Weekend of January 23+24


What's my part to play in the grand story of God?

We often start all sorts of new rhythms in January, trying to make the best of a new year ahead of us. One thing you could do that will impact all the rhythms of your life is take the Story of God class. You’ll learn the grand story of God, how it all fits together, and how you have been given a specific purpose in God’s story. We have online and in-person options available starting in February. If you'd like more info and/or to register, please click here. We hope you'll join us.

You can just show up this weekend!
Starting this weekend, you no longer need to register in advance for any of our three weekend worship services. (On-site check-in for children will still be required for Five Oaks Kids.)

We have monitored our in-person attendance numbers since June 2020, and we have stayed within the capacity guidelines issued by Governor Walz. With the addition of our Saturday service and new Sunday service time of 10:45, our in-person attendance numbers are even evenly distributed to allow for social distancing and capacity guidelines. Our ushers do a head count at each service so we will continue to monitor the attendance and make any adjustments as needed.

Loving Your City – New Life Family Services (Impact Passport “Ready” and “Set”)
Want to make a big difference in a simple way? Bring diapers, wipes, and gently used baby clothing to the Commons January 16-31 to support New Life Family Services (NLFS) as they help those in crisis to choose life. Gift cards are also welcome! Other ways to volunteer at NLFS: cleaning, clothing distribution, cooking, administration, teaching,  coaching, and providing medical services. Interested in more info or getting involved? Email impact@fiveoakschurch.org.

High schoolers: Let’s go tubing!
Hey high schooler! Put down your device and dig out your winter gear. Invite your friends for an afternoon of snow tubing with other Five Oaks high schoolers at Green Acres in Lake Elmo. Saturday, January 30, 12:30 - 3 pm. Cost: $16 per student plus a signed waiver. Registration details in Realm. Questions? Email Henry Michael, henrymw@fiveoakschurch.org.

A new way to serve our online community
Do you love helping others feel welcome and connected? Consider joining us as an online host for our Sunday livestream services! Our online services are the front doors of our church for so many checking out Five Oaks, and serving in this role is a great way to help welcome others as they engage in our worship services online. We’ll provide training and practice. If interested in more info, please put “Online Host” on your communication card, or email Jonathan Haage at jhaage@fiveoakschurch.org.

We’d love to see your smile!
we move toward “near-normal” in Five Oaks Kids (yay for 3 worship services again!), we are looking for a few friendly faces to greet new and existing families with Five Oaks and help them get checked in when they arrive. We always need more people in classrooms, but we also would love more people willing to greet as well. If that idea feels appealing to you, please write “Greeting with Five Oaks Kids” on your communication card. Questions about serving? Please email Kelly Bauman, kbauman@fiveoakschurch.org.

The FUN has BEGUN! Sign up by FRIDAY!
The first two events of Four weeks of Fun start this weekend! Be sure to sign up by Friday for the Virtual Trivia Night — held Saturday at 8 pm, and the first two Pickleball Tournaments — Saturday’s Journeymen Summit tourney and Sunday’s Mixed Doubles at 2 pm. PRIZES are at stake here, people! Click here to register.

One way to thrive in 2021
We’re all anxious to turn the page and start fresh. As you think about new or healthy rhythms that you’d like to start in 2021, consider joining a small group. Yes, adding a new “thing” can feel overwhelming, but if we’ve learned anything in 2020, we learned that we are created to be in community. Joining a small group will prove to be life-giving. It can be a place to belong that helps bring balance and a sense of normalcy in this different season. We have groups for all life stages, meeting both online and in person, on every night of the week. Do this one thing this winter for yourself and your family. To start the process of joining a small group, please fill out our form at fiveoaks.church/small-groups.

Connected college students
Hey college students! Would you like to stay in touch with your friends from home? You can stay connected with our Five Oaks College Students Instagram site, @thrive.student.  Share your experiences with college life, get plugged in with ministries on campus, and reconnect with other students from “home.” Questions? Email impact@fiveoakschurch.org.

An exciting spring & summer in Five Oaks Students
Every Wednesday night, middle and high school students meet for fun, worship, and small groups! Five Oaks Students is a great place for students to safely thrive in a community together, whether they attend in-person or join our livestream each week. Middle school meets from 6-7:30 pm, high school from 7:30-9 pm every Wednesday starting January 6! Also, look forward to middle school Camp Getaway in June, and our high school Twin Cities Apex mission trip in July. Questions? Email Henry Michael, henrymw@fiveoakschurch.org.

Looking to share your talents?
We’d love your help in any of our Connections ministry areas (think ushers, greeters, Acorn Cafe) or in Five Oaks Kids at any of our upcoming weekend worship services. And starting next weekend, we’ll need your help on Saturday evenings as well. Lots of great ways to jump in!

Click here for opportunities to serve in Connections ministry

Click here for ways to help out in Five Oaks Kids