Weekend of September 26+27


The greatest story

Who is God, and what is he about? The way we answer these questions has dramatic effects on our life. And to know God, we need to know the story of God. The Bible is actually one big epic story, and to know the God of the Bible and his story will invite you into the good and beautiful life God intends. Don’t miss out on this incredible journey.

The Story of God class is a 6-week class in small groups that frames this amazing story. Two classes are starting in October, with both in-person and online options. Click here for more information and to register.

Get ready to drop your elementary kids off next weekend!
Starting October 4 at the 11:00 am service,
we will welcome our elementary kids back for a service that is all their own...without their parents! This service will meet in the gym. You will need to pre-register your kids online and attendance will be limited to ensure safe distances between kids, but we’re excited to see your kids in person again! At the 9:00 am service, we’ll continue to offer our Five Oaks Kids Family Experience in the gym. We look forward to seeing your family again!

11th & 12th grade Bible study starts Sunday night!
Junior and senior years are important years of transition. Students ask bigger questions about their future and their faith. Each Sunday night from 6-8 pm, a group of 11/12th graders meet to study God’s word and grow in community at Henry M. and Holly’s house! The Bible study kicks off this weekend — September 27 — (no preparation needed). Students are encouraged to bring their friends as well. For more information or questions, contact Henry M. at henrymw@fiveoakschurch.org. 

Join us for the first of 3 BLESS worship gatherings
Mark your calendar for October 3, 6-7 pm, when we’ll share an informal time of worship that will include singing, prayer, a look to God’s word, and fellowship with one another. We’ll focus on how the blessings of God’s presence, provision, and promise equip us as his Church to be a blessing to the world around us. Bring a lawn chair, a blanket, your whole family, and meet us in the Five Oaks backyard. Drinks and light snacks provided! Questions? Please email Kyler Albert, kalbert@fiveoakschurch.org.

Kids hope mentoring (Impact Passport “go” opportunity)
Too many students stand just one close adult relationship away from thriving in school and in life. Could you be that adult? We can help you. As a Kids Hope mentor you spend one hour with one student once per week either online or at Woodbury Elementary School (depending on COVID guidelines). It’s that simple, and it is life-changing. Interested? Email khusa@fiveoakschurch.org.

Do you engage with social media regularly?
Social media can be a complicated place these days, but you can make it a little brighter by serving as a volunteer on our social media team. We’re looking for folks who are interested in helping us generate content for our main Five Oaks Facebook and Instagram pages. Your commitment: 1-2 hours per week, and you’d have access to resources and ideas from the team, a mix of volunteers and staff. This is one serve role you can engage in virtually anywhere! Interested or have questions? Please email Stephanie Kiel, skiel@fiveoakschurch.org.

Want to serve at home on your own schedule?
If you have a strong grasp of the written word, we’d love to talk to you about becoming a writer on our DailyLife team, the volunteer team who creates our daily Five Oaks devotionals. This is an opportunity to write on your own time (after the kids are in bed, maybe?) and use your gifts to help shepherd our congregation in their daily time with God. Your commitment: write one lesson about every 6-8 weeks. We’d love to have you join the team. Please email Jonathan Haage, jhaage@fiveoakschurch.org, for more info.

Five Oaks Students: Use your gifts for the next generation
Community is one of the most crucial ingredients for growing in your faith. Five Oaks Students is committed to connecting students to God and to each other every week. Providing a space that fosters spiritual growth takes dozens of volunteers. If you’d like to jump in with serving snacks, helping set up, cleaning spaces, leading groups, or welcoming students, we need your help! Reach out to Henry Michael at henrymw@fiveoakschurch.org in order to get connected!

Looking for a new sweet spot?
The great news: We’ve added a second worship service on Sundays: we now offer a 9 am and an 11 am service. The blessing of this: We need more volunteers on the weekends to continue to make Five Oaks the welcoming place of worship we all know it to be. Got a serve role in mind you’ve never tried? Or something you tried in the past and may want to revisit? We’d love to share vision with you for our current openings on the serve front.

Click here to check out volunteer options within the Connections ministry.

Click here to check out volunteer options within Five Oaks Kids.

Check out our NEW Five Oaks Church podcast!
We know you want to be connected to Five Oaks, whether you’re on the go or at home. We have a NEW way for you to connect to our weekend sermons. The Five Oaks Church podcast makes for great listening while walking the dog or driving to the cabin. Click here to read a short blog post from Pastor Henry that will provide you with all the ways to access it.

Loving Your World: Feed My Starving Children (Impact Passport “Ready” opportunity)
Hope begins with food! Join us Saturday, October 3 as we partner with Feed My Starving Children to pack meals for the desperately poor at the FMSC headquarters in Eagan. Two shifts available: 12-2 pm or 3-5 pm. This is both a great opportunity to serve as a family (ages 8 and up are welcome) and a chance to reach out to friends and neighbors. Inviting them to join you is an easy way to involve them in what’s important to you. Register on Realm or email impact@fiveoakschurch.org.

Annual congregational meeting: Save the date
Mark your calendar now for our annual congregational meeting on November 15 from 4 to 5 pm. This year the format will be virtual. More details to follow!