Weekend of November 27+28

He’s back!

This weekend, our beloved Pastor Love is back…with his usual caffeinated shenanigans. Be sure to show up to learn what he has up his sleeve on the heels of a big Thanksgiving feast. He promises to deliver on the latest round of Five Oaks Goodness!

Jingle Jam is this Sunday!

Join us as we shine the light of Christ during our Advent season afternoon services. Jingle Jam, November 28, kicks off our Advent services with fun and laughter for the whole family. Register here. Other Advent services are December 5, 12, and 19 at 4:30 pm.

Your old shoes can make a difference!
Got a pile of shoes you don’t need or wear? Bring them to the commons December 4-19 because we’re partnering with Shoe Away Hunger. For every one pair of new or gently-used footwear received, the Shoe Away Hunger program is able to feed one more person with up to seven days of essential groceries through their Feeding The Future programs. For more information, email Dave at impact@fiveoakschurch.org.

Ladies: Two important December events!
1. Reindeer Games December 9
Remember how fun Christmas was as a kid? Games of Monopoly and Life with your siblings, that giant tin of three different kinds of popcorn, the comfort of a warm cocoa after playing in the snow, the wonder of opening that first gift. You do so much to make Christmas special for others. Recapture that carefree spirit and fill up your Merry Meter with friends, fun and food at The Warm & Cozy Reindeer Games. Join us on Thursday, December 9, 6:30-9 pm at Five Oaks. Register here. 

2. Also...don't miss our December TABLE
Join fellow Five Oaks Women at our next TABLE gatherings,Wednesday, December 1, 9:30 am at Five Oaks Church., or Tuesday, December 7, 6:30 pm at the home of Becky Vierling, This is a potluck-style meal with fellowship and a time of guided conversation. All are welcome; invite your friends and join us for a time of connection. Register here for the Wednesday morning TABLE. Register here for the Tuesday evening TABLE. Questions? Please email women@fiveoakschurch.org.

Winning the war in your mind (Journeymen)
Starting December 11,
our men’s ministry will be starting a series called “Winning the War in Your Mind” by renowned pastor and author, Craig Groeschel. Pastor Craig says this: “Are your thoughts out of control, just like your life? Do you long to break free from the spiral of destructive thinking? Let God’s truth become your battle plan to win the war in your mind!” You will not want to miss this series!
Email Journeymen to get a registration link.

A huge thank you from Union Gospel Mission!
You heard the call from UGM – we have hungry neighbors in St. Paul who, for many reasons, cannot afford to feed their family a traditional Thanksgiving meal. Thank you, Five Oaks, for faithfully responding and donating to UGM for this effort. Because of your sacrificial giving, UGM will be able to feed at least 210 additional families this Thanksgiving! That’s 210 families, not just 210 individuals. Your blessing multiplies! Thank you!

DailyLife devotional writers needed!
Do you have a writing talent you’d like to use to shepherd others and glorify God? Are your red markup pens always at the ready? Or have you simply been blessed by our DailyLife Devotionals and would like to be a blessing in turn? If so, we invite you to write for our DailyLife Devotional team! Interested? Email Danny Martin.

Join our mission (membership)
Membership is important at Five Oaks. It’s a way of saying, “I want to be part of the mission of this local church.” If you have a personal relationship with Christ and have completed Story of God (the class or in your small group), make plans to come to the next membership class on December 12, 10:45am, in room 105. You may register for the class by clicking here. If you have further questions, please email Pam Hawley at phawley@fiveoakschurch.org.