Weekend of October 3+4


Our volunteers love a good party

We’re blessed by all of our volunteers at Five Oaks! We know that many of you serve behind the scenes, or even from home, but each of you makes our church a welcoming, inviting place for new folks. Last Friday evening, we invited all of our Five Oaks volunteers to a party in our backyard to celebrate and appreciate them. About 140 of you showed up to watch the Pixar classic, “Inside Out,” play yard games, and enjoy treats and fellowship.

If this looks like a blast to you, we'd love to have you join one of our SERVE teams. To learn more about our various SERVE roles and opportunities, please click here.

We’re excited to welcome back all families and kids!
Starting October 4 at the 11:00 am service (that’s today!),
we welcome our elementary kids back for a service that is all their own...without their parents! This service meets in the gym. We’re excited to see your kids in person again! At the 9:00 am service, we’ll continue to offer our Five Oaks Kids Family Experience in the gym. Both of these options do require an advance RSVP online so we can ensure social distancing in the gym. Questions? Email Kelly Bauman, kbauman@fiveoakschurch.org.

Using your gifts for the next generation
Community is one of the most crucial ingredients for growing in your faith. Five Oaks Students is committed to connecting students to God and to each other every week. Providing a space that fosters spiritual growth takes dozens of volunteers. If you’d like to jump in with serving snacks, helping set up, cleaning spaces, leading groups, or welcoming students, we need your help! Reach out to Henry Michael at henrymw@fiveoakschurch.org in order to get connected!

Your story is important
But how does it connect with God’s story? The Bible is actually one big epic story and to know the God of the Bible and his story will invite you into the good and beautiful life God intends. This makes your story more meaningful and life-giving. Don’t miss out on this incredible journey. The Story of God class is a 6-week class, in small groups, to frame this amazing story. Classes are starting in October. To register or for more info, go to www.storyofgod.church.

Kids Hope USA mentoring (BLESS Passport “go” opportunity)
Too many students stand just one close adult relationship away from thriving in school and in life. Could you be that adult? We can help you. As a Kids Hope mentor you spend one hour with one student once per week either online or at Woodbury Elementary School (depending on COVID guidelines). It’s that simple, and it is life changing. Interested? Email khusa@fiveoakschurch.org.

Do you engage with social media regularly?
Social media can be a complicated place these days, but you can make it a little brighter by serving as a volunteer on our social media team. We’re looking for folks who are interested in helping us generate content for our main Five Oaks Facebook and Instagram pages. Your commitment: 1-2 hours per week, and you’d have access to resources and ideas from the team, a mix of volunteers and staff. This is one serve role you can engage in virtually anywhere! Interested or have questions? Please email Stephanie Kiel, skiel@fiveoakschurch.org.

Want to serve at home on your own schedule?
If you have a strong grasp of the written word, we’d love to talk to you about becoming a writer on our DailyLife team, the volunteer team who creates our daily Five Oaks devotionals. This is an opportunity to write on your own time (after the kids are in bed, maybe?) and use your gifts to help shepherd our congregation in their daily time with God. Your commitment: write one lesson about every 6-8 weeks. We’d love to have you join the team. Please email Jonathan Haage, jhaage@fiveoakschurch.org, for more info.

Middle school: Save the date for Pumpkinfest!
Hey middle school families — we’re planning a safe and action-packed Pumpkinfest at the Vierling farm on October 23, 6-9 pm. More details to come, but look forward to all kinds of shenanigans with pumpkins, big and small! We’ll have snacks, a bonfire and games. Save the date! Questions? Email Kyler Albert, kalbert@fiveoakschurch.org.

Dedications and baptisms coming in November
Dedication and baptism are two important milestones on our Family Discipleship Journey. If you or one of your kids, or someone in your family, is ready to be dedicated or baptized, we’d like to come alongside you as you prepare and/or disciple your kids on this. We’ll do dedications in our November 8 worship services, and we’ll do baptisms in our November 22 worship services. If you’re interested in participating in either of these, please email Kelly Bauman, kbauman@fiveoakschurch.org, and she will arrange to send you some materials to prepare. We’ll also do a follow-up meeting, either in person or on a virtual call.

Annual congregational meeting: Save the date
Mark your calendar now for our annual congregational meeting on November 15 from 4 to 5 pm. This year the format will be virtual. More details to follow!