Weekend of March 20+21


A morning of sunshine, games and friends

Are you looking for some spring family fun? Well, it’s always warm and sunny at our Fun in the Sun Carnival at Five Oaks! Join us on April 17, 10 am-12 pm, for an event aimed at kids fifth grade and younger who love games, activities, and lots of fun with friends.

Want to hang out at this event and make it even more amazing? We’d love help from anyone middle school age and up, and – bonus – free lunch for volunteers after the event!

Space is limited and pre-registration is required. If you’re interested in attending or serving, please click here to register. Questions? Please email Kelly Bauman, kbauman@fiveoakschurch.org.

We celebrate baptisms this weekend
Join us in celebrating as the following individuals take the important step of baptism this weekend:
Caelynn Carter
Makayla Corbett
Eden Kinsey
Marshall Rasmussen

Joining us for Easter? We’ll see you in-person or on the livestream
As you make plans to celebrate Easter this year, we look forward to worshiping with you either in our building or online. Join us and rediscover the life-changing story of the cross and resurrection. No pre-registration required.

Friday, April 2, 5:30 pm –  Good Friday service

Saturday, April 3, 4:30 pm – Easter service

Sunday, April 4, 8 am, 9:30 am, 11:00 am  – Easter service

Kids’ programing available Saturday at 4:30 and Sunday at 9:30 and 11 am

Livestream available at all services except on Sunday 8 am: www.fiveoaks.church/easter

Want to join our mission?
Membership is important at Five Oaks. It’s a way of saying, “I want to be part of the mission of this local church.” If you have a personal relationship with Christ and you have completed Story of God (the class or in your small group), we would love to have you join us for this VIRTUAL membership class on Sunday, March 28, from 11 am to noon. Click here to register, and we’ll send you the Zoom link and class materials. Questions? Email Pam Hawley, phawley@fiveoakschurch.org.

$15 Global 6k registration discount!
Many children have to walk over 3 miles per day to get water, which keeps them out of school. You can do something about it! Join us on May 22 at 8 or 10 am for the Team World Vision Global 6k for Water at Colby Lake Park. Bring your family and friends to show them what’s important to you. Each registration provides lasting clean water for one person FOR LIFE. Now through April 12, you’ll enjoy a $15 per person discount by registering at www.fiveoaks.church/global-6k and using the promo code CLEANWATER. 

Our newest team to serve our online community
Our online worship services are the front door for many who are checking out Five Oaks. You could play a major part in their experience, from hosting our online chat, to engineering the audio, or following up with new people! Come be a part of this amazing team, helping engage new people to our community! (We’ll provide you with all the training and support you need!)  Email Jonathan Haage, jhaage@fiveoakschurch.org, to learn more.

Two Lent services remain: March 18+25
The gospels are filled with life-changing encounters with Jesus. They’re more than just stories. They point us to his divine nature and teach who he is and who we are in the story of God. God’s Word is an invitation for us to encounter the living God again and again. Join us for our final two Lent services on Thursday, March 18 and 25, 7 pm, in-person or online. We’ll look to scripture and dive into an encounter with Jesus, followed by guided conversation in the Acorn Commons. Childcare is provided, but registration for each week on Realm is required.

Ladies, join us for an If:Gathering experience
We are identity amnesiacs. We forget who we are and we need to be reminded of who God says we are. Ladies, come be reminded of who you are and what that means for the incredible future impact you can make in this world. Come join an IF:Gathering Experience at Five Oaks as we take the top talks of the IF:Gathering into a four-week small group on Saturdays, during our worship service, April 10-May 1. If you’d like more info or to register,  go to www.fiveoaks.church/IF-gathering. 

Middle school Camp Getaway June 8-13
It’s never too early to think about summer camp!  Our goal is to have a blast this summer, and we don’t want you to miss out! At camp, you’ll learn about Jesus, his gospel and how it impacts your story. We’ll have loads of fun, create lasting memories, make and deepen friendships, and have an action-packed week for six days at Camp Arrowhead! Click here to sign up and watch last camp’s highlight video! Questions? Please email Kyler Albert, kalbert@fiveoakschurch.org.

This summer could be a game-changer for your high schooler
What if, by the end of the summer, your high schooler developed a heart for discipleship and serving others? We have two opportunities for high schoolers that will do just that for them, all while making memories and making a difference. 1. Join us as a student leader at Middle School Camp Getaway, June 8-13. High schoolers will lead in activities, lead in cabins, and assist the adult leaders to make Camp Getaway a high-impact week for middle schoolers. 2. Join our APEX mission trip in Minneapolis this summer. This is a chance to peel back the layers of need in our own backyard and watch our high schoolers develop leadership and discipleship rhythms, rhythms that will spill into their young adult lives. Details & registration for both events are in Realm.

Click here to apply as a student leader for Camp Getaway.
Click here for more info and registration for our APEX mission trip.

Questions? Email Henry Michael, henrymw@fiveoakschurch.org.

More open gym time slots available!
Due to the over-the-top participation and enthusiasm for our open gym time during Four Weeks of Fun, we are excited to share with you that we’re extending open gym hours through the end of April. (Let’s face it: winter is far from over!) You may click here to find the time slots that fit your family’s schedule. See you in the gym!