Weekend of September 11+12

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We’re having a party this weekend!

This weekend we’re celebrating all of the ways the BLESS Campaign has been brought to life at Five Oaks. Over the past several months, for example, you’ve noticed changes each week both inside the building and on the grounds. We’ve also been able to bless a student at Hope Academy in Minneapolis and the students of Woodbury Elementary, to name a few. These changes are all made possible because you have been faithful to God in entrusting us with your gifts and donations to the BLESS Campaign. Thank you for listening to God’s lead! This weekend, you can look forward to what’s coming next!

Hearts and Hammers (Impact Passport “Set” Opportunity)
What if you knew your home and yard needed serious attention, but because of your age or physical limitations, you could do nothing about it? Frustrating and heartbreaking, right? You can both meet and help a family in this situation by participating in our Hearts and Hammers event on Saturday, September 18, at 7:45 am. Join us as we paint, landscape, and demonstrate the love of Jesus. No special skills required; ages 12 and up are welcome. Register here.

Men: Join us for pancakes!
Our men’s annual pancake breakfast is on Saturday, September 25, at 8 am. Join us for some amazing flapjacks, fun, and fellowship with new and old friends alike. Pastor Gary Dawkins, of Mercy Vineyard Church, will join us to speak on some current issues facing men in our culture today. Register here.

High schoolers: Register now for Camp Getaway
Join us October 15-17
for a high school-only weekend at Camp Getaway. We’ll play games, spend time in worship, make memories with new friends, and learn the Story of God from Pastor Henry. This is a great chance to invite your friends and help introduce them to the love of Christ! Registration is open now in Realm. Questions? Email Henry Michael, henrymw@fiveoakschurch.org.

Do you love to host a party?
We are in a season at Five Oaks of welcoming a lot of new families and guests to our worship services on the weekends. We love to see so many people seeking a new church! If you’re someone who loves to welcome people into your own home, please consider joining our Concierge Team. This team greets new folks and helps them find their way around the building, helps them get their kids landed in the right classroom, and answers any questions guests may have. Sound interesting? Email Pam Hawley for more info.

Story of God: Register now
Do you ever find the Bible confusing? Sometimes reading the Bible can feel a bit daunting: It’s a large book, small print, and many names that are hard to pronounce. Story of God is a 6-week class that will help you read the Bible with greater understanding and learn how it all fits together to tell one big story. We have several Story of God classes beginning in September and October. Click here for more info and to register.
P.S. Completing Story of God is also a requirement for membership at Five Oaks, so now is an even better time to join one of our fall sessions.

Want to join our mission?
Membership is important at Five Oaks. It’s a way of saying, “I want to be part of the mission of this local church.” If you have a personal relationship with Christ, and you have completed the Story of God Class (either in your small group or at one of our classes), we would love to have you join us for our membership class on September 19 at 10:45 in room 101. To register, click here.

Your chance to visit Hope Academy and meet our student!
Remember Hope Academy in Minneapolis? They are carrying hope to the city by providing a remarkable education to inner-city students. A portion of your Bless campaign contributions is providing tuition for one student at Hope Academy. You have the opportunity to visit Hope Academy and meet that student on Partner Day, Thursday September 30, from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm. Interested? Email impact@fiveoakschurch.org.

Do you love to write or edit? We need your talents!
Do you love shepherding others and glorifying God through the written word? Do you have a collection of red markup pens always at the ready? Or have you simply been blessed by our DailyLife devotionals and would like to be a blessing in turn? If so, we invite you to write or edit as a member of our DailyLife devotional team! For more information, email Danny Martin at dmartin@fiveoakschurch.org.

Save the date: Congregational Meeting November 7
Mark your calendar now to join us on November 7, 4 pm, at church for our annual congregational meeting. We’ll have a short business meeting followed by a time of fellowship and some light refreshments. Child care will be provided. More details to follow.