Weekend of May 29+30


So much orange goodness!

Last Saturday, 177 of you participated in the Global 6k for Water and raised $15,650! This means that 313 people will receive clean water for life! You also invited others and showed your kids, your family, and your friends (as well as many other runners/walkers who happened along our path!) that they can be part of a bigger story and bring loving change to a world in chaos. THANK YOU!

When you come to worship this weekend, be sure to wear your orange Global 6K t-shirt so we celebrate all of the great things that came out of this event!

Mark your calendar now for next year’s Global 6K on May 21, 2022. If you register before May 31, 2021, you'll save 50 percent off your entrance fee! Click here to register. The promo code for the 50 percent savings is 6K22.

Family worship this weekend!
When you come to Five Oaks this weekend, all kids, kindergarten through grade 5, are invited to worship with their parents. We will still offer regular programming for nursery and preschool, but this is a great opportunity to engage your elementary kids in worship as a family. We will offer activity bags for families who want one.

Fun summer serve opportunity!
Minnesota summers boast beautiful weather, lots of lakes, and access to many family activities. We continue to offer a high-quality experience for all our kids all summer, which means we need 25 volunteers each weekend. Right now our staff is doing the heavy lifting of teaching, so all you need to do is have fun with the kids and shine the light of Jesus to our youngest Five Oakers. If you have a bit of time and a heart to help, please click here to find some dates that work for you! 

Get the kids outside and connect with other women
Are you interested in connecting with other women this summer? Join us for a standing playdate, every Wednesday morning at 9:30 am starting June 9, at a park, beach or backyard. We’’ll connect in conversation, let the kids play, and encourage each other to be the light of Christ in our neighborhoods. Interested? Email Ruth Madden, ruthiejam@yahoo.com, to get your name added to the notification list.

Ladies: Let’s read Romans together at the bonfire
Join us as we read the book of Romans aloud together and spend time in community prayer. We'll meet around the fire pit in Kathleen Miller's yard, with the garage as a bad weather back-up. No homework involved -- come when it works for you! We start on June 8. Email Kathleen Miller, skmiller90@gmail.com, to let her know you’re coming.

Want to join our mission?
Membership is important at Five Oaks. It’s a way of saying, “I want to be part of the mission of this local church.” If you have a personal relationship with Christ and you have completed Story of God (the class or in your small group), we would love to have you join us for this VIRTUAL membership class on Sunday, June 13, 10:45 am, in room 105. Click here to register for the class. Questions? Please email Pam Hawley, phawley@fiveoakschurch.org.

FCA Camp is coming to Five Oaks!
Students finishing 4th to 7th grade are going to have a blast
at FCA Camp this summer, July 6-9, playing games, learning new sports and discovering how we can PURSUE Jesus in all that we do–school, family, sports and play. This camp is for kids who love sports or who just love to move around. It’s highly interactive with the same station style as VBS. Campers will get an FCA t-shirt and Bible, and a snack each day. Bring a water bottle and come ready to play outside! Click here to register now in Realm. Questions? Email Kyler Albert, kalbert@fiveoakschurch.org.

FCA camp needs volunteers ages 14 through 99
Help make our FCA Camp an unforgettable week for kids by volunteering in a variety of ways: Station leader, huddle (group) leader, snack team, safety team or check-in team. You don’t need a sports background, just a love for Jesus and students. July 6-9, volunteer commitment is from 8 am to 12 noon. Registration for volunteers is open in Realm — click here to register. Interested or have further questions? Email Kyler Albert, kalbert@fiveoakschurch.org,.

Five Oaks Students: Mark your calendar for summer fun
We hope to see your middle school (MS) and high school (HS) students at these fun events this summer! JUNE: 16 & 30 – MS + HS hangout at church. JULY: 14 – HS cookout at a park. 21 – MS cookout at a park. 28 – Late summer BASH for MS + HS. AUGUST: 11 – MS bonfire. Incoming 6h graders welcome!
18 – HS bonfire. Incoming 9th graders welcome! Questions? Email Henry Michael, henrymw@fiveoakschurch.org.

Volunteers: save the date for an evening of fun at the movies
If you or your family members volunteer in any capacity at Five Oaks, we want to say “Thank you” for your willingness to jump in and help make Five Oaks a welcoming place each week. More details will follow, but mark your calendar now for the evening of Monday, August 2. You can look forward to a night out together when Five Oaks volunteers take over the movie theater! Stay tuned for specifics and registration info to come!

Welcome new members
Kyler and Laura-Paige Albert
Vance and Erica Draheim
Tana Holmblad
Andrew & Rachel Taylor