Weekend of May 28+29

271 lives changed!

Remember that day we painted Colby Lake Park orange in our Global 6K t-shirts as we walked and ran for clean water? That was a great day! 258 Five Oakers (and neighbors and friends) raised $13,530 just by walking that distance together. That means that 271 people will receive clean water for life! Thank you for coming out and participating in a day of church community at the park for this important cause. And thank you to our many volunteers who made it possible! Mark your calendar now for next year’s Global 6k on May 20, 2023. If you register before May 31, you save 50 percent off your entrance fee! More info here.

PS If you own an orange Global 6K t-shirt from this year or any other previous year, please wear it to church this weekend!

The beauty behind VBS
Do you think cutting paper for Jesus sounds like a party? (We do!) If you enjoy being creative or simply have a desire to help, we have TWO dates set aside for preparing VBS decorations. You don’t need to come with a special set of skills. A willingness to help is perfection! Join us on June 5 and 12. We’ll start this party at 1 pm in the gym. Please RSVP for this soiree by emailing Kelly Bauman.

Want to join our mission?
Membership is important at Five Oaks. It’s a way of saying, “I want to be part of the mission of this local church.” If you have a personal relationship with Christ and you have completed the Story of God class, we would love to have you join us for our membership class on June 12 at 10:45 am. More info and registration here. Questions? Email Kelsey Vang.

Ladies: Two easy ways to connect this summer
Summer is a great time to refresh and relax from your normal routine, but we still want to connect and grow with you this summer. Ladies, join us for two easy ways to meet new people and grow deeper with other women this summer: 1. Tuesday evening Bible discussions, outdoors at Louise Sampson’s house, no homework. Starts June 7, 6:30-8 pm. 2. Wednesday playdates at the park, 9:30-11:30 am, starting June 15. Come to either when you can! More details here.

May is national foster care awareness month
In Washington County alone, over 100 children entered foster care in 2021. Caring for hurting children and families is one of God’s desires of us. Our Foster Care Ministry is growing at Five Oaks, and we want to help your family or small group make a difference! There are many ways you can help these kids and the families who stand in the gap for them. Reach out to Will & CarrieAnn Standfest for more info: foster@fiveoakschurch.org.

Pssst. You with the red pens.
Do you love shepherding others through the written word? Do you perhaps find yourself silently editing the restaurant menu? Or have you simply been blessed by our DailyLife Devotionals and would like to be a blessing in turn? If so, we invite you to write or edit as a member of our DailyLife Devotional team! For more information, email Danny Martin.

Interested in a college-aged small group?
If you are a college student home for the summer, or a college-aged student living in the Twin Cities, and you’d like to create community with other people in your life stage, consider joining our college-aged small group. Details are still emerging, but if you’d like to help lead or get involved, email Jonathan Haage.

New member candidates

Anderson & Ligiane Vieira

Our church is growing!
We all need relationships centered on Jesus to grow in our faith. And maybe you have been thinking about how you can be a part of leading or facilitating those relationships in our church family. If so, we need you! We would love to have you explore the idea of leading groups in your home or at church through our small groups, men’s, or women’s ministries. If that’s you, email Jonathan Haage to explore possible next steps.

You can run, but you can’t hide from Henry Michael and Kyler this summer
Even though we’re having a year-end party on May 25 (6-7:30 pm for middle school; 7:30-9 for high school), we still have several fun events and an ongoing Bible study planned for Wednesdays during the summer. We won’t meet every week, so be sure to check the schedule and mark it in your calendar by going to www.fiveoaks.church/students. Questions? Email Kyler or Henry Michael. 

Make a difference in the life of a child this summer
We Minnesotans know that summer is short and glorious, and we try to pack as much into the warm months as possible. Because of increased travel, we need more volunteers to step in and help out in Five Oaks Kids during the summer. Summer is a great time to try serving in the cutest wing of our church, even if it’s just once a month! Interested? Email Kelly Bauman. (Anyone middle school-aged or older is welcome to volunteer!)  As always, we promise adorable children, delicious coffee and the chance to spread the love of Jesus. 

Help wanted: Connections Team (inquire within)
Do you find yourself curiously available on the third weekend of each month? If so, we’d love your smile and willing hands to step in and serve on almost any Connections team (Greeter, Usher, Acorn Cafe, Concierge), either Saturdays or Sundays. We encourage you to shadow on any of these teams before you decide to jump in. Curious? Want to help us make a third weekend dream team? Put “Connections” on your connect card or email Pam Hawley.

Do you love chalk art?
If you love lettering or sketching in chalk, we’d love for you to share your talents with our Chalkboard Art Team. This team creates the chalkboards in our commons spaces for weekend promotions and special events. This is a great “serve-on-your-schedule” opportunity! Interested? Email Peg Benson.