Weekend of November 7+8

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Are your kids anxious? Stressed? Join us for an important parenting event

COVID-19 presents challenging circumstances for all of us and is causing great stress and anxiety in many families. We want to help you parent well through this season. Join us Monday, November 9, 7:30-8:30 pm for an in-person & virtual event: Parenting Through Stress & Anxiety.

We’ll be joined by Psychologist Sarah Fuerst, pictured above with her therapy dog, Lulu. Sarah will share steps we can take to help our families thrive. RSVP to participate in person on our website: www.fiveoaks.church/family. There you will also find the live stream link if you prefer to participate from home. Questions? Please email Dana Morris, dmorris@fiveoakschurch.org.

We’ll celebrate family dedications this weekend
Join us as we come around families who are dedicating their young children to God and the church this weekend.
Henry Michael and Holly Williams, dedicating Mack
Zachary and Lindsey Yzermans, dedicating Ike
Tim and Katie Calhoun, dedicating Amelia
Jenna and Jeff Reck, dedicating Joely

UGM Thanksgiving bags: Last call for donations!
In recent weeks, we challenged Five Oakers to join us in raising funds to fill 150 Thanksgiving bags for our neighbors in need at the Union Gospel Mission. You answered by leapfrogging well beyond that goal. We have since raised that goal, and you keep on giving! Thank you! If you haven’t gotten in on the action and you’d like to donate, our final day to give is November 8. You may give by clicking here.

Lighten the load for foster families
What if, instead of foster kids waiting for foster parents, there were foster parents waiting for foster kids?  That’s a beautiful goal, so help us take a step in the right direction by showing our support for our own foster parents. Starting today through November 29, we will be collecting necessary items for foster families: Paper towels, tissue, toilet paper, batteries, paper plates. Please drop off in the Commons after church, or bring them to room 103 during the week. Questions? Email impact@fiveoakschurch.org.

Connect your student with new friends and caring adults
Five Oaks Students is committed to providing a place for middle and high schoolers to connect with God and one another by having fun, worshipping, and joining in small groups with godly leaders. We know joining a new group can be intimidating, and we want to make connecting in this season as easy as possible. Contact Henry M. or Kyler with any questions: henrymw@fiveoakschurch.org or kalbert@fiveoakschurch.org.

Looking for a new spiritual rhythm?
Try DailyLife: a quick and intentional devotion dropped in your email inbox each day to help you start reading and reflecting on Scripture daily. (And, by the way, reading scripture regularly  is one of the top ways to grow spiritually.) Our DailyLife devotions are created by a volunteer team at Five Oaks and are written to complement our weekly sermons. Go to www.fiveoaks.church/dailylife to sign up today!

Congregational Meeting: Important details
The unofficial word of 2020 is “pivot,” and that’s what we’ll do with our annual congregational meeting as well. Join us on November 15, 4-5 pm, in a Zoom call format. To view the meeting agenda, bios of candidates running for the Governing Board and Elders, budget, and other pertinent items, go to: www.fiveoaks.church/congregational-meeting. Questions? Email Brian Burquest, bburquest@fiveokschurch.org.

New here? You can ask Pastor Henry that question
If you’re new-ish to Five Oaks, you likely have questions about what we do or why. Join us for Pizza with the Pastor, November 22, 12:15 pm, where you can ask those questions and meet several of our pastors. We’ll provide a pizza and salad lunch, and we’ll have activities to keep your kids busy while you attend. This is also a great opportunity to meet others who are also new! Click here to register.

Do you engage with social media regularly?
Social media can be a complicated place these days, but you can make it a little brighter by serving as a volunteer on our social media team. We’re looking for folks who are interested in helping us generate content for our main Five Oaks Facebook and Instagram pages. Your commitment: 1-2 hours per week, and you’d have access to resources and ideas from the team, a mix of volunteers and staff. This is one serve role you can engage in virtually anywhere! Interested or have questions? Please email Stephanie Kiel, skiel@fiveoakschurch.org.

Writing and discipleship
Would you like to use your gifts of writing to help equip our church family to follow Jesus in their everyday life? Then we would love to invite you to consider joining our DailyLife team. Writers create a lesson once every six weeks or so, and we provide incredible resources and copy editors to complete the writing process. Interested? Put “DailyLife team” on your communication card or email Jonathan at jhaage@fiveoakschurch.org.

Weekend fellowship is only a click away
Did you know that serving at Five Oaks on Sunday also scratches your fellowship itch? “What?” you may be wondering. “I didn’t even know I had a fellowship itch, let alone that it itches?” Fellowship is a word bandied about in Christian circles, and among other things it means socializing, relationship-building, conversation time. When you serve on the weekends in our building, you’re also getting a healthy dose of what Americans have been craving since we met Covid-19: time to catch up with people, get to know new folks, and even laugh a bit. We’d love to have your help this weekend or any weekend in the future, and we’d love to see your smile when you’re here. “Fellowshipping” does that.

Click here for serve opportunities in our Connections Ministry

Click here for serve opportunities in Five Oaks Kids