Weekend of July 18+19


Blessing a foster family just got easier

Five Oaks has partnered with Washington County to provide meals to foster families. We know that fostering extra children is a big job, one that doesn't end when the workday ends. By helping provide supplemental meals, we are blessing these foster parents with one less thing to think about during their already full days of parenting and managing a home.

We currently have three small groups, comprised of 44 individuals, who are actively participating in meal teams. Some of the receiving foster families are Five Oakers; others are not.

This ministry is an easy way for you to invest in the lives of families who are standing in the gap for vulnerable children. By joining a team, you simply provide a store-bought meal to a foster family about once every other month.  If you love this idea but are short on time, all you have to do is add an extra meal to your grocery run. You can look for items that require little to no preparation, as foster families appreciate easy and convenient, too.

How do I get involved or learn more info? Email meals@fiveoakschurch.org.

Ever wondered how to pray for your kids or grandkids?

This weekend we start a new sermon series entitled, “21 Ways to Pray for the Next Generation (and Anyone Else).” In this series, you will learn how to apply the habits we’ve developed during our current sermon series, as we learn to pray for our kids, our grandkids, and the families of our church and communities. You will walk away from this series with an understanding of how to pray Scripture-based prayers as Jesus did. Helping you to parent, grandparent, mentor, and love the next generation with the Gospel at the center of your efforts. 

Join us, and invite another parent or grandparent in your life, for this sermon series which will run from July 19 through August 2.

Three ways to worship with Five Oaks

  • Five Oaks at Home: Worship online with us on Sunday mornings, available on demand after 8 am. Click here to access our weekend services.

  • Watch Parties: Get together with friends to watch our Five Oaks at Home worship service together. Maybe it's your small group, or maybe it's your neighbors, but hosting a watch party can be simple and rewarding.

  • Gathering Again: We're once again opening our doors for one service each Sunday at 11 am. You'll need to RSVP ahead of time online, as we have to cap our service at 150 pre-registered attenders. You may click here to RSVP for this Sunday's service right now. Click here to read our Preparedness Plan and watch a short "What to Expect" video before you come back to the building.

Questions about any of these options? Please reach out to us! You may email Kelly Bauman at kbauman@fiveoakschurch.org.

We need your help!
As we have started Gathering Again in person, we still need fantastic volunteers to make services run smoothly.

We know many of you have been asking how you can serve your community, and this is a great way to do just that. While you begin to join us in the building, would you consider serving when you’re here?

Click here to sign-up or email Pam Hawley, phawley@fiveoakschurch.org, with any questions you have.

Help our partner in India after massive cyclone

On May 20, one of the most powerful cyclones on record, cyclone Amphan, hit India in an impoverished area where one of our partners, Global Fingerprints, is working. The lack of power and extensive flooding have slowed initial relief efforts, so their local needs are many and palpable. You may donate to provide food and needed supplies by clicking here: https://give.efca.org/form_8c38d5ed