Weekend of September 12+13


Remember that passport?

You heard a little about the Bless Passport last week, and this weekend at church, you’ll receive that BLESS Impact Passport. It contains great opportunities for you to engage in over the next three months to bless your city, the immigrant, and the world. It contains kids’ Impact activities as well. If you don’t remember what Ready-Set-Go is, you’ll get a review this weekend.

Not planning to worship in-person this weekend? Click here to access the Bless Passport digitally. Bonus -- the digital version contains direct links to sign up for all of our Impact opportunities!  Questions? Please email Kevin Johnson, kjohnson@fiveoakschurch.org.

How can I thrive and not just survive?
For all of us, this season of life has made clear our need for connecting with others, especially since we need the support of others to be intentional and thrive. We want to help you grow spiritually with others. We have in-person and online small groups meeting every day of the week. Please click here to sign up for a group starting this fall! It’s just an 8-week commitment during our upcoming Bless series, so try it out!

Last call for  Camp Getaway!
On the weekend of September 18-20, Five Oaks Students is taking over Camp Arrowhead for an amazing weekend. You don’t want to miss it! We always have great food, fun games, and of course, skit night. We are opening this up for both middle and high school students, so invite your friends and get to camp! Click here for more info and to register. More questions? Email Henry Michael, henrymw@fiveoakschurch.org.

Loving Your World: Feed My Starving Children (Impact Passport “Ready” opportunity)
Hope begins with food! Join us Saturday, October 3 as we partner with Feed My Starving Children to pack meals for the desperately poor at the FMSC headquarters in Eagan. Two shifts available: 3-5 pm or 6-8 pm. This is both a great opportunity to serve as a family (ages 10 and up are welcome) and a chance to reach out to friends and neighbors. Inviting them to join you is an easy way to involve them in what’s important to you. Register on Realm or email impact@fiveoakschurch.org.

Looking for a new sweet spot?
As we add the 11 am in-person worship service starting September 13, we need more volunteers on the weekends to continue to make Five Oaks the welcoming place of worship we all know it to be. Got a serve role in mind you’ve never tried? Or something you tried in the past and may want to revisit? We’d love to share vision with you for our current openings on the serve front.

Click here to check out volunteer options within the Connections ministry.

Click here to check out volunteer options within Five Oaks Kids.

Do you ever quietly edit the menu in a restaurant?
If you find yourself copy editing the typos and grammar mistakes on a restaurant menu, we have the perfect serve role for you. Even better: this role is one you can fill on your own time, from the comfort of your couch — or the cabin! Our DailyLife team is recruiting copy editors to provide the final set of edits to our lessons. Your commitment is about an hour every other week. Interested? Please email Jonathan Haage, jhaage@fiveoakschurch.org.

Check out our NEW Five Oaks Church podcast!
We know you want to be connected to Five Oaks, whether you’re on the go or at home. We have a NEW way for you to connect to our weekend sermons. The Five Oaks Church podcast makes for great listening while walking the dog or driving to the cabin. Click here to read a short blog post from Pastor Henry that will provide you with all the ways to access it.