Weekend of September 5+6


How can I be a blessing to those around me?

This picture was taken at a goodbye party for a family in our "New Here" small group, a small group that is geared toward new folks at Five Oaks who are interested in getting a taste of what small group is like.This small group has been a great way for new people to get involved at Five Oaks, to find community with others. They all gathered to say goodbye to a family who was moving back to Taiwan earlier this summer.

This fall we will be looking at simple, practical rhythms, rhythms modeled by Jesus, that lead to being a blessing to those around us. And these rhythms are best learned in community. We know that one of the best ways to bless others is through the community of a small group. Would you consider jumping into a small group for this short series, from September 27 through November 15? We will have zoom and in-person options and many pop-up groups that will be new just for this series. Join this journey -- find community and bless others --  at fiveoaks.church/small-groups.

Mark your calendar: Two in-person worship services starting next weekend
Starting September 13, we will move to offering TWO in-person worship services, at 9 am and 11 am
.  (This may feel very familiar to many of you, as we used to have two worship services before the pandemic hit.) RSVP’s will open for these two worship services starting September 8. We’re looking forward to worshiping with you! Questions about logistics surrounding these services? Email Pam Hawley, phawley@fiveoakschurch.org.

We can’t wait to see our littlest Five Oakers next weekend!
Starting September 13, Five Oaks Kids ministry will offer programming for our littlest Five Oakers at both our 9 am and our 11 am worship services. We’ll open the nursery for kids from birth to age 2, and we’ll also offer a pre-K class for kids ages 3 through pre-K. Both classes will have Orange programming and limited items in the rooms for safety. Space will be limited and RSVP’s open on September 8. If you’d like to volunteer in one of these classrooms, even once a month, email Kelly Bauman, kbauman@fiveoakschurch.org.

Hey students! Check out our fall kickoff and Camp Getaway!
Middle and high schoolers, join us for our in-person kick off onSeptember 9! 
We’ll connect with friends and grow in our relationship with Jesus. Middle school will meet from 6-7:30 pm, and high school from 7:30-9 pm. AND, registration is open now for Camp Getaway, our fall retreat: September 18-20, for grades 6-12. Games, teaching, and lots more camp fun. Click here for more info and to register for Camp Getaway. Questions? Email Henry Michael, henrymw@fiveoakschurch.org.

Looking for a new sweet spot?
As we add the 11 am in-person worship service starting September 13, we need more volunteers on the weekends to continue to make Five Oaks the welcoming place of worship we all know it to be. Got a serve role in mind you’ve never tried? Or something you tried in the past and may want to revisit? We’d love to share vision with you for our current openings on the serve front.

Click here to check out volunteer options within the Connections ministry.

Click here to check out volunteer options within Five Oaks Kids.

Perfect if you love to plant and landscape
Join the Decor Team on September 12 from 1:00-4:00 at the church as we plant perennials to spruce up the landscaping between our two front entrances. We also will be updating our patio plants and decorating indoors for the for fall.  You can join the team for just September 12 or year-round (the team meets four times a year).  Write Decor on your communication card or contact Jennifer Clemens at jclemens@fiveoakschurch.org.

Check out our NEW Five Oaks Church podcast!
We know you want to be connected to Five Oaks, whether you’re on the go or at home. We have a NEW way for you to connect to our weekend sermons. The Five Oaks Church podcast makes for great listening while walking the dog or driving to the cabin. Click here to read a short blog post from Pastor Henry that will provide you with all the ways to access it.

Remember Ready-Set-Go? or that Impact Passport?
You heard a little about the BLESS campaign last week. The campaign isn’t just about raising money, but it’s also largely about moving us all to greater ministry and impact. Now, remember the Impact Journey Passport we launched last year? Next week you will hear about the BLESS Impact Passport. It contains “Ready”, “Set”, and “Go” Impact opportunities that you can engage in during the next 3 months to bless your city, the immigrant, and the world. Kids’ activities, too! More details next weekend!