Weekend of September 24+25

Remember when the gym was just a gym?

Not long ago we predicted that one day, our student ministry would need to use the gym for more than just “fun and games” because they had outgrown our space. That day is here! Thanks to the BLESS Campaign, launched in 2020, we’ve been able to make some much-needed updates to our building to accommodate church growth and growth within the community. This weekend we’ll learn more details on the current state of BLESS, and how these funds are also being used to welcome our neighbors and impact our community and the world around us. There’s still time to be part of this incredible movement within Five Oaks! Email John Eiselt for more info.

Faith milestone classes this weekend: Join us!
We want to partner with you in your children’s faith journey. If you have a young child and want to have them dedicated at church, join our next Dedication Class on September 25 at 9 am. If you have a child or student interested in Communion and/or Baptism, join us at 10:45 that same day. For more info on either of these, email Kelly Bauman. (And yes! Walk-ups are welcome!) Our next Faith Milestone Celebration will be on October 29 & 30 during worship services.

Equipping you to reach kids and teens well
Whether you’re volunteering at church, at school, or just hosting the neighborhood kids at your house, we know that sometimes it feels like behavior management is the main idea rather than connection, teaching and fun. Sometimes behaviors are overwhelming and you wish you had more tools in your pocket to love and help the kids you serve. Join us on October 8, 8:30 am-12 pm, for training with Ryan and Kayla North, national trainers who specialize in helping adults lead kids well who have experienced trauma at a level that affects behavior choices. This event is free and open to the public. Questions? Email foster@fiveoakschurch.org . Register here.

Your 5 year-old can help feed the world

Did you know that packing meals at Feed My Starving Children is available to kids as young as 5 years old? Bring your family (and your neighbors!) to pack meals that will be distributed all around the world. We reserved double the time slots available to make it extra fun! October 29, FMSC in Eagan. First packing session will start at 9:45 am; second session starts at 11:30 am. Register here.

Serve with your own creativity...from home
Whether you write in your work or simply enjoy journaling, have you ever considered using your talents to write for our DailyLife team? This team creates our daily devotionals at Five Oaks. These short devotionals are loosely tied to our sermon series and arrive in email inboxes Monday-Friday. If you’d like more info, please email Danny Martin.

Help wanted: Small Group Leaders
Do you love to help new people connect in relationships? Do you love helping facilitate people growing in their faith? Small groups are one of the major ways we connect with our church family and grow in our faith. If you are interested in helping lead or co-lead a small group, we would love to help you do that. We have training and resources to ensure you are equipped and prepared to lead well! Email Jonathan Haage for more info.

Find your place in God’s story
The Bible tells one great story. And knowing this great story helps us to really understand more of the Bible as we read it and see it in its greater context. Come join one of our Story of God classes this fall to get a Biblical overview in six weeks and experience more understanding as you come to Scripture in your daily life. Multiple classes are starting in September and October. You can register now for our fall Story of God classes here.

DIVORCE CARE: Help when you need it most
Divorce is one of the most painful experiences couples face. So many emotions. So many challenges. You don't have to go through it alone. DivorceCare offers support, answers, and practical tools to help you manage the many stresses of separation and divorce and find healing. If you could use help, DivorceCare is for you. Sign up for the group hosted at Five Oaks that starts on Monday, October 3. If you can't make the first one or two, you can still jump in at anytime. For more information and to register, go to divorcecare.com and "find a group."

Important dates for fall in Five Oaks Students
It’s time to mark your calendar for two important fall traditions in Five Oaks Students! November 11-13 is our high school Fall Camp Getaway 2.0. Students are staying at a new location this fall (Ironwood Springs Christian Ranch), and they can look forward to digging deeper in community, friendships, and relationship with God. Middle schoolers can look forward to the long-standing custom of fall games and smashing fun at Middle School Pumpkinfest on November 18. Stay tuned for details and registrations for both of these!

In Sympathy

Please join us as we lift up Wes and Marge Lindberg in prayer. They are mourning the loss of Marge’s father.