’d like to help out, please click here for serve options in our Connections Ministry, or click here to find a spot with Five Oaks Kids.

Worship from home on December 27
Looking ahead to just beyond Christmas, we’re offering a special edition of Five Oaks at Home on December 27. In attempt to offer some rest following all of our Christmas services, we’ll all worship from home that weekend. This on demand service will be available anytime after 8 am that morning. Pour an extra cup of coffee and worship with us in your pajamas!

Thank you for taking part in the Impact Journey in 2020
You and your busy families have helped to create change in a chaotic world by bringing the love of Christ and the Good News of forgiveness into a very difficult 2020. You have prayed, worked with our global partners, sponsored children,  mentored, befriended international students and immigrants, packed meals, delivered meals, served meals, housed vulnerable children, encouraged the discouraged, and been so generous with your treasure. Thank you!

Let’s pray for our students
We’ve been blessed to be able to continue meeting together this fall, and we’ve seen God at work in the hearts of our middle and high schoolers. For some, coming to youth group each Wednesday is the only “outside the house” event on their calendar. And we know it’s not enough. Will you take a few minutes each day this week and pray for our students? Ask God to continue to encourage and challenge them through one of the hardest seasons they’ve ever faced.

This winter we’re cooking up some Five Oaks Fun!
From the very people who brought you 5 years of the amazing Game Café and Fall Fun Fest…comes FIVE OAKS FOUR WEEKS OF FUN! This January and February, we’ll provide FANTASTIC, FUN events for you to enjoy at home OR in person, and it’s going to be SUCH a blast! Whether it’s virtual trivia & game nights, OR outdoor, wacky, winter, wonderland fun, OR even the latest, greatest Five Oaks Staff craze – pickleball tournaments – we’ll help you survive and thrive this winter, whatever age you are! Our first Fun Night will take place the weekend of January 22. We'll have more specifics soon, but for now, mark your calendar and get out your fun socks!

Financial peace?
This time of year can be stressful as we think about finances. Maybe we feel handcuffed to be as generous as we would like to be for Christmas or with those in need. Financial peace and increased generosity is possible, and the Financial Peace University class can help you get there. Come gain the tools and confidence you need to end the cycle of worry and frustration around finances. Classes are virtual this year and begin January 17. To register or for more info, go to fiveoaks.church/FPU.