Weekend of June 4+5

Looking to connect this summer?

Summer can be a great time to meet some new friends, and we’d love to help you do that. Both our men’s and women’s ministries have some great opportunities for connection over the summer. Our men’s ministry, Journeymen, will meet every other Saturday at 7 am, starting June 11. They will meet for Bible study and fellowship at church. Our women’s ministry, Five Oaks Women, will meet for Wednesday morning park playdates, and a Tuesday evening Bible study in the backyard of one of  our volunteer leaders. Both men’s and women’s groups would love for you to show up when you can. Interested? Email Matt Karasek for info on men’s summer offering. Women’s summer info is here.

Want to join our mission?
Membership is important at Five Oaks. It’s a way of saying, “I want to be part of the mission of this local church.” If you have a personal relationship with Christ and you have completed the Story of God class, we would love to have you join us for our membership class on June 12 at 10:45 am. More info and registration here. Questions? Email Kelsey Vang.

The beauty behind VBS: Join the party this week & next!
Do you think cutting paper for Jesus sounds like a party? (We do!) If you enjoy being creative or simply have a desire to help, we have TWO dates set aside for preparing VBS decorations. You don’t need to come with a special set of skills. A willingness to help is perfection! Join us on June 5 and 12. We’ll start this party at 1 pm in the gym. Please RSVP for this soiree by emailing Kelly Bauman.

Imagine if you’d never heard of Jesus?
Does it concern you that 1.3 billion people in India have not heard of Jesus? Does it concern you that so many children in India suffer because of lack of adequate shelter, clean water and proper nutrition? If the answer to any of those questions is YES, please prayerfully consider joining the Five Oaks team to launch a dy Want more info? Email Dave Baar. 

You can run, but you can’t hide from Henry Michael and Kyler this summer
Your students can look forward to several fun events and an ongoing Bible study planned for Wednesdays during the summer. We won’t meet every week, so be sure to check the schedule here. Questions? Email Kyler or Henry Michael. 

Interested in a college-aged small group?
If you are a college student home for the summer, or a college-aged student living in the Twin Cities, and you’d like to create community with other people in your life stage, consider joining our college-aged small group. Details are still emerging, but if you’d like to help lead or get involved, email Jonathan Haage.

Our church is growing!
We all need relationships centered on Jesus to grow in our faith. And maybe you have been thinking about how you can be a part of leading or facilitating those relationships in our church family. If so, we need you! We would love to have you explore the idea of leading groups in your home or at church through our small groups, men’s, or women’s ministries. If that’s you, email Jonathan Haage to explore possible next steps.

Bless Your City Grants
One offshoot of our BLESS Campaign is our Bless Your City Grants.  These grants are designed to help Five Oaks small groups meet important needs in their city -- to serve their community in the name of Jesus. The objective is to develop an ongoing relationship with those who need to experience God's love, hope, and provision. Through serving together, the small group can also strengthen their bond as a community of believers while they shine the light of Jesus to their neighbors. Bless your City Grants are intended to help defray the cost of a project or need. Questions? Or do you have a project in mind? Email Dave Baar.  

New member candidates
Anderson & Ligiane Vieira