Weekend of October 1+2

Events your students won’t want to miss

Fall is a time of new rhythms in school, church, and our families. Within the busyness of the season, Five Oaks Students has two opportunities for students to grow deeper in community and in their relationship with Jesus. High school Camp Getaway, November 11-13, will be in a new location this year! We will be taking over Ironwood Springs Ranch, where students will participate in all the great camp traditions: lots of community building, great food, and skit night! Middle school Pumpkinfest, November 18, is also a great opportunity for students to invite their friends to an incredible event chock full of pumpkin games, food, and a llama named Bo. High schoolers are even invited to help serve at the event! Register for either event here.

Way to be the hands and feet of Jesus!

Last weekend, 51 volunteers (including 17 youth!) served at our annual Hearts and Hammers event organized by Journeymen. They painted, repaired a deck, laid brick, trimmed trees, and did landscaping for a homeowner who’d been on the waiting list for 4 years. The work done is impressive, but more important is the lasting impact of the love and conversations with the homeowner, who, at the end of the day said, “I’m not going to cry in front of you, but when you leave I probably will.” Thank you, Five Oaks volunteers!

Last call for baptisms and dedications
Our next Faith Milestone celebration is coming up on October 29 and 30 during weekend worship services. If you’re interested in participating, either through family dedication of your children, or through baptism of your older kids or yourself, we’d love to have your family join us. Email Kelly Bauman if you’re interested. Last call to register is October 8.

Serve with your own creativity...from home
Whether you write in your work or simply enjoy journaling, have you ever considered using your talents to write for our DailyLife team? This team creates our daily devotionals at Five Oaks. These short devotionals are loosely tied to our sermon series and arrive in email inboxes Monday-Friday. If you’d like more info, please email Danny Martin.

Love kids? Got one hour each week to mentor?
Kids Hope USA brings joy and hope to struggling kids at Woodbury Elementary School. Each volunteer mentor spends one hour each week with their student, playing games, helping with reading or math, or even just catching up on their life. Many times, this student: mentor relationship is a turning point for the mentored students. Interested? Email khusa@fiveoakschurch.org. Also check out our table in the commons the weekend of October 8+9.

Equipping you to reach kids and teens well
Whether you’re volunteering at church, at school, or just hosting the neighborhood kids at your house, we know that sometimes it feels like behavior management is the main idea rather than connection, teaching and fun. Sometimes behaviors are overwhelming and you wish you had more tools in your pocket to love and help the kids you serve. Join us on October 8, 8:30 am-12 pm, for training with Ryan and Kayla North, national trainers who specialize in helping adults lead kids well who have experienced trauma at a level that affects behavior choices. This event is free and open to the public. Questions? Email foster@fiveoakschurch.org . Register here.

Your 5 year-old can help feed the world
Did you know that packing meals at Feed My Starving Children is available to kids as young as 5 years old? Bring your family (and your neighbors!) to pack meals that will be distributed all around the world. We reserved double the time slots available to make it extra fun! October 29, FMSC in Eagan. First packing session will start at 9:45 am; second session starts at 11:30 am. Register here.

Help wanted: Small Group Leaders
Do you love to help new people connect in relationships? Do you love helping facilitate people growing in their faith? Small groups are one of the major ways we connect with our church family and grow in our faith. If you are interested in helping lead or co-lead a small group, we would love to help you do that. We have training and resources to ensure you are equipped and prepared to lead well! Email Jonathan Haage for more info.

Find your place in God’s story
The Bible tells one great story. And knowing this great story helps us to really understand more of the Bible as we read it and see it in its greater context. Come join one of our Story of God classes this fall to get a Biblical overview in six weeks and experience more understanding as you come to Scripture in your daily life. Multiple classes are starting in September and October. You can register now for our fall Story of God classes here.

It’s Bible Translation Day! Sign up for the 12-verse challenge

What would your life look like if you didn’t have access to a Bible? For over 3700 language groups across the globe, this is their daily reality. Through the 12VC initiative, 11 of the leading Bible translation agencies are working together to translate and deliver scriptures to all people. The end of this effort is in sight and Five Oaks is partnering with 12VC to accelerate the timeline. To learn more about how you can help, go to: https://www.12vc.com/five-oaks-church.

Congregational Meeting: Save the date!

Join us November 13 at 4 pm for our annual congregational meeting. You can look forward to worship, a short business meeting, and updates on what’s new and upcoming in our ministries. More info to follow, but for now, mark your calendar!

New member candidates

Steve Kopischke
Phil & Bernie Vargas
Danny Martin & Sara Pottinger